Purchased in January. I love her.
What have you purchased with your BITCOIN profits?
nice stock pic
this post REEKS of pajeet
Im sitting in my hot tub, car is in garage. I am on the 44th floor. Garage is on 3rd floor.
fastest depreciating car on the market
>not even tesla
nothing FBI
timestamp and /biz on paper inside or delete this take shit..
if you really loved here youd be riding the handbreak
god dammit user just fucking save the money or reinvest it. why would you buy this shit?
Im still debatting wether to buy a Mustang 5.0 2015, bmw 435i or a any similar mercedes coupe.
Im yuropoor and find the mustang to be the most interesting and unique here
t. IRS
What do i get? and i need a few mins to dry up.
Paid my dues.
*breaks down in your path*
In euro, get some charger or challenger. Here in the States we who make $ buy euro. If its not at least an E class, or a 6 series. We don't want it.
A McDonals meal just like all of you neckbards
My 2016 range did that. I don't thing I should have taken it off road on the family farm.
The only thing I ever bought with crypto was a btc-talk forum account (so I could get into airdrops) with $14 of BCH. Turned out to be a scam and I never got the account, anyway.
What are you, 65 y-o ?
Problem is that challenger is not officialy sold here. Only imports. Which means maintenance will fuck my virginity.
I'll sell you mine for $15 user
Never use that shit and I just create new ones every time