What would you do in my situation Veeky Forums ?

What would you do in my situation Veeky Forums ?

>single mom
>no job
>owns money to divorce lawyer
>husbands does everything to take the kid away and he knows I won't be able to afford all these costs for much longer
>5 year gap on resume because hubby was ok with me not working
>found an old wallet with 1 btc and that's pretty much all I have at this point

Any idea? I've been looking for shit tier jobs but they always reject me because I have a kid and my schedule sucks (have kiddo 2 days and alterning all the time)

Tbh I feel like going x100 with this 1 btc and either kms or become a whore.

I just need to make like 1k monthly to survive. plz halp : (

web development

Sounds like a solid plan. Bet it all and if you lose just become a whore.

Are you good looking? Find a new man lol if not cut everything and live on bark and get the gibs


Probably Ebay or Amazon selling. Both are pretty easy.

Doing an hero and letting my husband take the children. Single mums suck at raising children, especially with a job.
>t.raised by a single mum and she did everything wrong

if u a whale and ugly u should prob kys, if not find a sugardaddy. hope u learned ur lesson, shoulda sucked his dick more

Find a new man. GL with a kid. You should have chosen correctly the first time. Go find a charity that will help. Don’t put your kid in daycare. You made enough mistakes without that. Let the hubby have the kid if you can’t keep it out of daycare. It’ll make it easier to find a new man anyway.

Give your husband custody of the child and stop blaming everyone else for your fuck ups.

Also there will be no beta to pick up the pieces. You are now destined to be a cat lady.


if you send 0.1 btc to this address i'll invest it in one of my secret picks and give you 1 btc tomorrow


OP IS NOT A WOMAN, women do not type like this. Show timestamp of your tits to prove us wrong. A single mom does not hang on Veeky Forums either. Women can not type such long posts.

lol you've already made your decisions.

1/2 the posts here a Larps. Not even /pol/ is this bad.

It's like you don't know the rules.

Yeah I've seen videos of succesful people but I'm in europe. Seems much easier in the US.
Shipping costs a lot here. And it's hard to buy stuff in bulk to resell.

I don't even own a computer and know nothing about it.

Yeah, my guy helped me a lot already, so much that he's kinda getting pissed by it because it's draining him, he's not rich and I can't relly on him forever.

Not that dumb

I'm probably an olderfag than you

nice larp

>shitty wife
>probably wanted the divorce yourself
>maybe he takes the kid away because your a mess (and not only in a financial way).
>You did the resume gap yourself, you toke the easy way. And now you pay the price
>Sell the wallet and take care of yourself for god sake

If you talk about killing yourself or whoring yourself out your a horrible mother and those kids deserve to be with their dad.

Invest in a gym membership and train hard. Maximize your looks so you can get a good man. I don't know what your face looks like, but when you have a body like picrelated, you're gonna get a man no matter what

Go all in on turtle coin, 100x by the end of the year, turn that 8k into 800k and thank me later

Seen the stats of what single mothers do to children?

id say 80% of the time, they are probably better off with the father.

I'm handing resumes every fucking single days. What else can I do? At the end if I don't have a job I have no other option than this to survive

Sell enough BTC to buy a computer and then become one of those streaming chicks that get money for talking about crypto. Promote ref codes for a bonus.

Yeah thought about that. For some legal reason I cannot do this yet. But I have 80k insta followers (good luck finding me), so def looking forward to the day I can start doing it.

Hey OP
Can you share some details of your situation?
Men can be so awful, I've got a good inside tip if you do

sell it and now you have 8 months on the whore clock to learn something and/or get a night job at any 24/7 diner. trade forex/crypto all night whilst suckin dem dicks and youll be fine

like what?

80k insta followers is something you can work with. Can't you get sponsorships for things like that?

hm idk, sometimes I get brands contacting me to promote products, but most of the time they don't want to pay and just want to give you some of their crap instead

OP is a larp or fucking retarted 80k Instagram followers and doesn’t know how to affiliate market, doesn’t own a computer but “finds” a wallet with 1 BTC?

