Diversity Recruiters

Hey, I am looking for a new job and all this diversity talk is driving me nuts. I am well qualified, yet I think the bitchy-looking feminazi recruiters are knocking me down a peg. How can I get them on my side?

I think it helps that I am some kind of fag. I am masculine, so people assume I am straight, but you wouldn't think so if you party with me. These bitches say they like fags and trannies, yet if I show up in latex leggings, they are all like, ewww sex! I'm being harassed!

How can I communicate my degeneracy to these wacked out SJWs?

If your idea isn't tactful, make sure that it at least scores high in lulz.

just act like a stereotypical fag by using flamboyant hand gestures and changes in vocal pitch

kill yourself faggot
go back once youre done

Dykes don't like faggots generally so you won't have much better luck than the rest of us.

I dunno, be respectful and polite. If you're gonna be around these people once hired (and they're not just pure HR), it probably helps to at least sorta liking the person your talking to.

Otherwise you'll end up working a job you hate.

Im half white and half asian, although I look white.

And I dont even know how to get diversity points. They all seem to go to blacks and Muslims here.

Asians are white now, sorry no pointsv for you.

Asians don't get them, not sure why Asians mostly vote democrats when affirmative action typically isn't in their favor. You have to score higher on admissions tests than every other race to get into top tier universities.

HR at these places is weird. You only see them once when you are hired. Then everyone is like, that was some bullshit. Unless it is Google, then you are farked.

It's weird. I'm half a fag. I still like sex with women, it's just that I don't want one in my house, bitching all the time. So I like to get kinky. It's just easier to play with dudes. Women have a chip on their shoulder. Once they see all the fun we are having, they want in.

Anyways, I don't look or sound faggy, except in ways that are nsfw.


Fuck 'em. Head into finance or law. All white circle jerk of power and money. The rest can fuck off.

How do I jump from engineering to that?

I pretend to be autistic at work so I don't have to socialize. I probably am, but I exaggerate the holy hell out of it at the office. Everyone thinks I'm awkward and just leaves me to my work.

I started in an office job 6 months back. I keep to myself as much as I can. There are a lot of older women that keep touching me and shit. Its so fucking uncomfortable. I have everyone on my side tho. Just play harmless and shy. Go under the radar and give some hints your a closet fag that's having a tough time.

Ah, ok. Then, gotta go in there and make HR feel special. ;D

Tech is too. This dumb hr person can’t stop me from getting in, but if she goes, “muh diversity”, then I have an advocate on the inside. Interviewing is such of waste of time, I’ll cut it down any way I can.

Dropping subtle hints seems good.

jump off a rooftop and show them you can fly

have sex with them

>interviewer asks what you've been doing recently
>say you moved in/broke up with your boyfriend and that is why you need a new job

Normal people like to share pointless information with each other. By opening up about your personal life (with real or fake information) they trust you a little bit more.

t. Skilled liar that is trusted by others

It's just the indians that vote democrat, but get counted as "asian" on surveys

and flips

It cracks me up. All these places have an entirely white male technical staff and leadership. Then the HR is in a different building, and it’s all sjw chicks.

There was 2 women in my college class, and these people show up at work whining there’s no women in tech. They can start at the colleges as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve tutored numerous people in tech, once women get to a certain age, they generally have no interest in learning real knowledge. They just whine and say gimmie. The few women who do go ahead and learn clean up, because they are qualified AND diverse.

This is genius. That’s the best way to get the point across.


I would try removing your arm hair and facial hair, and shaping your eyebrows somewhat aggressively.
If that doesn't work, just figure out how to work your imaginary boyfriend into the conversation