Congress mentions blockchain tech is in cell phone infancy and needs something to connect it to real world applications

>congress mentions blockchain tech is in cell phone infancy and needs something to connect it to real world applications

That's why they created Chainlink.

based congress subliminally shilling chainlink




i only have ~2000 links

please tell me i can still be kind of rich guys ;_;


I only have 1656
t. poor fag
Is there any hope for me?

i have 500. maybe not rich but we have plenty of room for passive income in nodes.

>there are people who do not see how important ChainLink is

>promises a return for holding chainklink tokens
>not a security

>when you already saw the proverbial writing on the metaphorical shithouse wall and went long on the very solution already being created by the ultimate central interbanking authority for the problem which government is only now becoming dimly aware of

dang i didnt know warry said that woah
we're going to be ballers


You’ll definitely be able to get a new Ford Focus.

Did they actually say this, OP? Or just the part about cell phones?

We're mooning tonight boys.
Strap in.

I really hope not. If 500 link is enough for bidding on contracts and staking then nowhere near enough link is going to be locked up for significant price appreciation.

but it won't be link, nobody would bother buying an ERC20 token for every data transfer.

>he still doesn’t know

Nigga it doesn't pay dividends, you get paid for doing work. We're contractors n sheit
