So, I've been given 150k by my father to invest into a coin. Now, rather than earning more coin through trading this is raw capital, so I cant really risk invest into some pajeet and dump coin. I'd like suggestion on 3 coins HOWEVER, I still struggle to see blockchain ever having any real world use cases. So, can you suggest coins and why someone would use them in everyday to day life
So, I've been given 150k by my father to invest into a coin. Now...
Other urls found in this thread:
Listen, faggot. NOBODY wants to help you here.
>uh, guys. Please do the research for me and no pnds! ok?!
all in REQ
I would recommend Cardano (ADA). There are a lot of videos and interviews worth watching, and their roadmap and technical documentation are all available online.
The use cases that are discussed for Cardano are still all hypothetical, but I think there is a lot more possibility in it than other cryptocurrencies. Examples that both Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood have given have been related to digital records of real world assets and transactions - where a suitable system could be completely transformative to countries that are still developing. Take a country that doesn't have trusted or accessible banks, ownership systems (land deeds, etc.), regulated and accessible identification records - and suddenly give the population a system that can do all of that securely, quickly and from any internet-enabled device - that's going to completely change things.
There are other use cases that apply more to developed countries, but for me the possible outcomes of the system that Cardano is trying to build is mind-blowing.
Bitcoin (crypto gold)
Ethereum (decentralized apps)
Chainlink (connecting blockchain to real world)
point taken my dude, cryptocurrencies have no real world use cases. I guess it really was made for pedophiles, drug dealers and terrorist (who btw are now so rich its unbelievable)
I'll give you a list of coins that will x5 by May if you send. Send .5 ETH here first:
kneepads, mate. tried and tested!
Thank me later.
all in on BZC easy mcd happy meal in one year from your 150k
Just go safe ETH/BTC. If they go to hell. EVERYTHING else goes to hell as well
How about you do your own research?
sounds like a database with encryption to prevent fraud added on top. But won't systems like this consume more resources than a regular server?
Oyster Pearl is not just vaporware like most of the shitcoins, I'd throw like 50k on that.
Crypto is for the deluded.
Of course, that's why they're perfect for a decentralised blockchain.
Do you have the ETH right now to invest in? If so:
This thing is going to take off soon. If you're weary, just put in a half an ETH. This thing is only expected to grow over time.
If you don't have the ETH right now, then there's no point as by the time you get some ETH it'll already be too late.
Go buy stocks, faggot.
would you trust the management of your house deeds, for example, on a decentralised network? What if the network were to disappear tomorrow....because you know, no one is obliged to keep it running?
so ETHEREUM is a platform to build more decentralised apps (which may or may not ever get adopted?) and chainlink is a token to connect this blockchain tech to the real world which would fail if blockchain or crypto goes nowhere
Anyone can run a node. If I have a records of ownership I simply ensure I have a copy of the node.
just buy NEO and live off GAS
Buy dollar sell euro sell oil and buy indices
unironically kill yourself
Get 10K VEN/VET for a strength node, then split the rest between NEO(safe) and REQ(higher risk, but higher reward). You will make daddy proud.
Jeez you could have at least waited before making that post. I mean its what you created this thread for right. To say crypto has no use.