Ahhhhhh, what the fuck do I do, never get married Veeky Forums

Ahhhhhh, what the fuck do I do, never get married Veeky Forums

if this isn't a LARP, your decision making is garbage

Chop her up. they cant talk once they're chopped up. It seems to work pretty well for clinton.

Come on Todd sell it.
Sell us that Skyrim again this time in 4K perhaps?

Dump your bag on Brad user. Get the fuck out of there.

women don't talk like that. Make a better larp you fag.

>mfw supportive wife who believes in Cypto more than I even do some days

Bruh why u marry roaste

Photoshop a sell order.
Make a small sell then photoshop two more zeroes on the end.

>posting messages written by you

shit larp.
If by any chance this isn't larp, divorce that dumb whore

me too man

Oh hi Artour

Terrible larp. It sounds like you have no idea how normal people talk.

just kys and end your own misery op

>getting cucked by a literal Brad

>mfw asian wife convinced me to go all in on eth early last year

feels good

Brad ~= Chad
larp confirmed.


The fucking bull started msg'ing me, they're gonna bully me into selling

FUCK where did u get that convo screenshot?
delete please liol

this is the most autistic larp I have ever seen and I've seen a lot of them

>divorce her and move it all into monero

Fucking uber larp

>Your wife knows someone named "Brad"

This is a larp. HOWEVER I am married and have slept in a different room voluntarily for the past year and a half. I play vidya and watch anime all night and go fuck my wife in the morning. It's better that way.

LARPs are getting more elaborate each day.

when no coiner is right for the first goddamn time, but only by luck... it's really the right decision to sell now before going

Fake as fuck but I still want to see what happens

I hate to say this-- but her and brad probably bad mouth you a lot at work, it probably goes like this

>brad: is user still being an asshole?
>your wife: ugh, brad, you have no idea how maddening it is! He just doesn't get it.
>brad: that's such a shame, you deserve so much better. just look at you, you're gorgeous
>your wife: teehee, bradley. stop. you're so funny

Get out your gun and defend your property user.

Step 1: Put every dollar you have in crypto, store it in binance exchange because that's in china

Step 2: Hide your laptop from Brad

Step 3: Divorce that cunt ASAP

Step 4: Wait a year when crypto 20xes, sell and live in lamboland away from THOTs

uniroincally this. I know OP is full of shit but I want to see how this ends even though it's not actually happening.

>asian wife
beta detected

>mfw my wife asks how the cryptos are doing and i tell her they're down 80% and we both laugh because i've already taken out my initial investment and then some because i'm not retarded

>it doesn't exist a single woman in the world that would write that, and this is absolutely true
I don't have a brainlet picture of the required caliber.

obviously fake and all but you were already threatened you could call the police now instead of engaging in a conversation youre too stupid to win

ahh im so angry after seeing this convo..just kidding. fuck off with your obvious fake convo you cryptoqueer

>ill divorce you so fast

This is really sad. You have no clue how normal human conversation works. kys rn.

>not asian wife

Todd detected. Good luck with Brad.

next time use a bull name thats not already a meme

tokyo, not china.

This shit should be dealt with by a permanent range ban. Everyone who even shares an ISP should have to suffer from your faggotry.

sounds suspiciously like chad

i love these larps, todd is basically the future of half of Veeky Forumstards, the other half will die lonely but thats still ebtter

Dubs Brad steals his wife and coins

You should send me your private key I'll keep it safe :^)


Dumb fucking LARP who the fuck buys this shit. Oh yeah, degenerates with no life on this board.

That's not how you speak to a guy trying to cuck you tell him if he speaks to your wife or even dares to come over he will end up with broken legs

>he will end up with broken legs
From the frenzied dick sucking by OP and his wife, you mean.

>tell my gf I'm worried about the dip
>she calls me a pussy and tells me to buy more
I don't deserve it this good


Hope it's a larp, a man can't be humiliated to this level. If not a larp you are a pussy, i would get my wife in the car and leave in front of that man house

cool larp

keep going

First it was your gf, now she's your wife?

Lol how much of a sad khv robot do you have to be to make this

dont worry OP, I appreciate your larp thread. mirin your high sentience to craft this thread into what it is. I will learn from you when I make my next larp thread soonish

>The virgin thread
>The Chad story
>The Brad LARP

They got married between posts

>what the fuck do I do

If I were her, I'd be fucking Brad

>We are literally audience to some autists cuckold fantasy roleplay
Get me out of this board

>the Chad marriage
How will Brad even compete with OP????

In op's case probably


Deep down you want to see OP suck Brad’s dick in exchange for keeping his crypto. Plot twist: he’s all in on BZC.

shits getting tense, I might take my laptop to my moms house for a couple days, they dont know the address. she might get off my ass if the bull market returns

BZC? OP you dirty, dirty slut.


fuck brad

be honest, do you have an erection while making all this up?

Add me to your convo annon. Im coming to your house, fucuking your wife and her soyboi in the anus and then shorting your shitcoins at 100x leverage. We all gonna make it bro.



Can you try to make it more realistic? You're ruining the immersion and I'm getting soft.

Take the hard drive out and hide THAT somewhere.

>getting tense
>acting all friendly in one image
>calling you a nerd and threatening you the next

your larp is getting fucking worse every time you post a new one. fucking pathetic. kill yourself moron

more like the bull comes for you, user

What is this, a gadu-gadu number?

Basically that is strong arm robbery and BOTH will be in jail. If this is true. Save the texts.

unironically this. I'm trying to have my afternoon fap here.

worst larp ever

man this thread is hilarious

>Letting women get involved with your money

>if this isn't a LARP,

does someone need to hold your hand while you explore the internet retard?

>Never get married Veeky Forums
That trick will stop working soon. In alot of countries your gf can divorce if you lived with her for a year. It's called common law. Get rekt normies.

You know this is larp due to the correct grammar and use of commas Chad and Stacey don’t use grammar

she's going fucking psycho on me right now

But honestly, a simple "if you or Chad get into my hose, I will shoot it dead. You are not welcome anymore, sivorce paper are already filled."


NO no this is real. It’s Brad and Tracey, not Chad and Stacey.

Fuck you OP. I don't care if it's fake, I still feel uncomfortable.

Must be a larp but, i would just grab the laptop and run.