
I'm banned
What did they say?


There's no admins around.
They might have exit scammed with the ICO stash.

Cherry picked screenshots, nice. The team is on Australia time, and it's early in the AM there.

Where'd all this organized fud come from? hmmmmmmm
let me consult my almonds

No admins, it's over.

>Investing in a child just out of university

>Investing in a CEO of logistics company that has only ever worked as a junior web developer

>Investing in a company where the CEO is only the only developer

Fuck i glad i dumped these even at a loss, i feel dumb for chasing THIS shitcoin

That doesn't explain why the fuck they didn't say anything after the ico and why the fuck isn't this shit listed anywhere else but idex and ethermeme (tokens get added automatically there're so the "devs" didn't do shit AT ALL)
It's fucking cash grab just sell now, take the loss, the team left, deal with it
Ian Balina is fucking retarded and even him called this "confido 2.0"
You do t have to believe jut search "devery ian balina" and you'll find the video

>devery is a logistics company
I saw your exact posts in the previous thread, then in the telegram and now here.
You're trying way too much for some strange reason.

>Investing in a blockchain protocol with a demo that doesn't even touch the blockchain

I got lucky and saw this information when EVE was pumping and got out with profit

I feel sorry for the folks who got scammed by this

Because you never learn, Veeky Forums.

>Investing a faggot like this

nice fud, just bought 100k

did he fuck your girlfriend? pathetic

Wow is he really uploading pictures of him enjoying the free 10M$ he got from us?
Can someone find this motherfucker and beat the shit out of him? Someone from Australia or wherever this faggot lives
Will pay in btc, don't even think about scamming me: [email protected]

Welp - I guess I'll just ride my $1000 investment into the ground or to break even.


Cool. Whilw you're waiting for that to come back (protip: it won't) you can use the time to do your fucking research.

Seriously, Veeky Forums. If this 25 year old kid can scam you with just a pretty website you need get better or get the fuck out.

The team is quite active on telegram. What are you talking about? They explained how the token will work, etc.

The ICO was a prank.

LOOL and people were saying PFR was a scam, meanwhile we're comfy chatting with our BASED Russian dev who is active in the telegram every single day, you still have a chance anons, cut your losses and get in.

soyboy got cucked by based Andrew and now is sperging

What is your target price? It's already low enough.

It literally takes 5 seconds to research this shitcoin. How some of you people have so much money to waste hurts me a lot.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present the average Devery investor.

No they are not
They are all fake people, they took the photos from a model agency, will post proof later
Seriously this is worse than Confido, at least confido got listed on kucoin right away and 10x'd
This piece of fucking shit is still on etherdelta

I could give a fuck less, it's less than 1% of my portfolio. It's seriously chump change and I don't even notice the loss.

Mother fucker I will crush your skull like I did to Iraqi families in 2003

keep spreading FUD and posting brainlets

Reminds me of xby, will buy more

>cube/block as a logo
>not a shitcoin scam
pick one




>They are all fake people, they took the photos from a model agency, will post proof later
Prove it or get the fuck out.