The final redpill is that the NWO one world currency will be a crypto. Thats why the regulation FUD is irrelevant...

The final redpill is that the NWO one world currency will be a crypto. Thats why the regulation FUD is irrelevant. They will allow crypto to thrive and they dont want there to be nationalized cryptos.

(they) created crypto to reign in the new world order. When the biggest recession of our time comes, you will know the push for full crypto implementation has come.

You just have to identify the crypto (they) will chose for the NWO currency to become filthy rich in the next 10 years.

With that in mind, you now realize Craig Wright is an asset of (theirs).

Other urls found in this thread:

e-coin already crashed retard

whew toppest shitpost

yep, and Gavin Andeson. best get out of bcore while the getting is good, blockstream developers are leaving the project after years along with big investors

Name of m'lady?


Thank you globalists.

no luck on reverse

Yes user. Its funny how some cucks think Gavin being (their) puppet is bearish.
It doesn't get more bullish for a crypto than being in cahoots with the CIA

How can a fictional coin from Mr Robot crash in the real world?

Anamaria Dodan

Ripple = E-coin

You shall be rewarded by the Gods, user.

Soon small autocratic countries will indeed implement crypto to get a better hold of their citizens. Think about it, a coin where nearly every single transaction is recorded and traceable, it's the tax-man wet dream. I can see the saudis, for instance, using some sort of state crypto in the proposed Neo (lol) mega city they are planing.

Yep, and that will give crypto as a whole more legitimacy. But the big nations will switch straight from fiat to crypto within the next 10 years. It will happen when (they) pull the trigger on the next big economic collapse, which they engineered using QE since 2008.

Bottom image is screenshot from Mr. Robot.

Did it ever occur to you that satoshi could basically be anybody? China, KGB, Secret Service?
So much for decentralized.

They serve milk at KFC?

just weird

Thats exactly what I'm saying. SN and the advent of crypto is not organic.
It was engineered by the powers that be and is the beginning of a truly globalized future without national fiat.

Its their exit. They know fractional reserve banking cant work forever so they will reset the system with the next crisis which they will trigger on purpose and pivot to crypto.

I'm not so much into conspiracies but as a stock market vet I can tell you that lots of elite chad money moved into crypto during the investment crisis after 2008 when money was cheap and good opportunities rare.
I read quite a lot of articles about it back then but ignored it unfortunately.
You may be right or not but fact is this has become a whole new market out of basically nothing.
If you have millions to invest and don't know where to put it why not buy some bitcoin?
That's what they all did, so much for decentralized muh coin of the muh people.
The other half is probably drug dealers, human traffickers and cartels.


that currency's name is Deep Brain Chain

The people that plan these things out decades in advance aren't "elite" chads with a couple mil to invest. The entities that plan these things have more $ than the entire current year crypto mc.

>when the Shareblue shills make their way from pol
Just bought 100k ripple, thanks.

yeah man, listen
and they are all lizards who will atack you from the 4th dimension after ritual-raping ur kids

better build a bunker u fucking tinfoilheads
ever heard of chaos theory?
i blame the atheist movement for u retards, at least in the church u were all contained, now u psychos had to find something new to project upon

Why would I hide in a bunker when I can go all in on crypto and ride this bitch all the way to the NWO.

>he thinks I oppose our benevolent masters
fucking whew

Did you buy ripple then?

Good, I don't know what's been taking them so damn long. There's literally no good reason for humanity to remain so divided in 20 fucking 18. I'd love being able to fly to Japan without a passport and enjoy a nice sushi bar with the same crypto I'm spending locally.

Obligatory Veeky Forums viewing:

Blockstream receives their funding from AXA Strategic Ventures (owned by Henri de Castries). And from Digital Currency Group - a venture capital firm whose board director is Glenn Hutchins of the Fed Reserve Bank. MasterCard also invested in DCG.

I buy all top cryptos but currently speculate on BCH being their top pick due to their obvious assets shilling it.

