@bitfinexed twitter account was just suspended guys
@bitfinexed twitter account was just suspended guys
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It's common knowledge he was simply an instrument of the Bogs who went rogue. He had to be shut down.
literally who?
he might legitimately kill himself now, getting attention for crying was all he had left.
can i get a quick rundown?
good dude was a psychopathic FUDDER who was clinging to whatever hope he had left to salvage his own SHIT-tier trading
lel exit scammer.
Expected, since he couldn't prove anything he said (just what he acused tether of doing lel)
>free speech they said
hope that retard is sued for libel
Fucking based.
How long til someone tracks him down and makes him swim with the fishes?
Is this real? Bitfinex owner is an exit scammer? Quick rundown pls
Because he was a scammer, who took btc donations at 20k under the guise of needing them for "legal counsel" and openly said he was liquidating them.
The only reason he concocted the conspiracy theory was to perform this scam to make back the btc he sold at 1k. He ramped up his campaign when he knew new and susceptible people were joining crypto.
is tether governments and central banks low key buying?
proof or fuck off ...
unrealted to bitfinexed but related to tether and possible price manipulation.
The Anatomy Of A Lie
Was anything he said ever disproven?
Tether finally released audit or what?
He's banned from twitter for scamming, there's your proof darling. Hope you didn't guzzle his FUD to hard.
Remember conmen will always make you feel special, in this case he made people feel like they knew more than the average joe about what was going on - typical cultspiracy stuff.
Lol Whalepool shilling this thread. Pathetic how one guy puts you on suicide watch.
Godspeed Bitfixened. Godspeed!
I still believe hes right
Does nobody here do their research?
that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, ya dingus.
I am not glad he is suspended but I am glad he is gone
>ask bifinex for proof
>gives no proof
What a clown.
I don't give a fuck abouth the dude.
I'm interested in tether, that to my understanding seems like a total fucking scam with nothing they print covered in actual FIAT money. That is what i care about.
>that to my understanding seems like a total fucking scam
oh i see, you're as retarded as he is.
nice evidence.
Just bought 10,000 USDT.
Well technically it's Tether who has to show the proof.
At first Bitfinexed seems someone to take seriously until one realizes he inhabits his own universe of persecution and wild unproven assertions he is literally the anti Occam's Razor of crypto
Doesn't prove it's fake, just shady. Like all crypto. If you can't deal with it, leave crypto.
speaking of evidence, why don't you give us the proof about your claim that tether is a scam? unless you just believe in things blindly based on your fee fees?
Dude, with no assets to back the coin, this means it's literally like selling gold bars as coins and not actually having any gold reserves.
How the fuck can it be a store of value if there is no actual value stored.
I think him accepting donations for a potential (not 100% confirmed active) lawsuit is fishy. Beyond that the USDT FUD is interesting but I don't find his constant negativity particularly and general FUD about crypto to be noteworthy.
You retarded faggots are dumber than a ton of bricks. Not only do you you stupid asshols believe that for some reason Tether can earn billions of dollars but is incapable of producing the most simplest of audits (liquid assets) but you also witch hunt the guy that states the obvious.
you're already assuming they have no money
tether fudders are no better than conspiracy theorists that give up on everything because illuminati finna rule da world neway
>no assets to back the coin
according to who?
fuck that faggot
filthy nocoiner wanted to spoil the show for everyone else
Tether is hamstrung by the problem that ails all of crypto, finding a banking partner that will touch crypto. Bitfinexed has persecution delusion, he carries water for the establishment that wants to kill crypto. He's a piece of shit.
Because 2 BILLION DOLLARS in assets is not usually something companies have LYING AROUND like that.
Good, fuck that little Faggot.
Bitching and spreading FUD because he sold then the price went up
that's your evidence? an opinion of someone who doesn't understand how the credit markets work?
thanks, bought 100k btc
Every time I see Tether fud retards it's always "but but they can't have all the money, rrrright guys?"
These are crypto exchanges. You work at the local hardware store?
why should we care about that, Tether being fake is only a problem if we stop believing it's real
it's better to just not think about it, everyone wins
>an opinion of someone who doesn't understand how the credit markets work
Oh, credit markets guarantee assets alright. Just not something you'll be able to see for tether that just prints all without being guaranteed in actual assets.
And I'm not talking about physical money. They just be a digital printing press
OR when US Gov fucks them in the ass for
a) fraud
b) trying to avoid regulations.
Again, assertions with no evidence.
>They just be a digital printing press
I figured I was talking to a 3rd worlder.
i wonder how tether deposited over 1 bil dollars in just 1 month and now they have about 2.2bil in their account.
