Game over ?
Game over ?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's right
Everyone is doubling down one way or another
peak boomer post
ask that
Sorry I only listen to Carl Icahn
Imagine being famous for being a cunty trader only for Crypto to eclipse everything you did, with literal braindead 4channers becoming millionaires
I’d be salty too
This slimy asshole wants to make money or is projecting his own disgusting character on cryptos.
This guy obviously doesn't understand blockchain technology.
scammer tells people to stop scam people hahah i love this world man
>Wolf of Wall Street
Some tech illiterate nobody nocoiner is claiming that crypto is coming to an end. Why do you think this is worth making a thread OP?
I'm looking at his argument and you know he isn't wrong. A lot of cryptocurrencies right now are fucking useless. However there are maybe 5 crypto projects in this entire space that show great promise.
Regardless of what happens this guy doesn't know shit, he's trying to profit off this post one way or another
Fake and gay
If you listen to this guy, you can't be helped. Selling now would be the most fucking retard thing you could do.
>thread immediately fills up with reddit crypto cultists
You're all insane
>I am not saying this because I have inside information or anything
AHAHA what a jerkoff. He could have skipped all of that and just said "buy high sell low."
So a guy that made his fame and fortune selling air to people is telling us to sell. Can things get any more bullish than that?
US Senate hearing into crypto regulations
>I am not saying this because I have inside information or anything
feels like he does
>sell all your coins, goyim
> taking financial advice from a paranoid coke addict
Listening to anyone but yourself is insane you fucking cultist
I’m more bullish after reading his post. Been stagger buying since 7.5k broke.
no link to this post
Isnt the guy a scammy pos so when he fuds you should buy?
>A lot of cryptocurrencies right now are fucking useless. However there are maybe 5 crypto projects in this entire space that show great promise.
stop being stupid
they're all completely useless
one day, one coin might get implemented in highway vending machines and then it will skyrocket in value because it's the only coin that is usable for anything at all
until that day, these coins are all 100% bullshit worthless and entirely built upon speculation
he has insider info OMG
Third post best post.
>i don't understand technology
>must be ponzi
>t. Boomer
Thanks I just bought after reading this post
that guy made a video with Tai Lopez .... rly credible
Notice he doesnt give an exact reason other than
>its finna drop
I think im good
Buy high sell low
It's the future
You don't understand shit, why do you pretend that you do? There are software projects out there actively using Ethereum's smart contracts. Just don't talk about things you don't understand.
The only way to really make money is to be like him. Trade with other people's money, get rich of the fees
dumb nocoiners have been predicting a crash since 1k
oh ok cool we're only 600% up now
if you start calling the top at any point in time you can't very well retroactively pretend only your last prediction applies
and if you only started calling the top at 20k, then you've basically hopped on a bandwagon of naysayers and deserve as much credit as someone tweeting "#blacklivesmatter" or #openborders" in 2018
let bitcoin drop BELOW 1k and then nocoiners will have a point
Trade cryptocurrency that is
>4 month ago , get out of crypto
best advice wolf keep it up
Crypto is not just currencies you retard. Jesus what an embarrassing post.
What would you guys say the top 5 most useful cryyptos are? My guess would be something like:
1. ETH
2. XMR
3. XLM
4. XRP
5 BTC(?) or OMG
yeah let me just go and do some freelance work right now with a crypto contract because those are so widely adopted, right?
Can‘t find it on his twitter
But he is a greedy little asshole who sells shit through his name to poor fags on his twitter
Chainlink, Request, powr... those are three of the top of my mind that could, and will in my opinion, change finance and our lives.
>braindead tech illiterate scammer posting on facebook to get niggers and other goyim to sell
>doesn't give a reason other than just trying to scare people as much as possible with all words no substance
extremely bullish right now.
are you able to fathom buying in low or are you too stupid and only will buy in when your mum sees an ad on facebook?
>yeah let me just go and do some freelance work right now with a WWW site because those are so widely adopted, right?
this is how brainded nocoiners are
>cellphone are not widely adopted
this technology is at its infancy you dumbass I think you are just salty because you are limited
>4channers becoming millonaires
Those are all liars user
dow will drop and then moon immediately after to shake the extra soft hands that were waiting for 930
ding ding
cryptos coming back up too.
btc will stop at 10k in the day
>I'll be releasing a videotape
boomer detected, opinion discarded.
what a fucking bitch.
Isn't that common knowledge.. long time ago? It has been all about WHEN to jump the ship. You have to be a true nigger if you believe it was nothing more than gamble.
I bought groceries everyday, a laptop, two flights and a hotel room for three days in January using bitcoin. Fuck off newfag.
even if either of you are right about the technology in general
it's extremely likely that zero of the currently existing projects will be the one to revolutionize anything
>shorts crypto
>attempts to come up with the most extreme FUD post he can
It's so obvious.
Enough said.
chainlink is going to revolutionize finance as soon as this year
He is 100% right.
biz still in denial. cute.
Blockchain technology is not useful at all in the real world. Centralised databases are fine. These cryptocurrency companies don't do anything in the real world
how is he right if he said 4 month ago crypto was bad? in my eyes this makes him an idiot and not the visionary prophet you weeb think he is
I remember the same thread just like 1 year ago
well whatever.