But honestly both core/blockstream as well as the BCH crews are probably controllen by (them). The whole infighting and intentional slowing down of BTCs network have been put in place to delay scaling and global adoption by a year or two because (they) aren't ready to crash the economy yet.

It isn't going to be one crypto, but it's going to use crypto and blockchain technology running underneath and will otherwise be a network of smart contracts that traditional currencies will operate on top of in addition to a liquid "coin" unit of value which is as yet unnamed. This is why Link is interesting

Just came for the tiddies

the elite play both sides the trick is getting the one side that wins in the end

Very plausible but those smart contracts and tokens would also be anchored in one main crypto which is used globally.

Once all this play out there simply is no reason to have more than one coin that dies smart contracts, tokenization and currency.

>Leets went into crypto right after crash 2008
I think the blockchain would say differently.
Genesis block was mined January 2009.
This board is garbage. And this is coming from a conspiracytard.

this 100%

I think they are dividing people by character traits. BTC = groupthinkers, conformists. BCH = anti authoritarians, tech-minded

Which group they will choose to become rich or whether they will choose a third unrelated crypto will be decided in the next 2-5 years.

yeah exactly
because divide and conquer you know?
you have some serious mental issues my friend, seek help asap

I got into BTC years ago solely based on the arguments presented ITT.
Worked out beautifully so far. I will never work again in my entire life. How about you, sane user?

Why would the world powers want something they cant control?

Op are u all in bch? Im about 85 percent bch

One of the flattest pancake asses I've seen in a bit.

If you own satoshis coins you do control BTC.
And they need a pivot, fractional reserve economies collapse permanently every few hundred years.

Once crypto is the enforced standard for the traceable transactions, people will be making up fiat coins to avoid being traced. They will never truly get full control

this is so obvious, anyone panic selling during last dip is a total brainlet with no grasp of the power elite agenda

could retire, but why should i?
crypto was good to me so far, but gained most of my shekels before
despite having no long nose
maybe you should pick up some work, at least as a hobby, to keep you sane?
armchair conspirancy tards in their internet echochambers are really sad
but whatever floats your boat

Im in all the top 5 cryptos in equal parts except BCH where im 50%

Got multiple projects I financed and oversee. Am busier than in my wagecuck days

(((NWO))) incoming.

Nice. And i dont think ur conspiracy is way off. It does make sense

>blockstream developers are leaving the project
Is there a good source for this? I've heard Core devs either leaving or being removed, but I lack sauce.

good, like it should be
just don't lurk the internets too much
i saw a lot of good people going down some really bad roads

They do now.

Same, but only if the sushi is COMPED.

Nice try. Do you know how we can still spot you, even when you use that sort of tactic?

KFC and tits
this is my dream

Think you Goys would like watching this. Along with a lot of the other vids by Snordster,
Crypto: The End of Freedom!

Hes right.
Seriously all these "infowarriors" can suck a dick and get cucked though.
Just recognize what (they) are planning and profit from it. Its not like any amount of internet keyboard tinfoilers can do anything about it anyways. Just like the video says, all the conspiracy guys are impotent loudmouths who never will do anything IRL.

Getting in on the action is where its at with crypto. Totalitarian helllstate is akmost fully formed? might aswell get moderately rich and be comfy when it happens.

Aquire owell-tokens and start a family, live in somewhat peace innawoods.

>>Seriously all these "infowarriors" can suck a dick and get cucked though.

I absolutely agree, just found this guy(snordster) a few months ago so no very little about him. Give him a far shake, check out his channel.

Which Orwell tokes are you looking at?

I like BAT.

I believe any of the current top coins will be the futures Orwell-Coin. Most likely BCH or BTC.
I'm in all of them but mostly BCH for reasons posted in this thread.

>'m in all of them but mostly BCH for reasons posted in this thread

Would you mind giving me a quick rundown of why BCH since we think along the same lines, sorry brainlet and so much disinfo has been around hard to do good research.

>no luck on reverse

Maybe because you are using the edit?

So THAT'S why they covered her face...

Better than I'll ever get. Maybe not for you, Chad.