They sold their holdings. Look at the chart. Who do you think is responsible for the drop. Yes, a company with massive amount of crypto from fees in deep need for USD liquidity
>Again, assertions with no evidence.
lol, that's the default position until proven otherwise.
If I can't prove I have a house to live in, guess what, I have no house.
If they can't prove they're financially guaranteed, they're not either.
If you have a house you have a house mate. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it does not exist. Are you actually choking on finxeded fud cock that hard?
>i i iif i ii iii ha have a h h hou house, bb b but c can't p p prove it i i i have n n no house.
>Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it does not exist.
Yes, I'm sure banks will issue loans if I stake my houses and business in Bahamas for the loan.
I'm sure nobody asks for any proof and just give you loans, it's not like people could ever just make stuff up right?
I literally had to google bitfinexed prior to this thread so tune down your shillfest, you're not fooling anyone.
>"I literally had to google bitfinexed prior to this thread"
Prove it
You realize that banks don't loan you money that's backed by fiat, right? Why would you use such a retarded example?
1st amendment only applies to the government.
>don't loan you money that's backed by fiat
I'm gonna assume you're not retarded and you only failed to define "liquid assets" because of your deficient english proficiency.
> Why would you use such a retarded example?
That's the whole point. Banks are audited and their reserves are known based on a requirement threshold of the government.
The reason why banks are regulated so thoroughly and can potentially be bailed out, or be backed with low interest is because too many people withdrew and bank lost all liquidity and went under because they had no fractional reserves. That's what i see in tether.
Yes, you fucking brainlet. Reserve assets required by the government is 10% fiat/other assets. Banks loans are backed by the debts the bank holds from other borrowers. If you don't believe me, go learn about why the mortgage crisis happened.
Banks literally print 10x the money that tether purportedly does (protip: tether is *actually* backed by fiat and other assets/crypto),but it seems you don't understand this at all. I'm embarrassed for you that you replied with more idiocy.
i genuinely can't tell if tether supporters are textbook retarded or desperate to hold the fort so bitcoin doesn't crash
it should be obvious to anyone with 3 digit iq the burden of proof of funds is on the foreign organisation trading casino tokens and claiming they're backed 1:1 by US dollars. doubly so when they were worth a few millions dollars just 2 years ago and use a tax haven known for harboring dirty money
come to think of it, seeing as this is the level of intelligence we're dealing with...
UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY!! invest your ETH now and get passive income! all ethers you put are backed by foolproof smart contract technology. you cannot (CANNOT) lose money on this, as long as you join immediately.
You're gay. Prove me wrong.
>Reserve assets required by the government is 10% fiat/other assets.
No, it's 10% liquid assets, not including stocks.
>Banks loans are backed by the debts the bank holds from other borrowers.
Banks are backed by loans, interest, and all their assets. Liquid assets are only a couching mechanism in case of a crisis that you mentioned. It's the reason why many banks went under during the great depression.
Tether has not done an audit, regulators only have their word that they're backed by any assets.
This is why governments cannot bail out tether like they do with banks in case shit hits the fan.
>Banks literally print 10x the money that tether purportedly does(protip: tether is *actually* backed by fiat and other assets/crypto),
Banks don't print money, stop embarassing yourself. Learn what is treasury department, start by googling what is money or something and stop spamming such utter nonsense like "covered in crypto" and other bizzare iq69 statements.
These faggots literally think the bank deposits are from Tether own cash stash or their owners. Are you guys retards? It's CLIENTS, rich people, that deposit in finex accounts for Tether printing, not tether himself. Jesus fucking christ, go back to /pol please.
Oh it's another dishonest whalepool investors invade the board and dismiss the need for an audit thread.
>Banks are backed by loans, interest, and all their assets
>Banks don't print money
Money is printed by the treasury department and loaned to the banks.
They are printing loans and loans and loans and loans... hoping that your grandchildren pay it off one day (protip, they wont and thats the point)
>be a bank
>tom comes in for loan for 10000
>approve tom's loan
>govt requires 10% backing for loan
>bank says, "tim owes us 10000, and he's good for it, we promise lololol"
>govt says "Ok" (this literally satisfies the requirement irl)
>Edit tom's bank database record and add 10000 to the balance
This is how it actually works. If you don't understand how this isn't printing money, read through it again, but this time, bob (new guy) needs a loan, and tim is tom. Still not clear? Do it again. Ben needs a loan, and tom is bob this time. This is LITERALLY how banks work.
>assertions with no evidence
isn't this still free speech?
