Put 1000$ each into ENG, VEN, NANO, NEO, ETH

>put 1000$ each into ENG, VEN, NANO, NEO, ETH
>forget about it and check back in 2020

you literally can't lose

Nano is literally shit, rest looks good, checked

Unironically this.
Just hoping that my shitcoins will moon harder than any of these short to mid term and then I can increase my positions.

Nano is god-tier.

1 word elron

>14k link
>1k OMG
>4200 VEN

Will i do gud in 2020

Let's say I want to find the next prime. Easier on ENG or on a supercomputer? Which yes, not everybody can afford.

t. iota bagger

NANO is absolute trash. Overshilled way too much because retards FOMO'd at $20+ and are carrying heavy bags

about 3 mil


>no XLM
>no JNT

So, which one of these "cryptocurrencies of the future" will be the gold standard? Only one can win in the end

drop eth. its a literal bug and exploit fest and easily dupeable. dyor


>which one of these "stocks" will be the gold standard? only one can win in the end

That's my portfolio except ICX instead of NANO, and no ENG

Good post. Very high on all of these, lowest being Nano but still good tech.

You actually think companies will have compatibility with a trillion different currencies? They barely and begrudgingly have compatibility with BitCoin

The Media will pick out one of these and it will be shilled to oblivion

VEN will moon by 2019, ETH will keep going through 2020, the others are garbage and will remain roller coastering up and down.

t. iota bagger

Not trash at all

damn you really are a brainlet

Eng eth ven and neo aren't even currencies you brainlet

Good coins, but I don't see how anyone can say anything about where crypto in general will be in 2 years, let alone specific coins. Who's to say something better won't come along and render all of them worthless?