What's your exit strategy if crypto ultimately fails?

What's your exit strategy if crypto ultimately fails?

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Continue to live my life because I didn't invest all my money in Bitcoin like a faggot

distribute some stuff.


I cashed out a month ago. My strategy is waiting for it to fail and picking up ETH when it's dirt cheap

Roll into moria token, collect eth dividends, after it comes back, sell tokens and eth and cash out1

It's called an "Exit-bag" OP

I’m an orthopedic surgeon

an exit wound


helium tanks


>he still hasn't exited

Glock 39


back to retiring at 65 kek


Can men make decent wages as a Hoe or would the only clients be gay men? I'm 6'2" and I'll be very attractive after I get hair grafts to fix my shit tier hairline, may an 8.5/10

Fucking pussies talking about offing yourselfs.

something very similar to your picture OP

I'm going to shoot you first

I exercized my exit strategy 2 months ago

you don't need to have a vag to blow dick, just invest in some implants

It literally can't fail. I'm all in and I'm not worried at all.

damn u missed alot of gains lmao dec - jan had many opportunities to 20-100x ur profile

Back to software development :/ for boomer enterprise bloatware

>"it literally CAN'T fail"

u can legit make a shit load of money catering to older women. Albeit being a slut is still degenerating... it is easy money

Hanging out with Sayori!

what kinda stuff user

continue running my social media and ecommerce businesses, crypto is just fun at this point

Continue to sell apartment renovation packages on salary and commission working from home.

Social media business? How

>investing more than $1k in crypto
why would someone invest a shit ton of money on cryptocoins? if you just want to play a high risk, high reward game, go for it, but you can do the same with just $1k

Wahhhhhhhhhh I’m going to kill my self.

Bitches. Get in to ethercraft and life will be worth living again.

I'll continue managing my pharmacy for six figure salary. Poor me.