Tweet of the year 2018. You cant make this shit up.
Tweet of the year 2018. You cant make this shit up
top kek
haha she had stellar, iota, ven and icon and couldn't tell she'd have made bank? Holy fuck.
Literally bought all the coins with low price per coin, and casually dropping how she is a girl "coder". Jesus cunt.
Seeing she's the kind of person that bought Tron makes me believe I shouldn't be holding Stellar.
Dumb cunt btfo
>pulled out in January dip
That's where she went wrong. Real men don't pull out.
why the fuck did she sell? hold you moron
>pulled out in january crash
Someone post the woman coder who keeps having to go
>Pulled out on the dip
These are my favorite threads
>buy high
>sell low
Bet she browses Veeky Forums
>basically holding shitcoins
she cut her losses user
Attention seeking female meme confirmed.
Oh boy. She's a vegan getting blacked as well.
>panic sells the dip
>publicly posts about it on some
whats wrong with normies?
lol shes a spic so idgaf
She should just stick to sucking dick
You really cannot make this shit up. I kind of suspected it might be a fake account at some point, maybe it's an elaborate ruse by the OP of the other thread, but now I know that twitter is definitely connected to this girl.
>carbs up
>panic sells
>cries and sucks the BBC
classic, soyboy levels
kek she misspelled cooking
He's a big guy
Aztec midget.
that's David Carter, he's a vegan NFL player
call ICE on her
lol that black guy apparently is a vegan too
She tagged herself as vegan fuckmeat. Creatura soon.
how do people fucking spell this wrong so often
Her vagina is loose the dumb bitch
>losses money on crypto
>need the attention of hundreds of normies to help her cope with the loss
Meanwhile everyone on Veeky Forums has lost cumulatively millions of dollars, and we still don't leave our basement or tell anyone irl.
Can someone explain why the brain of a woman and the average Veeky Forumsinessman is so different?
You can't make this shit up.
Side effects from the loss of blood from the vagine
>believes fake blockfolio posts
No fucking idea. I feel like it started semi-recently, too. That and "alot".
Women are biologically wired for higher tendencies of narcissism. It's not her fault that she's been gifted beauty with the gaze of male attention since puberty. She's probably severely underdeveloped in areas of independence. Yet, third wave feminists will find a way to make that collectively all of the men's faults.
how many photos are there of this fucking guy
motumbo will break her in half with his oversized aubergine
>nigger-spic hybrid creatura made out of soy
sweet jesus, i really want to see this.
Americans can’t into English
Just market dumped my XLM and VEN.
"Why aren't women in crypto?"
what a stupid cunt, women are truely garbage.
get money boiz, women are whores, never get married
lol literally bought every single meme coin
el terrible monstro......
Such a loss!
Holy shit..
Her dad will burn her bed with her in it if she is jewish, surely?
lol, this my first thought too
His name? Chad Black
#vegan fuckmeat fuck diary
Coder that can't think logicaly?
Well... There is for sure big career for her...
hahaha how the fuck do you lose 4k when it went on a massive bull run in December, just don't cash out
Did anyone ACTUALLY cash out in December before the crash? You didn't hold it when it hit 20k did you?
Good. Hope she buys back in when it hits next ath.
My Schadenfreude is high with this one
This is the fault of feminists trying to get women into crypto, she wouldn't have lost her money if they weren't trying to dump bags on other women.
why are you paying attention to a mexican girl they are dumb as rocks.
Only newfags don't believe blockfolio posts. The rest of us have made hundreds of thousands ourselves and have no reason to doubt it.
Cant get in between a woman and her bags.
> coding
my sides
That can't be right, I was informed that vegans are scrawny and sickly looking
>only 400
>women even suck at losing
At least she acknowledged her limitations and admitted she was wrong. Meet any barren career woman in her 30s and you'll see the opposite (as they pop their loony meds to keep going).
>these people exist
Possible without steroids tho
Where'd the protein come from tho
legumes, plant based protein powder
from Clarence Kennedys asshole
what do you think vegans eat
Weak hands were shaken out
If you sold like she did youre a normie
> my investments were worth less than before after the crash that has happened every year, so I have sold them
I would expect nothing less from a female or a spic.
Sounds like a great plan to become a monstrous fatass
>She seeks fake validation through sympathy in a homogenized platform, with people almost obligated to virtue signal that sympathy.
>come here to have nuts kicked in humiliation disgusting cess pool of Indian scum shilling scams to desperate retards, but memes are funny tho.
Who is being strengthened out of these two
Comments like this show me where we are on that meme chart. We are at capitulation on our way down to despair ($1k - $3k range for full effect of despair).
We are yet to really see despair. And it will be amazing.
wow she's fucking retarded. bet she's an even worse coder... bitches stay the fuk out muh patriarchy
Most forms of social media are pathetic and beyond superficial since everyone is just marching to the beat
Places like Veeky Forums are great because they reveal real thoughts and human nature
For example: Fuck you.
This bitch been on chaturbate.
She freebleeds on cam.
> Places like Veeky Forums are great because they reveal real thoughts and human nature
>Bought the most hyped up alts
>Sold during the dip
i can't 'code' but something seems weird here... why she keep writing 'cd'???
>gave in to my dad's cake
tell me more bby girl
kek wondered the same
i want to suck her toes
has anyone looked at this sloot's Twitter? It's fucking gold. She's so fucking dumb and clueless holy shit. And is she fuckin cross eyed?!?!? Hahahsha
footfags get the rope
la reina de la abominación...
Did you miss the part where she unironically posted a picture of the moon with the USA blown up and pasted on it?