D-dip över?
D-dip över?
great portfolio
No. Big money didn't buy in at $6000. This tells us we didn't hit bottom. Expect $5000 BTC by tomorrow morning.
Ja anonym. Det är över. Nu kommer tjuren snart.
Thanks bro, I could need the reassurance right now, even though I don't plan on selling for at least 2 years.
Hoping to be able to make a down payment on an apartment some day to get out of rentcucking.
He isn't Swedish karl
Det är jag visst det, horunge
Jag hoppas verkligen det, jag börjar få handsvett.
det da ikke pænt
Spis min pik, norrbagge
Thanks OP just bought 20K
faktisk dansk men nej tak
Ska vi röka en fet i Christiania?
SEC fucking saved the day, who would have tought?
The screencap of them actually recommending crypto is fucking real?
Wtf I am going to be rich fuck me
>falling for every biz shill
Jesus christ dude
>fuck you
all those shitcoins except ETH are going to 0. Maybe link will survive.
Gå och lägg er eran jävla NEETs. Klockan är snart 2!
can somebody explain why they would buy XRB
Besides "it's fast"
that is literally meaningless when it comes to winning
No fees dumbfuck
Hello google translate.
Fucking Swedish faggots, keep sucking refugees' dick.
You stupid fag. What do you think I will do once I make it? Run from this crazy shithole country!
This. Stockholm is one big refugee center
>Tror sig kunna tala engelska