Passing on btc before suicide

I have about $1mil worth of crypto in bitcoin from all my student loan/savings in back in 2015. Since my parents/family are abusive cunts I don't want them getting any of it, and want to leave it to my uni tutor instead.

I live in the uk and am not related to my tutor. I told him about my wealth about a month ago.

Would this be as simple as leaving an envelope in his desk with my ledger in and instructions on what to do with it?
Or can the court force him to hand the money to my family?

Well give us the deets on why you're nekkin yourself first

Or you can share with anons ?

I don#t know you struggle nor will i understand but please don't end you life. There is always hope and you will find purpose in your life !

Hey OP, my mom is trying to kick my grandpa out of his house, can you kick me like 5-10 bitcoins so I can pay for a full time care taker? Also, yes contact a lawyer and look into a will.

Hello friend. I am merely trying to survive in this world. I hope you get help but if not please consider me as someone who tried to steer you down the right path on this now normie ridden dump.


God speed, sir

Also don't kill yourself man, it's not worth it

I'm UK bro. If you need someone to talk to let me know. Suicide ain't the only option. Don't give BTC to anyone while you're feeling down.

Also, check my dubs.

send him to him using monero

Don’t do it friendo. It’s a long term solution to a short term problem. I’m the UK, whereabouts are you?

OP please talk to us anonymous strangers about why you want to end it all

Get help, first and foremost.
There’s hope for you yet, lad.

And no, written instructions aren’t legally binding.

Hope things get better for ya.

Help me user, Ive lost everything since Dec

maybe, your sorrow and pain will become my joy


Go buy a session with a therapist OP

Or better yet, buy yourself a cheap home in the country and start up a small farm, you'll be better for it

Also post address for proof

Anons can help you get rid of it


Don't do it, man. You'll love life if you stick at it.

Why do you want to kill yourself? You have more money than most people make their entire lives, take advantage of that. Money won't make you happy, but it will enable you to look for what does.

Fucking leeches, the lot of you! BEGONE!!

Before you try kill yourself try to enjoy life. Use your money to go travel and see the world, meet new people and maybe the love of your life. Do something good with your money, donate to children in need, help people. That will make you feel good about yourself and maybe you will reconsider. And if you still want to end after all of that than it's fine, but don't do it before you at least try to see the beauty of life, that's the biggest sin someone can commit.


Bro before ending it cash out 10k go spend it on coke hookers and Alcohol then see how badly you really wanna end it and lose out on that shit

What uni you go to OP? I'm in the UK, currently in my last year of uni and will help if you're close by

Don't kill yourself man. You got a shit ton of money, to do anything you want.
I'd like to start this again myself since cashed my small winnings, if you want to pass some, would be really appreciated.
BTC 18Wf8jL6B36AjLuiFesDQRudjfG3ZY7yV1

couldnt you just spend it on the dark web to, well, you know

please support this poor student


this 100% larp, but if not make a burner email and email me, we can talk (srs). It's not the solution.

All these fucking pajeets begging for money

If you really want to end it, just do it.
These people don't understand here, that you have free will over your life/death.

If you want, throw me some shekels.


Listen to this user, op.

UK bro here, the country is bleak, but you've been given a golden opportunity with crypto to leave it behind, go traveling, buy a house in the Caribbean, your options are huge and you can leave all your problems behind. It's what I did and I never looked back.

Opps wrong address.
BTC 14gG4uAsiZhooLhrd8MK8k3fEfqe7oh1QG

Lmaoing at all these Pajeets begging before OP has even said anything about giving money to anons

give him half secretly, and other half legally. that way, if it fails he still has half a mil with a slightly harder time cashing out, and if it works he got a large inheritance so people won't question large spendings.

also fuck all the beggers why arent they banned

why are all you faggots so obsessed with 'small farms'.

Ooo get a small farm user
it will fix all your problems user

farms farms farms

Don’t do it user. I have love for you. You are greater than this struggle. You are more important than your family. You should have been shown that you are a culmination of love. Be well and don’t let others snuff out your uniquely beautiful flame.

Don't do it OP.

user give him the money now, so it's a donation and doesn't go to the heritage, share the love, that tip was free


gf left me and helping my dad pay off some stuff, would appreciate it

always try and never get anything but ill try again


I hope you poor cunts get b& you are worse than aids

I dont want your money, dont kill yourself :(

Hi mate, I am your tutor. How do we proceed with this transaction? Give me a quick rundown please.


Please do this user. You'll feel better.

>Hey OP, my mom is trying to kick my grandpa out of his house

Jesus. What kind of an absolute cunt of a family does this?

Are you people Protestants or something?

Because getting away from things helps to clear your mind and get rid of stress. Farming gives you something to do as well. It isn't a perfect solution, but it tends to do a man good. Why do you think everyone who can afford it owns a summer house?