Wow, maximum brainlet I've never seen a brain this small.
you can say anything you want, but then people can sue you for libel/slander, and they'll win if they can prove that you made unfounded/false claims and it hurt their business.
>govt requires 10% backing for loan
10% of their held deposit money in the fucking vault. Liquid money.
>bank says, "tim owes us 10000, and he's good for it, we promise lololol"
That's for the bank to decide, and for the bank to cover the loan with their own assets.
That's why your tim and tom have to cover their loans with their own assets.
We got him boys
Mission accomplished, I don't care if someone fucking killed that faggot
Bring the tethers back
Tether does QE for the crypto , it's a good thing retards. dont you idiots want to make money?
Yes, you're getting it. They have 10% of loans held in liquid money. They print the other 90%. Go post some FUD on banking forums if this concerns you. Even if tether isn't backed 100%, it's nowhere near as bad as this fucking US govt backed ponzi scheme.
Bumping a long thread
You realize the bank lend other depositors money, right? Looks like you forgot that step.
>They have 10% of loans held in liquid money. They print the other 90
No, that's not how it goes. Banks borrow on an interest rate and convert that loan to their customers with a higher interest.
And because central banks usually want to incentivise investment, they offer low interest borrowing that is sometimes even lower than the rate of inflation to increase money liquidity on the market.
That's how banks get money they can lend. Don't compare banks to the federal reserve unless you're trying to prove tether to be a central reserve of crypto which in itself opens up a whole new can of worms.
He's back
This, came back to all these painfully weird comments. It's pretty ridiculous how bad the shilling has gotten.
Finally, pushback against this fucking idiot.
Uhh yea.
Tether could have stopped this scam... but doing the fucking audit.
As they promised to do "regularly"
>Just trust us as we go from 50m to 2.3b in 9 months
>that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, ya dingus.
That does not fucking work with financial istitutions and companies lol. They are the ones who need to show proof of the 2 billion dollar holdings. How fucked up are you, or is tether hiring people to do information war on biz?
Oh fuck, this is such a bad fucking approach.
>He sold his bitcoin early 2017 and has been so angry about missing the rally that he has gone psycho
This is not how you discredit your critic. This is a kindergarten level of ad hominem and will backfire. He also goes on a tangent bashing bcash (who cares lol) and a rant about regulation
> This is not fraud, it is just fintech and innovation. The laws need to change to accommodate this, we don’t need “libertarians” crying to regulators to follow pointless rules.
Lol, how can they be so fucking stupid, they just give him more and more fuel to the fire. If this guy had a PR person next to him he'd just shoot the dumb bastard in the head before he posted this garbage. This kind of infantile shit is exactly how bitfinexed becomes more powerful. Fucking idiots.
I love how shillers connect any concern for Tether legitimacy is immediately bitfinexed.
So if bitfinexed is a shit, it means Tether is ALL GOOD?!
They Can't explain tether beyond
>banks print even MORE BROO
I honestly expected more.
Nobody is going to mention the 72 million euro tethers that were printed at the same time that the price jumped to 8k? Can't wait till it all comes crashing down.
>10 results
Yes I fucking am fuding
fud=fear, uncertainty, doubt.
I'm doubting alright. I love how making a few comments doubting their economic policy is not somehow unjustified.
This guy is fucking hired to promote tether, nobody can be this fucking stupid lol.
>I haz 2 billion in my pocket
That's seriously so sad if true.
They couldn't hire anyone more "sensible" than this fucking shitshow i've been dealing with ITT?
>He's a jewbergertarian as well.
Really makes you think....
>whalepool itt
It's way way worse than that. They get to count 10% of the money they expect to be repaid back towards another round of loaning and can do this 9 times over. YouTube "the greatest scam in history" by some old gold guy, it's got good CGI that helps it all make sense
protip: if you trade with people who say they have things but can't or won't prove it, you won't be around for long
that's not how it's done
Did I miss something, it's clearly back
> 0USD in their bank account to back tether
> Tether recieves subpoena to prove cash reserves
> 'b..bb...but all i got are these magic internet coins'
> Bitcoin crashes the next day from them selling bitcoin for USD to try meeting audit specs
Prove to me this isn't why the markets been tanking recently
the shills in this thread have done more to convince me bitfinexed is right than bitfinexed himself.
I legit worry about bitfinexed being unpersoned by these fucking thugs.
Godspeed, hero.
God you tether doomsday fags are the biggest cucks on this board, muh whale pool
Bitfinex has the biggest BTC double of that of Coinbase and sells shit ton of alt coins, why is it hard to believe they don't have 2 billion?