Where are the no-coiners mocking us yesterday? I really want a punching bag right now

Where are the no-coiners mocking us yesterday? I really want a punching bag right now

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they weren't. Those were larpers here to make you feel embarrassed. Instead i feel vindicated.

I'm now a Newcoiner
what should I buy with my btc and eth?

use eth to invest in new blockchain companies. Use BTC to hedge against a hyper inflated stock market.

dead cat bounce

I'm still mocking you. You are a retard and you will lose all your money. Enjoy.

lol it's already going down again

>he thinks its over

Don't worry maybe one day you'll be able to afford a decent GPU

You understand you're going to get shilled the most disgusting coin everyone is holding, right?

>new blockchain companies
Join, we like money


no-coiner here.
I'll mock you tomorrow

trx, vgx, fun, ufr, dbc, req

>coiners feel smug about their 3x losses


Put everything into ethercraft.

>lost 10k in value in a month
>w-we’re d-doing g-great g-guys

>buying high

Nocoiner who trades futures at ridiculous leverage. It's like bitcoin except it has a positive EV (because I'm typically long equities) and a functional marketplace.

I made 80% returns today.

>here he larps as an early adopter in coiner cope thread
how does it feel to not sell at 20k and drop to 7 and 4 later this week?

Do your own research on Nano. Don't listen to anyone on biz for substantial investment advice but only for leads on what to research.

Oh, and we're in the middle of a crash and you'll probably lose like 50% of your investment in 3 days. Good luck

When everything goes up after coming down it's gonna come down even harder


it's a huge dead cat bounce

Get out with your rational marketplace. We want ponzi schemes here.

All in on Funfair

>days, weeks and months pass by showing red
>long term trends esp on monthly and weekly charts show downtrend
>one day of respite
>hahaha we green guys
Why do people seriously do this? Why do they think only short term?

>he thinks the dip is over

nocoiner here, you fags gloat today but as soon as shit turns red, which it will, you're gonna cry like a little betafag.

daily reminder, no matter how much $$$fiat$$$ you make from crypto, most of you will remain unwanted, unloved, and disrespected due to your lack of physique.

you may have freedom from your wealth, which i have enjoyed, but only the smartest among you will see the true nature of women and thus only some of you will not get cucked. only some of you are smart enough to holy bang hookers and have one nighters with whores.

the rest of you, even if you make a lot of money, will fucking waste it on stupid dumbcunts who will aim to control your finances. i am speaking from experience. i am not above you. i am a manlet as well. i have been a rich manlet and a poor one. and i have experienced true despair.

stop browsing Veeky Forums, go relax and go try to learn something from Veeky Forums. go learn how to do real physically demanding work in the real world, like hunting, which is masculine, instead of trying to micromanage your gay little portfolios.

Do you have one with sound


lmfao shut up you fucking manlet the alphas are talking

someone put a lot of effort into that.

>nocoiner wagecuck is salty he didn't invest in time

You do know that girls literally openly mock short guys that try to compensate by lifting right user? They consider themselves the lowest form of life. At least neckbeards and basement neets don't voluntarily humiliate themselves by trying and getting BTFOd


the vast majority of Veeky Forums knows that women are nothing but backstabbing cash-thirsty whores. This might be the single most redpilled board of them all when it comes to womens' effect on your financial situation.

Been in since September. Just throw in something and enjoy the finest memes 4chin currently has to offer you raging faggot.

that should be the board description for Veeky Forums

dont buy any of these pajeet tier coins

t. Veeky Forumslet


>Veeky Forums
>a board filled with dudes thinking about how to turn their money into pussy
>red pilled
Most of these fags would get married immediately to the first moderately attractive girl who showed them interest.

can you put this in layman's terms?

got admit thats true for me

True, I got Veeky Forums because girl mires and self mires feel good, but who the fuck gets rich for the sole purpose of pussy top fucking kek.


>still up 500% since last year
>haha butt coiners btfo!!

why does her face reminds me of Zack de la Rocha

/pol/ is full of a bunch of pussy worshiping cucks who desperately want to impregnate "white" girls with their 56% genes.

>Huuuur you fucks made money, except for some fucking bagholders in the last month, jokes on YOU.

Most of us have MADE money. I don't need to wage cuck any more, even if it went 0 You're fucking retarded.

>daily reminder, no matter how much $$$fiat$$$ you make from crypto, most of you will remain unwanted, unloved, and disrespected due to your lack of physique.

>go learn how to do real physically demanding work in the real world, like hunting, which is masculine, instead of trying to micromanage your gay little portfolios.

Yeah, having no money is SO Alpha. Nice one wagecuck.

Join the official Veeky Forums Discord server
it's not a pump and dump server we do AMA's with Developers and have high quality discussions
We're going to have a AMA with the TurtleCoin Developers at 2/8/16 7pm EST

holy fuck kek

H-how did you know??

this is pretty good


>mfw nocoiner

>Be no coiner
>Spend the next 2 months looking into crypto, feel its too high to buy
>See it crash down to 7K
>FOMO setting in but don't pull the trigger
>Go to sleep, wake up, it crashed and recovered from 5K
>FOMO in overdrive
Fuck my life, I wanted to buy a new car but right now I want to drop my down payment on crypto right now

*muffled party rock anthem in the distance*

>yfw Bitcoin 100k eoy and you're still wage cucking

Don't worry were still laughing.

req is not pajeet tier, it's paypal 2.0 and is going to revolutionize the industry


Maybe wait a few more months. We are in the bear year. You have to wait for normies to forget about it for it to hit rock bottom.

The real trick is making sure you dont forget also.