>mfw buying amazon cards with btc and selling graphics cards to avoid taxes
Mfw buying amazon cards with btc and selling graphics cards to avoid taxes
So you buy AMZN cards and then use them to buy the Graphics Cards? I get the gift card thing but just trying to follow...
where do you sell, ebay?
sell locally 4 cash
Once you have the gift cards why do you need anything else?
What do you mean? Why would I need fiat?
Where do you go to buy gift cards with BTC?
plenty of sites
Why not just sell the amazon cards for cash?
R e p o r t e d t o IRS geo tracking activated.
Make an extra 10 ontop
Suck my dick
the IRS is jew. Leave user alone.
Care to write down your full physical address, good citizen? Me and my partners may be interested on purchasing some of your second hand Graphical Processing Units. Thanks.
This. There's no reason to pay for nigger welfare with your crypto gains.
Ah yes, it's 123 fake street , Canada
i hope you die in ur fucking sleep u fucking dickface cunt.
Out of our jurisdiction. Have a nice day sir.
Does it make sense? You're paying tax to buy the gift card, tax to buy the gpu, and then money and time to meet up to sell the gpu.
Whereas if you buy the gift card and sell it for cash you pay only tax to buy the card + take 10% loss for selling directly for cash.
Sounds like you'd make the same skipping the gpu step, desu
GPUs are a quick sell.
You can buy from different sellers on Amazon to avoid tax.
Gift card purchase is taxable, counts as barter
>Care to write down your full physical address, good citizen?
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
Come at me fags
Purchasing anything with bitcoin is a taxable event. if OP is in the US he could have just cut down his post to say "mfw not paying my taxes" and left out all the gpu bs