He said he'll release a "video tape". He doesn't even understand digital video technology.
You really think THIS TIME its road to 0? How can you be so reatded... Remember this and if it won't kill cryptos, then you must claim in front of mirror that you are dumbass. Either way I will.
smart contracts would be useful if we could use them in the real world
the rest is vaporvare, filled with buzzwords to attract stupid normies
chain link?
yes, bubble. yes, overbought. yes, 99.9% have zero actual use or utility. But it’s the underlying technology. I was convinced as soon as I saw my money move from one account to another and it didn’t take a bank 3 days to dick around.
Also, getting advice from market washouts who have motivational speaking businesses now because “muh ponzi” didn’t pan out is total retard class.
if they manage to pull off what they plan it could be great
you guys understand this happens all the fucking time right? every time BTC made record gains it it went down more then it went up. Im picking up more at the bottom.
When they turn the trading bots back on you guys are going to be so mad you went with the panic
I'm just shocked at how little most of know about blockchain
why did you invest into this? Its very obv that you guys have no fucking idea about it.
What is with the STD ridden limp dick on top of that logo ?
btc 50k eoy
of course not. that is why the cryptoniggers are funny. your local taxi drivers investing in gold. these faggots here investing with their credit cards couldn't even hello world in python if they really tried, but they discuss about solid foundation of smart contracts that has 1 nigger contributer or github and literally 3 lines of code.
>made a film about me
>worked for wall street
>got arrested and imprisoned for fraud
>still works in business
>crypto may one day eat up a chunk of his business
>comes out against crypto
>trustworthy source
reverse psychology mate, makes you think
"what if he does?" don't fall for it.
Do you believe in your investments? Did you do your own research? If so, don't let the fucking wolf at your door in, stay strong, hodl.
this guy hates crypto for no reason.
also shady as fuck. if he’s so smart why did he lose everything? I wouldn’t trust that dipshit half an inch
wishful thinking
I'd rather see it goes to zero than following advice from punk ass bitch like him =^)
Couldnt be more wrong
Masterful FUD
Truly /ourjew/
>calling this a boomer post
>acting like boomers don't still control the global financial markets
oh user...
My nigger, Never heard of HST, but the rest are spot on!
>new currency technology shows up
>no one has any idea if it's useful
>turns out it's pretty nifty, but people keep laughing
>keeps rising in value
>people stop laughing
>suddently it starts looking like a manageable alternative to central banking
>rasises to it's highest peak ever
>millioners are made, people go crazy over bitcoin
>bankers are starting to sweat heavily
>suddenly all the media and "business experts" are against *coins
>muh ponzi scheme
>muh free fall any time now
>people on facebook shouting sell sell sell
Really activates those almonds huh?
Yes yes 4 chins. This is a man who made HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS from virtually nothing of course he doesn't know what he's talking about. A man who scammed people for a living is telling you you're being scammed. Keep holding your internet monopoly money that keeps losing value in the billions every day. Oh and all the other renowned nobel prize winning economists are talking shit too, they're just trying to spread FUD so they can buy eth and ripple and sell it for a killing. PEAK. DENIAL
>trusting some ex con out of the loop failed wallstreet broker who was scamming old people and a cheating degenerate drug addict
might as well take financial advice from the always drunk crazy homeless
BTC will go to 1k, we already know that
>centralized databases are fine.
>has no use in the real world.
Ever had your centralized database hacked, user?
I'd sooner take financial advice from DiCaprio than him tbqh.
>suddently it starts looking like a manageable alternative to central banking
False, the reason why it shot up was because normies salivating at the get rich quick scheme the initial rise was done by chinks. No one but the people who were using it to buy drugs thought of it as an alternative for central banking
>Rocket sled to hell
Fucking kek
I've met penty of people in the past year and a half that take *coins as a serious alternative to central banking.
But I admit most normies have no idea about this possibiity, they were just getting a hard-on for easy gains.
Trump also made millions out of nothing went to an elite university and the left media hates him and doesn’t give a shit about what he says.
Who cares about this guy now?
You should know he ratted out his co workers and people working for him to cut a deal and only spend 24 months in jail.
He was such a shit broker that he resorted to literal scams, He might be a great sells man but that doesn't make him an expert in crypto.
Jordan Ross Belfort is an American author, motivational speaker, and former stockbroker. In 1999, he pleaded guilty to fraud and related crimes in connection with stock-market manipulation and running a boiler room as part of a penny-stock scam.
Yes most crypto is a scam. So are the vast majority of conventional financial instruments including penny stocks, health insurance, property insurance, retail shareholding, deposit banking etc.
It was not always so maybe but it is now. So I accept his point but it is equally valid in the non crypto financial world. I don't need to attack the messenger, the messengers own scammy life did that already.
Finaly an useful idiot. In other words BTC was not a groundbraker, there were dozens of similar projects around. NSA, Russians, Germans you call it, whoever created it was planning something shady, but the real reason why BTC take off among others was due drug dealers using it. SilkRoad was the truly reason the coin gain liquidity.
It has passed almost a decade and there are no visible services or products you can buy with BTC now. A few random ones, but not the next door local.
Now there are more suitable coins for drug dealing than BTC, with less fees and more anonimity.