Adventures in shitcoin DAY 13

Hello Veeky Forums, is anyone feeling ADVENTUROUS today?!

I've been putting $100 into any shitcoin that passes my low standards, and I've been keeping track of them on a spreadsheet ( that I update and post here every day at 3pm EST for our collective amusement.

For proof that I'm not just LARPing (or if you want to send me hundreds of ETH), here is my wallet address: 0xdA604c9b1EB3f93AeF7ec5b6Be288D9D5F019F2b

Without further ado: shill me some coins, make me some money, lose me some money, I don't give a shit, let's have a shitcoin adventure!


Things are looking up! Today I think I'll be adding 10 or so coins to my stack.

Other urls found in this thread:'

Walton, XLM and VEN is what you need

Keep up the good work OP! I'm pleasantly surprised by TRAC.

Where did you get that Opus price from? lmaooo

XLM and VEN I have in my main portfolio for sure, I've been eyeing WTC as well, will probably pick some up soon

wallet only shows 4 coins


You still haven’t gotten Star. opus is a good buy now. Sharpe Capital another.

Nvm I see you have opt already

OOPS, that was a mistype

Fair enough, transferring things off of exchanges is a huge pain in the ass and costs way too much. Any coins in particular you want me to move over?

I'd get some of the following:
XLM - good things ahead
CND - working platform, useful
ARK - best dpos, core v2 soon
ADA - dpos of the future
DOGE - always good to have this one
ICX - solid project with much promise

too bad absolute bargain bin prices are behind us tho

get EVE and WISH

yo, glad seeing you again, OP.
Whats up with the dark green values of Monetha and below? They should be light green since they are below the initial val, no?
>what does dark green indicate?

guess it sets color based on price from previous day

higher than previous day should be light green, pleb.

OP can you color the small price box with a day/day color and total value of the position with a total difference since opening color? Would look far better imo

Well if you want really shit coins, buy Bitbean and Tron.

Pick up some CSTL from, it's going masternode "soon"

also, OP, did you manage to set it to pull the data directly from cmc? Scripted it manually or used add-ins?

you fucked up with OPUS by one 0

OMNI is the best shitcoin you're going to find

Very low total supply with less than 700k tokens in existence. Market cap less than $20,000,000. Already on high volume exchanges. Working protocol: Tether(USDT) and MaidSafe(MAID) are both on the OMNI layer protocol

Project still in development with active devs and it's currently unknown from all the normie new money.

Prove me wrong.


OP even here?

Yep, pulling it from CMC. For the daily values I'm entering them in manually because I like being forced to look at it (which is stupid and I'll probably stop soon). If you're curious, it's super easy to code:

function cmc(name, key){
var url = '' + name;

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {'muteHttpExceptions': true});
var json = response.getContentText();

var data = JSON.parse(json)[0];
var datum = data[key];
return datum;

little rusty with this... what does the key input refer to here?

I used to write similar functions in python to pull, convert and import into excel without using apis

I miss python, I mostly work with .net and js now.

Coinmarketcap's api returns json with a bunch of different stuff in it, like this response from

"id": "ethereum",
"name": "Ethereum",
"symbol": "ETH",
"rank": "2",
"price_usd": "828.246",
"price_btc": "0.101445",
"24h_volume_usd": "4271530000.0",
"market_cap_usd": "80732370367.0",
"available_supply": "97473903.0",
"total_supply": "97473903.0",
"max_supply": null,
"percent_change_1h": "0.91",
"percent_change_24h": "7.21",
"percent_change_7d": "-25.64",
"last_updated": "1518037754"

key is just which of those elements I want. So I use =cmc("ethereum", "price_usd") to get the price, for example, and =cmc("vechain","symbol") to get its abbreviation (this is what I do for all of the data on the Suggested tab)

Hey, guy who's replicating your portfolio here.

Seems like just as we predicted, when things go up this goes up x3.

We're gonna be rich! (one day)

Someone post the updated spreedsheet with api in it.

>tracking in usd

You do understand that nearly all "growth" from this coins is just btc going up?

I'm doing a similar thing kind of, OP. Except I just buy tiny amounts of shitcoins on ED and keep them to collect. I want to hold the biggest shitcoin collection and maybe do something cool with it like make a shitcoin faucet or some kind of POWHlike game where people can just mess around with them in a fun "fuck it" gamble way. I thought about making a kind of Risk-like game on a smart contract where people use shitcoins to stake their territories, and their armies/shitcoins would get stronger or weaker depending on their price as the game progressed.

could be fun. I would really like to do something educational (good coverage) + somewhat lucrative, and I've come up with a bunch of ideas for smart contract games and stuff like that. this way I could probably profit from buying doomed coins with funny names.

Btw, if you're still looking for new talents, I added these two today:


Also, I think you messed up the growth for OPT because for me it performed nowhere close to that.

ok. Funny how I didnt got that. Thanks. Im very clumsy even with python, but I somehow manage to save me some work for daily tasks. Its fun to do too.


Yeah I bet you couldn't wait to post that picture


their usd prices are always linked to btc's value you fucking brainlets