How are you entertaining yourself while the bitcoin is doing literally fucking nothing?

How are you entertaining yourself while the bitcoin is doing literally fucking nothing?

Other urls found in this thread:

csgo don't judge me


Going to teach myself some programming because no one can take job skills away from me and these skills should have fundamental value for the foreseeable future. Maybe I'll make an app game

jacking off backwards

I said don't judge me. Ok I'm lifting too. But that's it.

there is a nub where my dick used to be

Also i'm an ESL is it How are you entertaining yourself or How are you entertaining yourselves?

learn javascript python and get aws architect certified

>t. learned this shit and now niggerass recruiters on linkedin wont stop messaging

In this context it doesn't really matter. You can address everyone at once, or each reader individually. In an essay, book or letter it would probably be "how are you entertaining yourself"

Watched the archive of the Falcon Heavy test today. Overall success despite botching the landing on the center core. Core landed in the drink because they lost control of it. It may still be partially recoverable. Side boosters landed successfully.

Live stream from the roadster they put in to solar orbit:

I am doing BME, so I think I'm going to shoot for learning biopython and largescale data management/analysis


watching russian asmr, exclusively tapping noises and the word "sk" being said repeatedly

this is true patrician entertainment

making some music, playing fortnite, but most of the time i enter a trade and stare at the candles for hours long.

these pink wojaks are getting weird

shitposting in my cubicle

came out of meme learning algorithm
we don't know how the AI really thinks, it just works

Rewatching the sopranos for 4th time

I’m On season 4 best show ever

Anime, lifting, and studying


no joke i'm putting all my gains to work on the mongolian stock exchange
