I bought tether

I bought tethers when a Bitcoin was under 7000 USD, it is now almost 8000 USD.. it will go down to under 7000 soon, right?

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*silently braps*



>buying toxic tether

scratch n sniff

Dat forward grown maxilla tho.

I did the same with about 10% of my portfolio...I knew it was a gamble....FOMO'ed back in after we broke 7500. Know when to fold em.

many people think it will drop again but who knows. TA fags are wrong 90% of the time.


why does seeing a woman like this make me want to bury my nose in her ass/pussy?

scratch n sniff = a pnd on cryptopia

nice try rajeet


Damn FoMo. When to fold?

Because the pose is literally inviting.

short term bullish
mid term bearish

if mid term changes bullish, you ae fucked, but for now, no reason to FOMO


When I was 8 years old a girl was doing this and then I pulled her pants down and she let me examine it.

>no one pointed out you can see her tampon string



>used to go to the gym
>super 10/10 blonde there every morning
>she starts always working out near me
>im autism
>3 months later she's still there every morning
> 10/10 body thicc fit booty incredible shape always wearing yoga pants always working her legs out right next to me when I am
>one day see old man notice im looking at her
>old man gets up and goes to her and tells her something and points towards me
>she nods and keeps working out
>she gets off the reverse squat machine
>comes over and starts squatting with her ass as low as she can
> I lose concentration then all of a sudden my phone rings
>it's Grichka ...he's says there's gona be one more dump before it pumps back up
>hangs up
>the booty is too incredible
>i get up cuz autism
>run away

I got tether at 7k i hope it drops to 5k so i can buy back in

Pic related, same booty and body - not same girl

Biology and millions of years of evolution

I fucking hate when people are like that old man. Fuck him. I'm autism too and a good look is probably the only thing I'll be able to get. Seems like she is a look collector anyway so might as well enjoy the view.

He's trying to get you laid fampai

She's bleeding.

dodged a bullet there lad