I wanted to create this thread real quick, because I feel like people have done a poor job actually being clear about this ethpyramid shit, and so most people don't actually realize how genius the algorithm is.
The reason it's called a self-sustained pyramid scheme, is because it is.
>1.) Whenever someone buys, the price goes up by .25% per token, whenever someone sells, the price goes down by .25% per token.
You cannot run into the issue where someone is forever left with bags.
>2.) Whenever someone buys, 10% of their buy-in gets split among all other token holders. Whenever someone sells, 10% of their sell price gets split among all other token holders.
Do you effectively realize that this is a system to cycle money, and let anyone become rich in waves? Example:
You buy in, and someone else that controlled a majority of the tokens decides he's made enough, and cashes out. Everyone else gets a portion of that whale's cashout, and can immediately re-invest the dividends to acquire more tokens. Those tokens the whale had are DESTROYED, reducing the total supply, so that you have a larger portion of existing tokens, and as such, get MORE dividends because of this in the future.
The longer you stay in, the more you inch your way up the pyramid, until you, too, decide you want to cash out, allowing other anons to move their way up.
It's been running for 5 days now with no issues. It's been heavily tested to not fuck up like PoWH, and there are no more vulnerabilities. Explain to me why keeping your ETH in this while you're just holding isn't the best possible thing to do?