Is Link actually a good buy? I know it's a meme here and there are bagholders trying to shill their way out of it, but is this actually a future top 5 project?
Is Link actually a good buy? I know it's a meme here and there are bagholders trying to shill their way out of it...
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It's a piece of shit that people use to distract you from the legitimately good projects that are posted on Veeky Forums. If you read the whitepaper, you'll see that they use Intel SGX for the computations performed by the oracle service. SGX has a number of high profile unpatched security vulnerabilities that make it totally unsuitable for use in oracles, which require supreme data integrity. People ask about this in the slack and Rory and t.hodges just deflect, claim it isn't an issue, or say that there are better options, but of course they refuse to talk about them. This is just one of many huge problems with the project. You can search them out for yourself, but believe me, it is a waste of your time.
yes, only idiots sell, because it went low for a bit
I want to be honest. I first was also unsure about it. I bought at 50 cents and now again at 30-50 cents. I rly like the project but it‘s impossible the say if it‘s gonna be a top 5 project.
Just think about it: ETH / VEN / Antshare were also beeing shilled here all the time
This was the exact sort of answer I was looking for. Thanks, user.
that's pasta and it's not even about LINK originally
DYOR. Read the whitepaper first. If you don't understand the later technical parts fully, it isn't crucial to being an investor, it is more or less to explain that they really have attempted to invision every possible scenario. IMO, this has a ton of potential, and is near impossible to be a scam at this point. Will it deliver is the question. I'm betting on it, simply because of the technical aspects and the fact they aren't shilling it 24/7.
Moron won't do his own research.
no. it is a future top 3 project
Nobody is shilling their way out of it. Most of us have held since sibos or 13c
It really does have the potential to be a top 10 project, but it's also very high risk.
Is the amount of layers of irony an even or an odd number?
Just a meme, don't buy. I really don't want to see newfags crying after they realize the truth.
user don’t listen to these fucking shills. There are other projects that promise oracles which do not have the glaring issues facing Chainlink. For example, Mobius uses a far more robust system to prevent tampering of data. Queried API data is encrypted and distributed to oracle nodes in such a way that, even if some of them are compromised, calculations will can be performed and accurate data conveyed to smart contracts without worry of malicious inaccuracy. Think of a redundant RAID setup for data storage and you have the right idea. There are a handful of other improvements that Mobius alone have made to Chainlink's idea, and they're already getting a lot of attention from legitimate blockchain projects like Walton. Don't fall for the memes user. Link was a good idea, much like bitcoin, but it's simply getting crushed by the dev's poor decisions and by superior competition.
Intel SGX issues aren't copypasta, they are absolutely about Link. The whitepaper has an entire section about it.
IMHO reliance on trusted hardware is the biggest risk factor for Link. Give intel's recent security issues it's not sure if Intel SGX can be fully trusted.
Just read the whitepaper dude
> Yes, there are several variations of ponzis, pyramids, and other schemes; ChainLink is the next step forward with convertible dividends and 10% redistribution on sell. Our (diverse and international) team has worked around the clock to prevent any bugs, errors and mistakes that other teams failed to spot in the contract code.
>SGX has a number of high profile unpatched security vulnerabilities that make it totally unsuitable for use in oracles, which require supreme data integrity.
isn't this like saying any computer using an IBM processor is unsuitable?
i don't think LINK is going to be running any strange javascript or downloading strange programs from
What are those legitimately good projects user? Last two months i got burned on every single coin biztards shilled here. Help me make it senpai.
>It's a piece of shit that people use to distract you from the legitimately good projects that are posted on Veeky Forums. If you read the whitepaper, you'll see that they use Intel SGX for the computations performed by the oracle service. SGX has a number of high profile unpatched security vulnerabilities that make it totally unsuitable for use in oracles, which require supreme data integrity.
this is a joke. If you are referring to the SoC vulnerabilities, they exist in ALL modern CPU designs. The exploit itself for remoting into a PC is useless if the platform is being run on a customized OS, which it is. The worst possible situation would be some trivial remote commands. But any data they would possibly intercept would be moot for multiple reasons. One, using multiple nodes eliminates fradulant data by design (exploits are fruitless), and the data they would potentially be capturing would need to be decrypted. So they are right to ignore it.
yes sir yes sir link very bad
Yes it's an amazing buy.
If you're a suicidal masochist who enjoys cutting yourself with a dull knife and then slowly, painfully bleeding for months (while getting laughed at by the entire board for being a retarded dumbass and a living meme) - then ChainLink is definitely your token.
I like this pasta
Just so you know how much of a meme link is, there is literally a Link cult in the US right now where people use different kinds of pink wojak masks according to their ranks.
where are the bodies buried?
Nope this is a memeing shitcoin, don't get Digi'd
Ven Icx Trac
damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning
Sure decentralizing the nodes will cut down on intel SGX issues but if the SoC vulnerability is an issue who will actually run these high value nodes? If you are penalized for returning bad outputs who on Earth will trust intel SGX to run a node with sensitive or valuable data. It’s a non-starter. LINK is dead in the water
Sergey sends bodies to blockchain via Chainlink.
Can't believe they are still using this pasta
I bought this trash during sibos. Turns out it was all a meme and here we are, months later at basically the exact same place. Literally the same damn place. 40 cents. Same level of news. You know how stupid I feel holding a risky asset like a crypto currency and watching it basically not move for 5 months? I could have gotten in on any other coin or token. I could have bought total scams like verge and made more than I made with LINK. What a piece of shit. This team never releases news, they don't give a single fuck about investors. They made a blog post reiterating their SIBOS presentation months later, and that was considered news. What a joke. The team basically told every investor to get bent right then and there. Are they working on the product at all? Who knows, everything is private and they never talk about development, business or technical. For all we know they haven't written a single line of code for the product. All they have to do is post in slack once in a while that says, "hey guys, we are alive and coding still. The rewrite is going well, we are on schedule."
They can't even do that though. So lazy. Compare them to the competition, the Mobius team, and you will see a stark contrast in the communication. They talk, they update, they communicate problems and successes with anyone curious. Full transparency. You can actually trust the team when they do that.
I was really bullish on LINK, but MOBI is handling the business side of things way better. Even if your technical solution is better (it's not for LINK as we haven't seen any code written because private repo), that's not who gets a contract with a c suite executive.
The Oracle, the IBM, the Microsofts get the contracts because they communicate openly and often with their clients and investors. No executive has time to chase down a technical team that never communicates and beg for updates and/or a working product. If you've ever worked in an office you know this is true. LINK is fucked.
what is under all that loose soil, user?
Yup, if you have half a brain you will avoid this project at all cost.
Don't fall for the Link meme, OP. No Github activity since november. It looks like Sergey exited and invested the founding capital into Bic Macs. Have you seen how fat he's become?
Is this real?
no its not, buy digibyte
It's more of a memecoin that Dogecoin except that it doesn't have a Shiba Inu on it. It's only mainly shilled on Veeky Forums because there are still pethora of angry bag holders desperate to claw their way out of a dead project that they bought into hype almost half a year ago. Radio silence from the team since November. Try buying into Mobius instead if you are looking into investing in similar tech
lol imagine missing out on the greatest investment of your life like this
Developers not bringin no hype
Yall act that this coin is gonna be good, it ain't gon be shit. Like wtf? TRX has wayyyyyyyy more advratisment. It gon be 10000 in a few years. Yall white bitches think u so smart, but u rly dumb ass