On top of the initial loss of $30k with Bitconnect, he just lost another $45k to the next scam.
Back in action
We wuz JUST
he a dumb nigga
>On top of the initial loss of $30k with Bitconnect, he just lost another $45k to the next scam.
would be topkek if this guy is baiting everyone and making money on click bait
fuck I love this stupid prick
Why the hell does he keep investing in lending platforms...
100% sure it's this, each time he pretend to have lost MUH EVERYTHING I POSSESS
no he lost 45k overall still pretty stupid
sounds like a shill desu
Knee grows are so pathetic
Just where does this nigga get all those gibs to lose constantly?
I love how he immediately went for BCC 2.0 davor after BCC failed.
Also the butthurt in these comments. Seems like most davor yards also had beeeconeeeeekt
lazy fucking nigger feeding the gig economy jobs
please tell me that guy isnt real kek
This gigga nigger fell for another lending platform scam.
Why are niggers so dumb?
What a dumb nigger.
You can go to a pretty reputable trade school for less than 75k and be making 6 figures easy
he is like the inverted robinhood of the gibs, he give us back all the gibs the government stole us
Why can’t these guys just give me their money. I’ll happily make some empty promises of wealth for 30k
Stake it till we break it. Thats wut we dooiinn mannn
>Stakit till you make it.
davor already shutdown?
its fake. He probably got so much publicity the first time, he thought he might as well do it again for the youtube views.
Yep beeconnekted them. Closing down and refunding in davor coin worth like $0.05
Good reading
why do bitconnect faggots always film in their car
are they on the run from the authorities or something lma0
Watch his videos, he actually did put $688 in davorcoin
And then fishing for handouts, kek
We need to get the scam out of crypto
OH uuuuuhhhhh no no no no no ahahhaha AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAH look at this nigga
btw hes not the only one
he deleted his davor videos where he explained his 30k losses, but you can see he left all of them up where he hes investing
these people are real. these are just the ones that made their investments public because of excitement. theres sooo many more
"lend it til you lose it" lol
This can't be real.
this cannot be real
why wouldn't he just buy any of the coins on coinbase like a regular deluded normie?? i just don't get it
>aint nobody gonna buy your davorcoin or your bcc coin. so you just stake them
>the price is gonna go back up you just gotta believe man
Is he just delusional at this point or is this how dumb black people really are
I actually feel bad for him, seems like a nice dude. But this is what nigs are for. Fast cash or no cash, BCC promises fast returns. This other scam he did probably promised him insane returns. They do not have patience to let markets recover and gain.
Why do you think so many nigs are rappers and drug dealers? Both of them can bring in insane loads of money quickly. Prove me wrong