If your kids are a burden for finding a job and your thinking about killing yourself of whoring yourself out they should be with your dad.

there is always a (highly underpaid) job, but you rather are making excuses.


He must have done something awful for a divorce, did he beat you or the kids?

You seems to be a tough one, lol, you'll be fine.
Don't sell btc now, wait for another bullrun, it will lead us to New ath.

My gf left me sometime ago and I somehow broke inside, she like damaged me badly. I feel like a predator, loosing his catch, lol. I've never felt emotions like this, I always was full of love and close to buddhism. And now I was going literally to stub her new bf.

I dont think this is a larp so ill try to help. 23 yrs here making 6 figures not in crypto.

Whats your highest level of education? More importantly what are you passionate about and knowledgable in?

I guess I need help, I just can't let it go. I still feel her being mine. And the violance in my heart tells me to hurt her and her bf. Da fuq.

>For some legal reason I cannot do this yet
What? Stream? just buy a webcam.

just camwhore if you aren't a whale or ugly or even better stream on twitch and be a lowkey whore

Seriously, just give the kid to the guy. That way you can pull yourself together and be there for your kid when it needs you, that is, If you care about him/her. If not, keep the kid, get the government bailout, live a miserable life and ignore your child like 99% of single mothers. Good luck.

He did beat me and cheated on me. I got proof of the cheating but he knew about it and destroyed everything. Never went to the police or anything after he beat me...
The judge are giving everything to him since I don't even have the nationality in this country and he does

I don't own my kid to be a burden. I can work, it's just I need to get him at school sometimes... And that's too much for most people to employ me apparently

thx user. I have a bachelor in marketing, the problem is that it's from another country and here it's basically worthless.
I don't have much interest instead fashion & beauty desu. I was thinking of taking a course to make nails or stuff like that and try to find clients on my own

>I guess I need help
You got that right you fucking psycho

You have to Larp yourself out of the situation and you'll be fine

giving up all this personal info + a good range of your insta follow count..
>Good luck finding me

Never underestimate the powers of autism

For the sake of helping you. Just post some tits and a paper with Veeky Forums 07-02-2018

Invest the btc in Neo/Walton/Ether and then do camwhoring in spare time. No shame in it. If I was a girl i defs would

Exactly, at Last!!
We should've started with this

>Another low key begging thread
>The leddit fuckers that swarm Veeky Forums by now will probably fall for it

>1 btc
>I just need to make like 1k monthly to survive. plz halp : (

1 btc would be enough to build a 6 card miner that would earn about $500/month after electricity. Of course if the market goes down the miner would earn less. If the market goes up it would earn more.

I just follow emotions from the inside, why's this wrong?

Hatred just pours in my heart, I can't handle it.

did you see me begging? I'm asking for advices

will look into this, that would be great

I feel you user, I'm so full of hatred I'm dreaming about murder


It's okay to hate someone this much for a girl and a mother, but fuck, I was really close to buddhism. I felt love inside since I was 19, haha. Even during my previous break ups, love was inside. And now I'm so tired of stalking her and hating, that love is gone completely.

Oh wait, is love gone because i've replaced it with anger? Is it my fault?

Hey I know just the thing to get you right back o your feet. But first lets get this out of the way and post some tits and a paper with "Veeky Forums 07-02-2018"

I don't want these feelings anymore

At all

I will take care of you and of your child. I will raise him as if it was my own


Go to Dubai and get pooped on by Arabs, I think that pays like 20k a trip

Alright here's what you're gonna do.
1.let the dad have the kid for a while,
2.find a night job somewhere,
3.go to school,
4.get a degree or something that makes you employable,
5.get a decent job,
6.suck some dick if you need to in order to get the job,
7.get yourself back on track financially,
8.Only then do you look at being able to get back to having partial custody.
9.Be the best mother possible, you owe it to your kid.

Crypto is not the answer in this situation, there's no easy way out of this, it's gonna take a lot of hard work, put in the effort and you'll be rewarded.

