trusting any media outlet right now with their speculative bullshit. srsly.
so you trust a bunch of fat smelly basement dwellers over people who wear suits and make millions in real jobs?
oyy veyy d-don't that fake internet money, remember the 6 billion!!
What if their job is to lie to us?
who the in their right fucking mind would trust a shark
there's your suits and millions of dollars lol
Holy shit shut up
>Falling for the cryptoJew
Your losing your edge were on to you
Read the article.
It basically says that the majority of current coins will eventually go to zero at some point in the future (no timeline given) because new projects will eventually be developed and some projects will pull far ahead of their competition - like how Google eventually won out over other search engines like Askjeeves, hotbot etc...
Sensationalist clickbait title with very little content or market insight.
They aren't wrong. Most will, 90% of startups fail.
No. It sais "most" not all. Because most are shitcoins.
You can already buy the entire supply of Etherdoge for under a dollar I think.
You are telling me bazingacoin won't be here 10 years from now?!
absolutely, look at all the new shitcoins valued 1B+, theyre all going away in the future. its the people who think that coins like bitcoin are going to zero and the rest of the market will happily go on are those who have no idea.
OP is a faggot.
Coinmarketcap scrolls down to what now, 1500+? No shit idiots.
Goldman Says OP is fag
going up by over 100 a month too. late adopters will look at the market cap and go "look it hasn't gone to zero!" when the key is the fact that volume has dropped to basically nothing, and the coin is effectively dead
Beacuse Goldman? You fucking retarded sheep. Fuck you you faggotic noob.
Don't worry it will be around, because it's the one normies will buy for fun.
This is why you invest in GOOD COINS WITH A FUTURE
shit like ICX, qtum, neo and other coins that have good technology behind it will be fine, idiots who invest in dumb shit like IOTA, DOGE and TRX are fucked
but this roubini is a turk
how is that wrong? have you retards looked the list of coins in coinmarketcap? there more than 1000 complete useless shitcoins in there that will probably be close to 0 by EOY
listen to them. it doesnt say anywhere that bitcoin gets to 0, just that we have 1000 coins, and somethign like 90% of them is useless and will cease to exist, but some coins will stay and be the amrket leaders.
could you imagine the gains for solid projects if 90% of cryptocurrencies would just go to 0 because people figure out that they are nothing more than unfulfilled promises?
This is serious FUD. Like said its a misleading headline. Plus Goldman is setting up a crypto hedge fund to launch this year, they are bullish AF on crypto
>may be running by the end of June
Yeah crypto isn't going anywhere
Why these evil bastards constantly try to spread fear? I mean they are not even consistent and sometimes they spread hopium
shitcoins getting justed in 2018, be prepared
that said GS is a brilliant anti-indicator, bought many of their dumps on the stock market.
e.g. read up on whole foods articles by GS a few weeks before it was bought by Amazon and had a pump of 40% or something..after they released their rating the price tanked like 5%, I bet they bought that dip.
how would that even happen
how would """""most""""" cryptos even be devalued, you'd have to devalue buttcoin itself because most cryptos are pegged to it and measured by sats, and that would cazse literally every crypto to go down except maybe ETH and some privacycoins
Well for one example, many tokens are pegged to certain companies.
If bitcoin crashes to $200 and thees companies are no longer profitable, they fold, and their tokens become worthless because no one will buy them from you.
what does spot price have anything to do with how profitable exchanges and satellite industry is when most of them profit from volume and immediately hedge?
unironically yes
In this case it's bearshit not bullshit.
Wow reminds me of FUN and how doomed that is.
How do you goyim never learn?
Jews are the masters of disguise (because they generally interbreed with their host population for 1-2 generations before closing ranks amongst themselves).
>Nouriel Roubini was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to Iranian Jewish parents.[2] When he was an infant, his family lived briefly in Iran and Israel. From 1962 to 1983 he resided in Italy, especially in Milan, where he attended the local Jewish school and then the Bocconi University, earning a B.A., summa cum laude, in economics. He received his Ph.D. in international economics from Harvard University in 1988, where his adviser was Jeffrey Sachs.[2] He is a U.S. citizen and speaks English, Persian, Italian, Hebrew, and conversational French.[3] He is a cousin of leading technology expert and former PC Magazine lead technology analyst Jonathan Roubini.[4]
Tell me more about this "gold man".
Thank you for the advice, goldstein.
Learn to structure sentences pajeet. How is the designated shitting street treating you these days?
Someone needs to make a JUST'd version of Blankfein.
he's literally the anti-just
his dad was a mailman or something
jesus this might be the worst business board on the internet
You know Goldman is opening crypto desk/trading in June and wants to buy low, right?
You know there is media FUD, so banks/institutions can accumulate low right?
You know that for the next 1-2 months, until alts tart launching their products and BTC corrects fully, banks, institutions and whales are going to accumulate right?
Every single media FUD is designed to scare you. Like the ''how to buy ripple at 3$ and then 2 weeks later, how to sell ripple at 0.75$.''
the "jews are responsible for everything bad" meme is just an intellectually lazy explanation people throw around when they are confronted with complex systems and they need to tell themselves that it couldn't just be that a bunch of people with differing incentives might produce a sub-optimal result, it MUST be that there is some puppet-master. That's just now how the world actually works (this isn't to say that different groups haven't had different schemes from time to time, but just defaulting to "those damn jews!" every time something bad happens--especially when we are talking about large systems where the level of coordination you would need for the whole thing to be a scheme is extremely implausible--is just stupid)
i nominate you for prez of biz. congrats on this, seriously.
