>korea spread FUD
>europe spread FUD
>russia spread FUD
>india spread FUD
>America saves crypto
Holy fucking shit, do we have to do everything for you 3rd world retards? Time to save the world, again.
>korea spread FUD
>europe spread FUD
>russia spread FUD
>india spread FUD
>America saves crypto
Holy fucking shit, do we have to do everything for you 3rd world retards? Time to save the world, again.
Other urls found in this thread:
>>europe spread FUD
> The Commission has just launched the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum with the support of the European Parliament
NECK yourself jewish piece of nigger shit.
Haven't heard of any FUD from Europe or Korea recently.
>europe spread FUD
You Paco's are really retarded, aren't you?
Europe is not really spreading FUD. It's mostly bankers that fud.
Once again the West saves the world
No one is going to save BTC. This is literally just a rally due to hype. Sell while you can.
merkel, may and macron would beg to differ
Are you stupid? LOL. Korea started the crash in the first place
nobody cares about what these niggers say
I missed the news what happened?
t. Salty no-coiner who panic sold at the bottom
No media did. We knew about the banning of anonymous accounts since december. Media just helped to spin their news to sink crypto
fuck off mutt kike lover
This is wrong. Europe said hell yes. America said Hell yes. China is now a position where it risks being left behind if it doesn't say hell yes.
they will say yes tomorrow and BTC will go back to 9k tomorrow screencap this.
>>europe spread FUD
Lul what?
Greetings from Europe. Thank you weak handed cucks for saving us.
we did our part, now do yours when we go to sleep tonight