So when it's all said and done what will this crash be named?
So when it's all said and done what will this crash be named?
The first correction of 2018
Pink season
normies caused this crash, so name it after them
that time we got Kike'd
The crash that killed crypto.
Correction of current year
just a little dip
the 2018 normiepocalypse
tendie crash
The end
the Donald Drumpf Killz Amerikkka Krash of 2018
the fuk
is this ylyl thread?
i just lost
The Normie Shake-Off
The Wojak Depression
Normie purge of 2018
The 30 year depression
The no-coiner's respite
millionaire autistic overlords enslave debtor normies circa 2018
The stormin norman
i think we named it last night, it's the normie crash
The first sell off the awareness phase.
functionvideos, is that you?
Remember that crypto thing that died in 2018
The good times - before the real crash.
the bear trap unironically
The Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo
It will just be 'the crypto bubble'. Just like the dotcom bubble.
The dippening