I fucking love reading stuff like this because it makes my own shitty life seem way less shitty in comparison

Hey honey, I know it's tough, but we gotta overcome this

I'll tell you what, I'll give you .5btc just so you can live without worries the next month, in the meanwhile, study a little crypto, listen to podcasts. This is such a wonderful market

My profit today shorting bitcoin is over 4btc, I feel a little generous

post your address ;)

Should have picked a better guy, shouldn't you, you dumb fucking whore- you stupid fuck. Should have picked a better guy, right? Stupid bitch piece of shit. I'm sure there was a guy that loved you, that would have given his life for you. But you didn't pick the guy that lived you, you picked the guy that loved himself. That's what you always do, you dumb whore. Now you come to the betas for help? FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!

at least I'm useful to someone

not sure if real user but if so thx a lot. I'm learning as much as I can right now. I moved my btc to bitmex and I'm trying to scalp. I don't want to lose anything so I either don't use leverage or very low with stop loss. I did ok today, hope it continues.

Camwhore but don't show your face.

Not joking, I dress as a trap and make bux doing this.

"thx a lot"

you don't deserve my help

ahah xD how much do you make? I guess it's better than real whoring... But I assume you make less

Let her burn boys.

Living in uk.... from another country.... marketing....kid..... cheat and hit hubby....own money to divorce lawyer.
I know who you are

>since I don't even have the nationality in this country
the country might have an integration program for immigrants where they teach language skills and prepare you for the job market. check it out.

also, develop a plan for your future. decide what you are going to do professionally, just choose one, whichever one is better than not having a plan. say, decide you want to work in a nail salon. focus on that, and only that. ask for internships in salons if you must, start going to training, whatever you need. if your well established ex goes against you in court, then what you are going to have to show is not money, but reliability. he is going to have more money than you anyway.
so stop asking around and applying for random jobs. pick an interest, and focus on it.

0 iq nigger monkeys replying like its real

It's a hobby so I don't try to make a ton. It's just for fun desu but if you marketed well and offered extra services you could make bank.

show bob and vagene. Pls sir I have a kid

Become a content writer online. It's some quick money until you find a job.

I was about to write the same thing... Minus personal experience of dressing like a trap.

A woman who doesn't mind flirting and chatting with men online, can make a livable wage without showing her face. (eg. Masks and/or a wig.)

Pol is full of middle aged mothers though

Traps have more chasers who pay more and are more dedicated. There are millions of desperate whores but very few passable traps (not trannies)

I discovered Veeky Forums today. I mean, I don't expect anyone to believe I'm a femanon. But idgas, it shouldn't make a difference but most virgins here are desperate to see boobies

Tits or GTFO

It's more entertaining if you act like everything is real. Skepticism is boring af.

If I can pontificate a bit, for your edification, one of the rules of the Internet is "there are no girls on the Internet". This rule does not mean what you think it means.

In real life, people like you for being a girl. They want to fuck you so they pay attention to you and they pretend what you have to say is interesting, or that you are smart or clever. On the Internet, we don't have the chance to fuck you. This means the advantage of being a "girl" does not exist. You don't get a bonus to conversation just because I'd like to put my cock in you.

When you make a post like, "hurr durr, I'm a girl", you are begging for attention. The only reason to post it is because you want your girl-advantage back, because you are too vapid and too stupid to do or say anything interesting without it. You are forgetting the rules, there are no girls on the Internet.

The one exception to this rule, the one way you can get your "girlness" back on the Internet, is to post your tits. This is, and should be, degrading for you; an admission that the only interesting thing about you is your naked body.

tl;dr: tits or GET THE FUCK OUT.

rofl, so I should say I'm a single dad instead?

not oldfag confirmed

You are a single parent.
If you want the male virgins of the internet give you the benefit of the doubt you'll post your tits to make up for being a bunch of text instead of something fuckable.
These fags will probably actually just give you money if you do.

You're getting child support.


>coming to Veeky Forums for actual advice

this board is filled with virgins who would start stumbling if a woman talked to them irl, go to