If dubs btc will return to its true floor of 17k, and all will be well in the alt coins

If dubs btc will return to its true floor of 17k, and all will be well in the alt coins

If singles we’re all taking a one way ticket to 1k town

Dubs and tether collapses within 2 weeks



singles and btc is 1k in one week

Only LINK gets dubs.

Singles and it's not a bubble

If dubs. 100k EOY
Screencap this

No no no. None of you get it. TRIPS... And we're at 50K BTC by summer. 20 trillion by 2020.

back to 5k we go

dubs and we're at 10k eow
fuck eth&bch

Dubs and it stays at 5-10k for the rest of the quarter

Dubs and we at 50k in two months

triple and we're going down the way of the zimbabwean dollar

Dubs and bitcoin hits 23k By december screen this.

If dubs i get liquidated tonight on my sleep.


Dubs and Link flips BTC by 2020.

Dubs and the new floor is $0.

If pink ID it's nothing but down from here

Trips and it's 100k by EOY

trips and i get sucky in my lifetime

Dubs and bitcoin goes to $1

You are all retarded, bitcoin doesn't crash again and ven will be number 4 in a month

Bitcoin is dead

Sell now while you still can

If dubs, Bitcoin will not only drop below $1k, but it will immediately spike back up to $17k the second the last of you sell. Even those of you who think you can outsmart it by not selling. It will wait however long it takes and you shall forever regret selling.

dubs confirm btc and other shitcoins separating from the real cryto market to die off

Bitcoin will be dead Q2 2019, because of massive addoption RADIX..

Dubs confirm this and as punishment for those singles you will hold until it's at at two digits instead of four. Two for doubles.

Trips commence dump to 5k, slow pump to 50k

Dubs confirm bear market over.

Btc to 3k
Link to 100
Dubs confirm

That's it. Bitcoin's dead. Enjoy.

Trips for LINK 1000 EOY

my benis to 420.69k at EOY xixixixi

low energy faggots , watch me, check'em
btc 14K EOM

shieeet reroll

also checked