Does anyone else get angry when they see women trading crypto? As if they are doing something they have no business doing?
They ruin everything user
Poor little sweeties. Don't they have any men to handle their finances for them?
the gender that saved crypto
>user gets angry more dumb money is coming in
they add money to the pool. not seeing the problem you retarded basement dweller
>Japanese/Peruvian Computer Science Major i hate twitter but i use it to follow TA specialist and crypto news
>also heres my btc grill btw xd
>somebody actually put effort into making this
Female detected. Yeah, men put effort into things, why does that make you so upset?
This isn't a hobby or a game. This is a way to make money. I don't give a fuck who plays. More volume means more opportunity for me to make money.
your hatred for women is directly tied to your hatred for yourself you pathetic fag
No? I’m just thankful for their weak hands. The majority are risk adverse so I get to buy cheap bags daily thanks to roasties and emo kids.
holy fuck
>world of warcraft
>season 2 of stranger things
Insecure incel who is afraid of women complains on Veeky Forums. More news after this.
No. Quit being a faggot. A woman that understands crypto is more likely to be impressed by your portfolio you fucktard.
fuck off roastie
wow that picture as if it looked any different before she found crypto
top kek OP, you probably aren't even a real trader. I bet you lost money during this crash.
i hate /pol threads on /biz
if i want to see people sucking off the drumpf i go to the_donald
read her tweets absolutely hilarious.
>buy high sell low
A woman who understands crypto is basically a dude and will never want kids over career so is of no use to me.
no, its called a decent pattern observation you nigger brain/women. its cute how every women claims to be the exception to the rule however. its perfect having more women in crypto tho. the more the better actully
poor little thing :( just let your man handle the finances next time, okay sweetie?
See? The problem solved itself
If the only thing that makes you feel good is doing something women can't do, try chopping off your dick and balls.
Roastie BTFO
Guys use vpns and tor more often.
You feel that because you are a disgusting misogynist.
should stick to coding teehehehheeehhee i lo0ve java hahehehe
>400 dollar loss
>I'm down over 150k right now
Normies are really something.
Why when we can already do so much else?
>back to plebbit
My soggy knee. Oh noes guys we just got BTFO. Reeeeeeeeeee.
You can't honestly believe that
only reason you would be butthurt about this is if you now you also missed the boat on crypto. who cares who else is getting involved if you know you already have more money than they'll ever make?
Fuck having kids.
>I should stick to coding
oh no no no no
Just checked her twitter and she was "thinking about quitting Crypto" because she was "down $4k"
Talking about cryptocurrency in poker terms is a good way to identify weak hands that are NEVER going to make it
Anyone got the latest Emma Watson nudes? That whore totally sucked winkelsteins finger dry. I bet she gobbled up every drop.
>Speculative gambling is a hobby
as long as they keep buying and drive the price up, who cares
still gotta make stupid social media posts about everything they do ofc
this is one of the most autistic things I've seen in a while on Veeky Forums lol
>muh hobby
>don't ruin it
>the cool people are ruining it mommy!
Let the women, chads, normies, boomers and idiots come in to crypto please. I only make more off their inadequacies.
Really doesn't anger me if women are getting in on crypto. What angers me is them making cringey posts about it. Crypto is going to become the next sushi for thots.
I’m 34, I’m done with partying now. /shrugs
Also, *donger.
>”original members"
>2 people
Pure autism
bought fucking verge, who shills these women?
Get out of my board, fucking whore.
I’m a woman. Made $80,000 last year while being a SAM. My initial investment was $3,000 which I pulled out after a couple months. I bought in April of last year. I didn’t want to bother my husband with my silly crypto habit because he has an important career to focus on. But I showed him what i made and now he has essentially taken it over. I get more sleep now.
4K lmao. They have no risk awareness or foresight. It’s rather pathetic. They are lucky we made the world ‘safe’ or they would be eaten by a wild beast before dawn. As it is they are welcoming rapey brown people into our safe creations. They will learn.
being this new and not knowing those females are traps.
hahahaha what a pussy jealous little fag
Too stupid to understand an analogy
>why arnt more wimmen in crypto!?!?!
3/10 larp
Nice! You aren’t all bad but stereotypes are a thing for a reason.
way to miss the point brainlet
>april of last year
probably earlier than most of the people crying in this thread, and 2017 was late for crypto
I believe it.
based on a real life story
How's life treating you son?
