he didn't lock his price at 18k

> he didn't lock his price at 18k

Hahahhahaha retarded Veeky Forums brainlets

bad meme let it die

keep this meme once a week thx

great joke OP no one's ever heard that before

let this shit meme die

my fingerbox has a built in bitlocker and skub dispenser

Inform a brainlet, how does this shit works?

It doesn't.

Just so we're clear, is the whole concept of somehow locking in the value of your bitcoin a joke or is there some theoretical way to do it?

Post private key here and it will get translated to X's


You can choose to lock the price, but you can't touch it for 2 weeks. If the price goes up while it's locked, you get less bitcoins back, if it goes down you get more bitcoins back.

It's a win win honestly, you can't ever lose money since you're locking in the price, it's just risky because you gotta send your butt coins to trezor.

your whole fucking life is a god damn joke nigger WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

You can buy a car for $10k. You can buy a car for $50k. Same principle

You paste this once a week to make yourself feel good user? Fair play. Life must suck.


retarded analogy

Holy fuck it is fake. How would that make sense, retard? A price isn’t a fixed attribute to something. It is what someone is willing to pay at any given moment for something. Can someone lock the price of literally anything else? Their house? Their car? I can’t tell if I’m being double trolled here or if you are that dumb.

I cant believe how many replies this dumb shit still gets from faggots

you're seriously retarded LOL

i was a nocoiner and knew this is some retard biz joke ... sad please try harder dearies

its a meme but you're describing a short order here

It's not a joke. Just low risk/low reward method. If I was bearish on a price, I'd just start shorting with leverage instead