I am a nocoiner... just a avid politics reader. I am wondering what you all think of this?
Is this a empty threat or will crypto die out, it says there will be alternatives to crypto in the future, what are those?
I am a nocoiner... just a avid politics reader. I am wondering what you all think of this?
Is this a empty threat or will crypto die out, it says there will be alternatives to crypto in the future, what are those?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Today’s digital coins lack long-term staying power because of slow transaction times, security challenges and high maintenance costs,"
what did they mean by this?
they just said banking is worse than crypto.
Oh yes goy, everybody knows that Hank wire transfers are SO much faster, cheaper, and more efficient than some worthless crypto
I legit believe someone wants to crash both crypto and the normie economy. It was easy when they could collapse Wall Street but with the advent of crypto it creates a flight risk into an alternative market. 2008 was a bitch. But we didn’t have crypto back then. I’m not saying it’s not without it’s absolute bullshit and garbage but it’s a better hedge against collapse than gold. So of course if someone wants a global economic collapse you have to nip crypto in the bud.
Yawn. Boomer fud. Not selling.
>(((Goldman Sachs)))
Already saw this shit on (((Drudge))). It’s not untrue, but it’s total clickbait. Assuming all these coins are going to survive is retarded, but the headline makes it seem like crypto will be dead as a whole.
I know right. Like fucking SWIFT is so fucking fast and easy.
>wires cost $25-35 minimum, can take from up to several hours to multiple business days
>ACH takes an entire business week
>required to have a minimum deposit or receive penalty fees
>money isn't even secure as the returns are less than inflation
Kek, the banks are delusional
You misspelt dinosaurs.
a-are we in the Kali Yuga era right now?
>unironically believing this
What can these coins be used to purchase right now? Do any big retailers use them?
Can you convert them into USD or any other currency?
Also what is mininig? Like are they hidden or something? Or is mining when you go and steal them from other people?
(((Someone))) wants to crash the economy alright. (((The powers that be))) here in the US are under considerable pressure and scrutiny as their witch hunt against Adolf Drumpfler is quickly unraveling, the mainstream media is dead in the water, and the traditional banking system clearly sees crypto as a threat. The chairman of the Fed was just replaced with a goyim. Their Hail Mary play is to trash the economy as a whole. Which will probably only speed up their destruction, as 1776 2.0 looms ever closer
>Adolf Drumpfler
"Always do the opposite of what Goldman says"
this is some heavy delusion
the banks are literally SHOOK
>Trusting Legal Scammers
Have fun gaining not a dime OP.
A lot of posts on this I wonder who is behind ... wait Goldman... Goldman ... pol was right
Blockchain automates accounting, that's the simplest way to think. Of course as every fucking new tech, it's not perfect.
But guess who'll lose their jobs once people don't need others to keep their books ?
Guys let's face it the only reason anyone has crypto is to sell it to someone else for more than they paid at some point. That's not a currency. I'm out, see you at the bottom
Coins are not only used as currencies, they also get used as transfer for data or micro payments for IoT devices.
Yes, there are website who will accept different coins for USD/Euro.
Mining is solving a difficult mathematical algorithm to forward a transaction, miners get rewarded from the fee's people attach to a transaction. 1000 transaction can be in one block to solve.
There are also coins who use a different algorithmic system, so you don't have to mine.
They use nodes to set up a network.
Everyone is always talking about crypto as a use of currency, but there are actually way more use cases that are already used by companies.
Vechain for example uses a RIFD tracking system on their blockchain for a whine industry in china. You can order the whine on an app and track everything from temperature to where the package is, you can scan it at home to see if it's a legit product.
One of many use cases.
Crypto is going to be big in a couple of years, once more and more businesses are using it to ease their proces and save money. This is bigger than the start of the internet.
Boomers als where skeptic against that, guess what they missed ;)
Nice try Scholmo
Why didn't Goldman Sachs predict the 2008 crisis. And the taxpayer had to bail out the banking cartel. Nobody listens to Goldman Sachs except for their friends in the media.
My fcking god this...
Brilliant fucking argument user.
Which "ethnicity" has historically been keeping track of population records, more precisely financial books ?
This is just FUD bloomberg.com
>not ready for launch until June
They just want to lower the price to continue accumulating