Have you found a cute date for prom yet?
My dick is so hard looking at these women losing their savings.
Post more please I am so close to cooming
Way to take the bait, brainlet
I'm 29 and recently got out of a 6 year relationship. At no point during that relationship did I feel the urge to have any kids. I guess I am just different that way. I've been thinking of using my crypto gains to get a vasectomy.
this is how you make money retard
someone has to buy your bags, its the vicious cycle
Cripple chan is best chan. Far less collectivism and sheep. Now I know why.
What's the universal thot coin, bros
Mmm I didn’t get the urge until I hit 32 so maybe hold off on that. Plus you want all the testosterone you can get as you get older and messing with your balls kind of won’t help. I know it’s not the same as castration but still.
Omg season 2 of stranger things.... Turned to shit to attract femal audience. So obvious it was disgusting.
Everyone who defends wamen here is either a female themselves, or a certified beta whiteknight.
Bonus points if the beta whiteknight is ripped and/or wealthy, since it'll be assumed that he's either or both of those things just to try and impress women.
if anything i want more women in crypto because someone has to lose for me to make money
If you were my son I would tel you to wait anther 6 years. You’re a man in your 20’s still. Most guys in their 20s with kids, in younger generations, didn’t intend to have kids. When you’re 33-35 and are dating a nice 24-28 year old woman who you love and she wants kids it is something you will probably want to provide her with. Take my advice or don’t.
>$400 loss
>wants to quit
Meanwhile I'm sitting here at a $4000 loss in a matter of days, and I'm still hoping for the price to tank even more so I can buy more coins.
Meanwhile guys on this board are literary losing millions and act like nothing happened.
What is wrong with women?
A beta fag is probably gonna patreon her 5K anyway like a good white knight
Biologically risk averse to a point that's even comical.
Remember they're the ones who had to stay safe for 9 months with a fragile fetus inside them, amd they're the ones who took care of the fragile children until at least their late teens.
They were never supposed to enter the workforce and do men stuff like this, but now they'll feel opressed if they dom't.
>merely pretending
Daily reminder
>effort is bad
i despise you and every person like you
pathetic culture of mediocrity
a well crafted shitpost on Veeky Forums has more worth than the entire life of a normalfag who does nothing but wagecuck, party and watch netflix
you can blame capitalism for that, friendo. send the guys to war, oh no, guess we'll have to put the women at home to work in the factories, hey, guess that means there's twice as many workers so we can pay everyone less (simple supply and demand)
also KEK at you thinking crypto is somehow part of our evolutionary history
How many high school toilet swirlies do you have to endure to even be able to think up something like this?
Get back on your meds sweetie men are talking here
>He thinks Veeky Forums is where meme coins are conceived
Pointless to argue for the merits of effort in a board where 99% of the posts are about making money in the most inactive way possible (throwing your money at cryptocurrency and sitting on your ass til they're worth more than you put in)
>(throwing your money at cryptocurrency and sitting on your ass til they're worth more than you put in)
Isn't this kind of the point of investing in the first place?
How is this bad for us in any way shape or form? By the time these precious coins hit normie book we will have already accumulated so much, that even the wealthiest normie on normiebook won't be able to afford and/or be willing to take the risk and match the same amount of coins that the average Veeky Forumsinessman has in his possession. By that time we WANT normies to flood and FOMO. Even the smartest normie will only be able to make a fraction of what we have.
>also KEK at you thinking crypto is somehow part of our evolutionary history
Putting aside that you could argue that it(cryptography) is... It doesn't have to be. I'm talking about how our evolutionary history has left behavioral artifacts that manifest in the modern society.
Absolute truth here.
Yes, investing is kind of lazy don't kid yourself. There's like 0 physical effort put into it.
no way that this is real
No, I don't, because I'm not a fucking fag (probably a newfag from another cancerous board) who spends hours on fucking TWITTER and FACEBOOK.
>implying they're actually trading crypto
they want attention, fucking idiot. just like when they go to the gym to ""work out"" in the tightest fucking spandex they could find with full makeup, filming themselves doing fuck all and putting it on instagram to receive 500000 likes from horny pajeets and teenage boys.
How is sending men to war during WW2 capitalism, you fucking idiot.
i barely finished the first season
can you explain how the second could be any worse?