I operate under the assumption that Satoshi Nakamoto is/was a team controlled by (them).
They launched BTC strategically with the last IRL market crash.

The final push for global adoption will come with the next big market crash. Aka current stock bubble fueled by the QE money printing that has been going on.

A lot of the reasons why I think they will probably choose BCH are the same reasons regular BCH shills will give you.

>capable of scaling NOW as opposed to after LN completes which is uncertain
>All the major BTC companies have already signalled support for BCH (Coinbase, Bitpay, Bitmain,
>smart contracts coming in 2018 (OPcodes will be activated this May)
>all the usual BCH shillpoints... which are mostly valid

But also, DYOR about the whole Craig Wright, Gavin Andreesen ordeal and how it was played in the media. I believe Wright may have actually been involved in the SN project and is now being used as a public figure as their asset.
FUD around his persona also servers their interest of keeping things in uncertainty for now.
Of course I also think Blockstream/Core are controlled. The entire Infighting and controversy around BTC/BCH is (their) play to delay global adoption of bitcoin by a year or two.

Both LN and Gigablocks are in (their) interest by the way.
LN: only megacorps and banks will be able to run nodes. Perfect to control from top down.
Gigablocks: Mining will be somewhat centralized when we hit multi-petabite in total blockzize and (they) will love having every microtransactions logged in the chain for ever. Total surveillance

Perhaps we will get both in the end. For instance BCH adoption with Gigablocks and a layer-2 like LN on it further down the line.

And no matter which they chose in the end they have total control of it due to satoshis coins. I would imagine when BTC or BCH reaches global adoption the satoshi coins will be "gifted" to the BIZ in Basel. If you dont know what the BIZ is, do some googling.

>in total blockzize
I mean chain-zize*

>With that in mind, you now realize Craig Wright is an asset of (theirs).
proof? sauce?

Wrong, fractional reserve banking works fine (within reason) because the risks aren't systemic. It's also necessary for liquidity in a hard money economy. It's the implosion of debt based fiat that's going to be the trigger.
>yfw the future is crypto based fractional reserve banking.

You used the edit too.
posting the original now.

Ok user gimme a minute I will post definite proof of the shadowgovernment ITT shortly..

You are right. Debt base fiat is the problem. I use them interchangeably as they are so intertwined in our system

Thanks user,
>>If you dont know what the BIZ is, do some googling.

god dammit, I want to be a normie, no more rabbit holes, jk..

will check out thanks user.

Its basically the central bank that controls all other central banks.

>im so safe holding my bcash that I have to shill it all day

this is what ive been saying since the start

What do her BRAPS smell like after eating KFC-stanky?

satoshi vanished after Gavin Andresen visited the CIA.

Gavin Andresen is on record claiming how Mike Hearn should be the "benevolent dictator" of Bitcoin XT.

Bitcoin XT had anti privacy shit on it as well.

Gavin has been trying to push his Gavincoin bullshit since then, XT, Classic, BU, BCash, you name it.

The USG is trying to get the plebs selling them socialism (fast cheap transactions without no tradeoffs) and such delusions, in order to take control of the protocol, in order to bloat nodes. Just imagine the Tor network with a few nodes run by corporations. Same as always, the Soros method.
Too bad they failed miserably. It's too late to ever kill Bitcoin.

thanks man, pretty insightful vids

I've been wanting to sell my BTC for some other coin but not sure if I should just hold it for diversification. It seems to have strayed from what Bitcoin was all about, however I don't want to fomo back in if there is another run.

Isn't that the IMF?

Any nodes on Core are run by corporations already. Only miners validate transactions, non-mining full nodes actually clog up the network.

>he thinks bitcoin isn't controlled
Sorry mate, all the major crypto are thouroughly infiltrated. Both LN and Gigablocks serve ther purposes perfectly.

you mean privacy coins? those already exists, I'm shocked how people crazy for privacy. Personally I feel privacy is so important for crypto

IMF is subservient to them

Interesting, I've heard very little about this org

Why is the Bitcoin logo green?