Nice just bought 100k
stfu jew
Good one JIDF
protip: nobody says the same shit about you and your family for 5000+ years
Aren't they supposed to be making their own crypto trading desk?
You guys all realize that Goldman Sachs/US Treasury/Fed/EU Central Bank/China's National Bank will create regulations that will govern cryptocurrency and will almost certainly make trading in Crypto 1.0 a massive civil legal liability, right?
None of the current currencies will survive because they really don't function as currencies due to volatility. To the extent that they can be used on the black market, govs will want to further crack down on them.
Crypto 2.0 will be designed to remove the inefficiencies of the banking system while at the same time decreasing annonymity and increasing state interference.
It's like you guys invented dynamite thinking it'd be used to mine resources and for no other nefarious purposes.
I'm not jewish. want to actually address the substance of what I said? even if you showed me that every jew you've ever met was evil, the level of coordination required for the majority of the jews-did-it conspiracy theories just makes them impossible. it's the same type of flawed thinking that makes people say "there MUST be a god" because I'm too lazy/naive to try to understand complex systems, so I'll just assume the entire world functions like the store I work for, with a boss planning out things and telling other people what to do.
>real jobs
lmao they dont do shit
It's actually mongrellus think, don't bother.
Real world 2.0 is never either / or.
I don't feel like writing an entire essay on Zionism, the majority Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, and the tenants of Jewish supremacy found in the Torah right now so I'll just keep it simple and say "Fuck off heeb!"
it's almost as if it's easy to demonize a subset of the population that doesn't adopt the majority religion and, as a group, happens to also have above-average intelligence that helps them succeed (or are you going to preach the leftist gospel that denies that intelligence is correlated with ethnicity and determined in part by genetics?) combined with this historical fact that being boxed out of lots of industries forced them to get educated because no one gave them any special treatment. This is how I think of it: you know how /pol/ always says minorities need to stop bitching and take advantage of the opportunities they have, and pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Well, that's exactly what lots of jews have done and /pol/ hates them for it.
every one of the abrahamic religions has the "supremacy" of the in group as a central tenant. It's bullshit, but it's unique to Jews. That's true of Christians and Muslims, too.
Nowhere in the bible does it says Christianity is the superior religion merchant.
Also, just like you can point to Jews at the head of the Bolshevik revolution, some of the most prominent capitalist economists were also Jewish. Ditto for liberalism, neo-conservatism, and on and on. When a group is highly educated, they tend to be at the forefront of a variety of movements. You literally might as well say the same about white people.
Ok, you are a confirmed retard if you are going to make that argument. The exact same "chosen people" verses that Jews attribute to themselves are used by Christians (who think they are the people God is talking about in the Old Testament -- the Jews just didn't accept Jesus as the Messiah). God you're fucking thick if I really have to explain to you the intertwined origins of Abrahamic religions.
>I'm not jewish. blah blah jews aren't to blame
Textbook JIDF
user you call me thick yet have provided no evidence to disprove what I'm saying. The fact that you can't quote a single sentence shows you to be the actual brainlet.
Lol. The "chosen people" thing is one of the central themes of the Old Testament, the first 5 books of which make up the Torah. ffs. I guess I have to explain your own religion to you.
if you're referring to those studies that put jews at around 105 IQ, then you should know that only applies to ashkenazim. the rest have sub 100 IQ. that being said, 105 IQ is still brainlet tier
>Banks and media for weeks now have been running hit pieces about Crypto
They are worried aren't they?
Here you go, faggot.
Exodus 19:5
'Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine;
Deuteronomy 7:6-8
"For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Deuteronomy 14:2
Verse Concepts
"For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Deuteronomy 26:17-19
"You have today declared the LORD to be your God, and that you would walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments and His ordinances, and listen to His voice.
2 Samuel 7:23-24
"And what one nation on the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do a great thing for You and awesome things for Your land, before Your people whom You have redeemed for Yourself from Egypt, from nations and their gods?
1 Kings 8:53
Verse Concepts
"For You have separated them from all the peoples of the earth as Your inheritance, as You spoke through Moses Your servant, when You brought our fathers forth from Egypt, O Lord GOD."
And there are many more than that. People who don't understand the Jewish origins of Christianity are the biggest brainlets of all. I don't believe in god, so I don't have a dog in this fight, but if you are actually going to make distinctions between judaism and christianity, make sure they're actually valid. You must be like 99% of Christians who have little to no idea of what the bible actually says.
the bible says that you're a christ-killing kike
Theirs a reason why it's called Christ - ianity because it follows the teachings of Jesus. The new testament is the essence of the religion. But as the new testament was fairly short they decided to add a few other books in from the Hebrew writings.
>is just an intellectually lazy explanation
Jew here. Here's how it works: Generally, while we fight and scam each other, when there is a goy, putting another Jew above him is a priority, because only a Jew is human and you wouldn't put the well-being of an animal above the well-being of another human, even if the human is an asshole.
We only hire other Jews, we only support other Jews, we only promote what's good for Jews and we collectively destroy what's threatening Jews.
Above that we have a completely closed culture, a language no one else can read and write, because it's deliberately cryptic and it is mandatory to have a rich oral vocabulary to understand simple written words and we network ever Friday at private parties.
Basically we function like a secret society, the sole goal of which is to push it's members to the top through nepotism and manipulation. That's the reason we own you.
>trusting the suits
your not gonna make it
you are fucking retarded. you are worshiping a kike. you kike worshipers destroyed european culture and replaced it with semitic filth. You will be the first to get the rope