"Haha t-they believe their crypto is going to go back up!"

>"Haha t-they believe their crypto is going to go back up!"
>"Anyone who thoight crypto would go back are fools"
>"Bitcoin bubble popped, it'll never go over 9k again"

>"He didn't invest in BTC at 6k"
>"He didn't invest in ETH at $600"

Why did I listen yo the no coin wagecucks? Is it even worth it to hop on at this dip? Do I wait for the even greater dip I heard no coiners and wagecuck talk all about? Do I buy now and ride to the moon?

I don't know who to listen to anymore. I have 1K ready to be dropped on any coin that's going to moon. I woke up today looking at a 1K increase to BTC and I was livid for not investing the night before like I knew I should have

dead cat bounce

Kek is punishing the unfaithful fuck off

Maybe it wouldnt hurt to wait a day instead of being butthurt over 6 hour movement

dollar cost averaging

it hasn't even broken 8k yet retard.
it could go up to 10k or down like other say.

>tfw bought ETH at 660$

don't listen to the gamecucks, they've been pissed for years that their little pc gaming build costs 2x more than it used to because miners buy up all the parts. little do they know it's only going to get worse for them.

Don't listen to anyone to acts like he knows 100% what the market will be doing.
They're trying to make a profit off of you like this guy .
Watch the charts and make your own conclusions. If you're unsure about the general direction learn to swing trade.


Go all in on ENG, you've been warned.
screencap this

Don't fight against the market trend unless you know what you're doing and are comfortable with holding bags for years.
If you wait until after the bottom has been confirmed, any lost gains you miss out on will be offset by the 100x gains you get from a bull market. On the other hand, if you try to catch every dip during a bear market you will be wrong most of the time and be much worse off than the guy who waited.

Nobody knows when or what kind of shit is about to go down at any given time. If you believe in blockchain/particular token just buy and hold. Have 10% to swing trade coins you don't mind bagholding if you fuck up. We're still very early into this so expecting insane gains from holding is not a meme at this point

the solution is obviously to buy some fuckin coins and make money to play games with but these absolute morons are so stupid they need to be culled

You misspelled ENJ, faggot

It cant do dead cat bounce forever you fucking retarded noob

Dude if you're too emotional / suggestible just buy and hodl - people ridiculing it as a meme doesn't disprove the fact that anyone who has hodl'd good cryptos long enough makes money.

hop in btc and short with 7x leverage if you are risk adverse
up to 20x if you are willing to gamble

How to confirm a reversal of trend?

Why don't you just accept that you don't know anything about stock trading, cryptocurrency, block chain technology or economics and go relax in blissful ignorance? The only thing driving you to buy this shit is that you think you're missing out if you don't get in at the bottom levels like a ponzi scheme themed game of hot potato.

>days, weeks and months pass by showing red
>long term trends esp on monthly and weekly charts show downtrend
>one day of respite
>hahaha we green guys
Why do people seriously do this? Why do they think only short term?

>ponzi scheme themed game of hot potato

That's what crypto is, retard. It's a game of hot potatoes and the one's passing it around have the ability to make it hotter that is Governments across the world, involed in money laundering.

Bitcoin isn't owned by "The Geeky Investor" its owned by Banks and Elites who're just using it as a third party money laundering system and one day they might just pull the plug on it, you know, once everyone's bought land and industries.

Protecc urself discord.gg vM2SmNJ

dont buy know, we are far from the bottom, aim for 4k, 5k...

Your comment is confusing like you're suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance. You're both contradicting me, agreeing with me and then raving on about gubment, land and geek investors. Look in the mirror, friend. You shouldn't be here.

>your comment is confusing

That's why I called you a retard, retard.