Tired of all the LARPs, here’s some genuine OC of me getting BTFO by boomer father...

Tired of all the LARPs, here’s some genuine OC of me getting BTFO by boomer father, who is in full “I told you so” mode with this recent crash
>inb4 peter brandt quote

Send screenshots of snp500 and Dow Jones with "Rely on senile boomers.....lol"

Are you heavily invested OP? I'd like to see what your dad says if and when you make it

screenshot this and rub on his face when you cash out

your dad is based, too bad you are a sissy cuck

Spell it out to him right now that when this takes off, he will reap no benefits from your success. Make it clear right now.

t. spoonfed boomer

hows that high pay no education career and ss program designed to feed your greedy ass era but no one else going, grandpa?

the first believable one. the other boomer larps were too cogent and logical


Otherwise OPs thread next year is going to be the exact opposite

the fuck is with the t. bullshit

>It's a millennial fantasy

Does he think millennials don't age?

Tell him to short it with 10x leverage if he is so confident . This happened with my parents and that shut them up.

why are you just agreeing with him instead of telling him to fuck off? Is the soyboy meme real?

Tell him he has weak hands and is no father of yours. When he comes to you in his time of need, spit in his macaroni.

we are eternal

hows the 1st day on Veeky Forums? you like the site?

sorry your dad is retarded. my mother asked me if the BTC loom/doom was "fake news" and I said no, it's great news. now she wants in, but instead of a coinbase account she gets a simplified primer on the mining, transactions, blockchain, crypto, etc. I want to oversee this personally so she doesn't fuck it up.

My mom is smart and she loves me and believes in me, so she gave me 2k to invest in bitcoins for her. She’s the best. Love you mom.

t. terevesin

How do you fuck up a coinbase account? Just open one up in her name and tell her to buy something safe like ETH.


in boomer eyeballs crypto is weed and millennials are the new hippies. blockchain tech is dog shit by association. they want it to fail because they don't like you. their dismissal of crypto isn't based on even a superficial understanding of the technology, it's just nerd shit and faggot talk from people who don't want to get real jobs. it's a pointless conversation to have.

based dad

I'm glad my parents aren't assholes like yours. Would be hard to hodl with a family of FUDders.

Your dad sounds like a real cunt

lmao, nice LARP but your dad is pretty based

Q predicted this.

>video game coin
Him yea no, just shows his ignorance. You can not even compare the two. Price is just price, there is nothing to distill from it.

nice! I'm setting her up with a full node wallet before she buys. she can't afford to buy the dip right now, but I can :^)

you fuck it up by registering for coinbase and using it to make crypto purchases. cash only, bro. same as gold. don't get fucked by (((capital gains tax)))

this. could you imagine actually sending a text of the price movement as it's going down like that to someone who is holding, let alone a close family member? what an asshole. probably a larp tho

I guess you're right about that.

>tfw paying 20k in taxes this year

I wish it was user, I’ve been getting these texts since 17k

i can smell his fear from here.
all those boomers so frightened of their (((system)))

>Rely on a video game coin....lol
OP and coiners BTFO

I like how you can gave a bro conversation with you Dad. I hope you don't disrespect him though.

>it's just nerd shit and faggot talk
haha this is how I feel when I visit my parents or grandparents and they have the news on tv, and I'm not even young enough to be a millenial.

If he is so sure why doesn't he short it? Could make a fortune, even with good old boomer futures.

You got told. All crypto business ideas revolve around everyone using their video game coins. Not happening

He knows I have holdings in crypto but I’ve vastly underplayed how much. If he knew the actually amount he might be more concerned, and would definitely start pressuring me to sell

>milennial fantasy
Anyone that unironically speaks like this is a cunt

>video game coin
Fucking kek

It’s not a bro conversation, his tone isn’t as playful as it might appear. But no, I wouldn’t say anything disrespectful

India is NOT banning crypto currencies. Can confirm because I'm Indian and my source is impeccable.They basically want to regulate it. Tldr they want their piece in the pie too.

These guys mentioning his failure to short are on to something. Your dad is clearly a man who enjoys the banter. You should bust his balls about how much money he left on the table by not shorting that shit.

>btfo by a boomer

coincucks everyone

Are you all in on mobius?

Call that faggot a cuck and say you’re happy Trump won. Tell him he’s a top beta for having a chinkdroid shitphone and then threaten to gas him. Say Boomers are all show and no go because they’ve literally done nothing other than ruin this country. It’s funny that you explained why it’s down and he just referred to it as a video game coin because he’s too fucking stupid to actually learn about it before being an obnoxious faggot.

Your father is a fucking cunt. What the fuck is wrong with him? Why don't you tell him to fuck off? I'd start FUDding everything he does all day long, see how much he enjoys that.

>Respecting a father who unironically uses LOL in a conversation.

He’s all in on Apple, too. Might give this a try

N-notice me senpai

I bet your dad is one of these subhuman dads:

> drinks beer
> watches soccer
> thinks he is the king in the house
> likes his car
> feels Alpha because he is wagecucking

I’d be suicidal if my dad was such a cuck

Shitcoin will moon.

Dubs op' s dad was right and we all get blown out by video game coin

z. millenial, all show and no go

Trips and you missed the last dip of 2018

>video game coin....lol

t. Retard

Mad buttcoiner detected.

DJ is 300 points up


What is wrong with any of those things you faggot


>Send screenshots of snp500 and Dow Jones
you're the senile one if you think anyone with a brain is heavily in equities as they near retirement age

in stocks*