Yes I realize there’s a lot of hate for reddit around these parts but it unironically has 10x better information on crypto currency than this den of snakes. Nothing here but chinks, street shitters, and Jews trying to shill their garbage shit coins and troll you into losing money. If you want real advice reddit > CuckChan
Reddit has much better advice on Crypto
Other urls found in this thread:
Bye bye, go back where you came from.
t. niggerloving faggot
What advice do you need? Crypto is basically glorified gambling. Do your research, make your pick and pray that it moons.
leave and never come back here normie
Did you think we were friends? The only reason we pretend to help you is to skin you.
Ebin meme bro!
Sure mr. NEET /r9k/ posting perma virgin this place is a shithole anyways I just come here to steal memes, there’s no real discussion here just people trolling and saying nigger and faggot.
Just wanted to give anons who are losing money because of the pajeets a place they can go to for real advice with people who actually want to see other succeed since most are actually happy with their lives and aren’t basement dwelling NEET losers full of self hate like this place.
Not really. Veeky Forums is on top of stuff way before Reddit is. Reddit also hops on coins and shills them for a week before moving onto the next one just like here. It's just a different brand of shit, at least this place is funny.
wtf are you talking about
>this is reddit now
Ill be honest, i visit both websites allot, and i like biz allot more, i hate the reddit fake nice-ass comments, people here are honest.
This, Veeky Forums was good prior to August of 2017 where a brainlet can easily 5x their money. Now, its just pure garbage.
Honest are you kidding me? Maybe honest about any negative thing they can pick out of a persons posts but this place is the farthest thing from honest on the internet nothing but pajeets shilling their shit coins and LARPing that they turned 10 dollars into a million. Not a single blockfolio has ever been accompanied by a bank statement and a time stamp on here.
Lol I realized that a long time ago. Trying to give good advice on this site is like throwing drinking water into a sea of piss. Don't even bother, the only reason I use this site is to steal memes and get on top of ponzis and PnD schemes early.
Taking any crypto advice from this shithole is an easy way to get jewed and then eventually hang yourself
this ... biz is gold if you're able to discern between shills/shitposters and critical posts sometimes with good recs or criticism
also some TA magic ... like:
reddit might have good posts but their usually downvoted/deleted or somewhere you haven't seen them ... which is contradictory to what it should be - altogether too much tribalism going in crypto ...
you don't know what's good faggot. now go circlejerk on opinions.
Reddit has the same problem it always has. It's good for finding reasons why the bright side is bright. Bring up a problem, expect downvotes or directly a ban. In the end you have to end looking for information yourself and learn from experience.
BTW, this is a really good sign. Veeky Forums blaming each other means we're close to despair.
If you need "advice" from strangers on the internet you probably should go post on reddit. Fuck off.
Reddit is exclusively different flavors of warring cultists. It's not worth an ounce of your sanity reading their shit.
>Not a single blockfolio has ever been >accompanied by a bank statement and a time >stamp on here.
Veeky Forums is always better since you can make nigger jokes.
>Banned VeChain discussion because they get an erection from being huge faggots
>Post the suicide hotline like 5 times a year
>Le updoots and downdoots
That's Wojak from Krautchan. He did nothing wrong.
reddit is good if you want an actual advice. Otherwise, it has no soul
>this place is the farthest thing from honest on the internet
Veeky Forums is the last bastion of free speech on the internet. Don’t get it twisted soyboy
And all you people use it for is to post pictures of cartoon frogs and make jokes about black people and Jews and scam other people
le hodl
>buy raiblocks
>never sell
>buy le dip
This is true because faggot mods won't do flags.
Hello bcashie
If you learn to sift through the noise, this site, not just this board, is a goldmine of knowledge.
if you ever had suicide training they tell you take even the jokes seriously
yeah and its a real good example of why
>muh free speech
Is a meme
Really, Veeky Forums and /r/cryptocurrencies are just places for you to get tips on where to research. No one should take advice without properly studying the coin first.
Yes free to be a racist xenophobic asshole who insults the trans community from time to time. There are even millenials here who voted for that orange fascist. Fucking millenials who should know better because they have the experience of history.
This website is plain fucking evil and I wouldn't come here at all if it weren't for crypto. Just fuck off.
Difference audience, different aims, different approaches. Don't force one to be like the other.
>he gets advice from the internet
I know you're trolling but I come here for the memes, shilling and get shilled on bags and the occasional anons who puts hours into research so I don't have to. I wanna see where reddit tops that. They are like "mommy I invested $200 why is it going down, this is all a scam, the sooner we have regulation and mass adoption the better"
wrong OP, reddit is a circle jerking group think hive for idiots mostly. there is some good info but the group think hive mentality is so strong that reddit is rendered largely useless, especially the subs dedivated to particular coins - those are pathetic
I feel it’s bait... but this is the mentality of 60% of lefties
this is a much better site for crypto than Reddit
you can more easily inverse the advice here
yesterday it was all "sell now, buy back in cheaper"
so it clearly had to go up
you don't need a bank statement, brainlet
I've signed messages with my BTC address before when people accused me of LARPing
both websites are gay.
The only thing that deadit might have better is a functional moderation team.
The amount of fucking poo in loo, Bangladesh, and paki scammed shilling ethpyrimad, ethhorse, etc. is through the roof.
Other than that if you can shift through the shit you can get some good advice or learn about new tokens. I mean this place is the reason I own LINK and soon moria tokens.
just kys already
the only advice on reddit is le HODL
who the fuck gives a shit
go and kill yourself if you invest more than you can afford to lose you ask for it
No one on reddit can deal with critique.
If you say anything that isn't over-the-top positive about their coin, then you'll get downvoted.
I just hate voting systems because it allows people who disagree with you to silence you. No one can stop me from getting my thread seen on Veeky Forums and even if you disagree, you can't do shit about it.
I fucking hate reddit.
P.S Also click this affiliate link to buy a ledger I heard it's really good, in fact, it's the best way to store your coins. Buy it now or get everything you own stolen. Please give me your money, and gold, and anything else that gives me any sign of acceptance.
Veeky Forums is chaotic and I think you need some experience to see what threads and posts are legit and important
But if you can navigate through it you will have far better information earlier
Why else would you see alot of reposts from Veeky Forums on reddit
And reddit is more like the lawful easy accessible guided forum
Were things are heavily moderated and censored in a certain degree
You will get taken by your hand via up vote hierarchy
And yes Veeky Forums isn't was it used to be but i still think just by thr way the website is designed its far superior
I agree desu. Although I love coming here for the bantz, calling people niggers and the memes. Those are undoubtably better than what’s offered on reddit.
Treat reddit as an aggregator only. Read the titles then move on. No need to read any comments. You can gauge the market sentiment much more efficiently than using twitter for example. Also biz is only for fun. Do not ever take anything here seriously. People here are either having a laugh or venting stress.
Autism my friend, Autism.
Maybe you not quite ready to wander around unmoderated public forums. Have you tried facecrook?
hoepe he gtets the fukking flu and slowly againozizies in fuckin painn til death