Who is still HODLing?
Very Much Comfy
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Bought atl, feels good man
I think anything < $150 very much still a buy.
hmm.. wondering if I should buy LTC or BTC when BTC price goes to sub 7k again...
What's your reason for hodling LTC over BTC aside from the obvious transactional reasons?
What's your reason for holding LTC over BTC. LTC is closely tied to BTC. Every dollar increse worth higher percentage than BTC. The community is deluded as hell they believe in all kind of hype LitePay, Lee's "huge surprise", and HODL meme
Comfy 30% of total portfolio
In since 40$
>3000$ by end of summer
Screen cap this you fags
so LitePay wasn't the "huge surprise"?
not for long filthy gentile
Yep. Bought LTC at $315, but it could go to zero and i wouldn't give a fuck to be honest
Crypto as an actual currency is useless until there comes a solution to scalability and volatility. So many good projects out there that it's retarded to put it in LTC.
Loaded up at $111 last night.
Delusion See . That's why LTC is a good buy
LitePay gave LTC a nice pump. the "Huge Surprise" could give a nicer bounce to collect off of. I feel more into LTC at this point knowing that
Done. I'll be gloating along with you.
You can't find that many coins which hodlers are willing to burn themself to the ground if it doesn't make it.
What do you mean it gave it a pump? It's live?
Alzacz the largest EU etailer with electronics just started accepting #litecoinpayments.
Aliant adds Litecoin support to their merchant solutions. This is e-commerce and most importantly also point of sale with Poynt terminal integration!
We've added Litecoin to the NC Exchange. Users are now able to deposit, withdraw and trade LTC for supported fiat and cryptocurrencies with other users. Also, users can use Litecoin to make payments to merchants who use the NetCents payment gateway.
CRYPTOCURRENCY NEWS: HUGE Litecoin announcement – ‘gamechanger’ LitePay to launch in days
LTC because of the all fucking great news lately.
how high can it go?
This crash will kill off this half-assed BTC fork, dump while you still can
Right now LTC news are hidden behind the FUD and FOMO related to btc.
I think we will see 0.05 btc/ltc within the next couple weeks whatever is BTC value.
Yeah, that's the state of Litecoiner
> /b/ logic
> wow lets all invest in FUN, TRX, ICX which aren't even complete
> bash coins with actual use purposes
you're all retarded. lol
This one?
LTC/USD (+5.05%)
BTC/USD (+1.10%)
know what you buy
Should have bought 5 more yesterday..
Part of that is because US Senate is okay with Crypto
1K LTC hodl'ed since 2013. Ironest of hands. Come at me
Also EU seems crypto positive after talking to EESC members.
I still believe when the stock market crash. Greed will drive people to crypto
Maybe. Depends on how people’s assets are structured. A collosal crash could divert money away from cryptos as people try and snatch up cheap stocks. Alternatively, the crypto crash may be what’s causing the market to dip as money exits stocks to buy crypto at 75% off. The latter seems more likely.
A genuine crash caused by a systemic credit crunch would see everything fall as people scramble to safe havens and to withdraw cash to pay their bills.
I'm looking more for individual investors that rely on apps like robinhood and cuckbase. These people are not financially wise.