Sell BTC for XMR
send XMR to new metamask wallet
create new exchange account without KYC
transfer XMR to new account
sell XMR for BTC
transfer BTC to metamask wallet
transfer BTC to usb ledger
leave instructions
tip me:


Hope you get hemorrhoids.

Denounce them, it's against the rules to beg like a pajeet.

Uk bro here. Don’t do it, it’s stupid. You’ve got more than enough to move yourself miles away and leave all your shit behind, starting fresh. Things will look up, just keep pushing

My mom is an ice cold dumb bitch, that's why. She cheated on my dad and got divorced then had to go back to living with him (she forced him) and now that he's old enough she wants to kick him out of the house and stick him in a home so she can take the place for herself, I don't know her plans for the paper work but knowing her shes got something planned.

All these fucking begging pajeets, jesus christ Veeky Forums was a mistake

Anyways talk to a lawyer, you need to consult with a lawyer so your cunt family can't say you wrote your will under psychological stress or some bullshit.

Or just do the envelope thing if your parents don't know about your crypto

Write a will and setup a trust with him as the beneficiary. Surely you can hire a hire a good lawyer with your money.

nice larp

OP please, for fucks sake, dont kill yourself.

a- its not cool unless you are a samurai

b- you ARE RICH YOU DUM FUCK...just go to a small country and live like a king...get a new perspective on life.

i hope youre larping desu...because you have the whole world in front of you if you arent

Why not just take that money and start a new life in a foreign place. That's dangerous, might even kill you. Or it might spark new interests for you to focus on. My family are abusive ignorant cunts as well, it is impossible to feel secure around them with the constant pressure that they might erupt. Fuck them all. Be "dead" to your old life and start over, your financial success allows you this opportunity. Share some money with your tutor and let them know that they showed you a kindness that not even your closest family could muster. Your tutor has faith in you and so do we. Most of us do love you.

Or this. Withdraw like 10-30k for an extravagant coke fueled vacation beachside at a Mexican resort

user how about helping out the ones in need a bit?


mfw I didnt read the title :/

sorry user I am officially a prick

Thankyou. I guess I'll have to visit a lawyer.

Also thankyou to everyone not asking for money/trying to help but this is a long term decision. I don't feel sad, I just feel nothing and never feel happy. It's been this way for as long as I remember and I feel really at peace/relaxed. Just a word of warning to anyone who thinks money will change anything, it won't. You need to work on personal issues or nothing changes

it's been a pleasure shitposting with you bros

I would really appreciate it if the pajeets fuck off aswell. I would hand it out on biz but I know there's a good chance a lot of it would go to cunts, whereas I know my tutor is a brilliant person.

>has 1M.
>going to kill himself

Jesus fuck you OP. Id cash out and be pretty happy. If anything cash out and have a massive drug party with strippers and OD on heroin. While getting your dick sucked....thats how i want to go...

Get he/she to make an address and send it all

Remember to never give shit to beggars. That one guy in that other thread explained it's just scamming venezuelans that do nothing all day but watch shitty idol anime and beg for crypto and then make fun of you on whatever commie Veeky Forums copy they have.

Spend some first, retard

Do some psychedelics in small doses.
It has a decent likelyhood of curing ur negative feels for good.

Try the beachside cocaine trip first user, and if you still want to kill yourself, book a skydiving trip and hop out a plane. You can make your decision on the way down

do it
also piss off reddit

Your life is worth living. You are financially free and can experience all the world has to offer.
Fine food, beautiful women, warm sun kissed sands.

You are experiencing negative emotions- they will pass. All situations change and you are free to mold your life in the way you see fit.

Move to another country- or just Thailand to fuck whores. Get yourself out of the funk and enjoy!

Mate I had this for a long time as well. Total numbness. Apathy. Not really caring. Talk to someone. Trust me that it DOES get better. You might think "oh its been this way for so long so it'll always be this way". Bullshit. Things change. People change. A lot of it can be down to lifestyle.

If you think about it, killing yourself now or waiting it out has the same end. Except the latter has so many more possibilities but with the same result.

Sounds like you've gone through uni and you have a nice bit of wealth accumulated. Do what you want user but I'm sure there is still happiness to be found.
Go out to a bar, join a club, or travel the world. You can put your life on hold to figure out what will make you happy. At least give it a shot before giving up.

Why don't you simply go to Privatix and write a smart contract that will release the funds to your tutor upon your death?

No need to involve anyone else in this, as long as it remains in the crypto world.

Also, don't kill yourself.

I'm sorry for asking for money before OP, It was a moment of weakness, I'll figure out how to deal with my mom and grandpa some other way.

I'm actually the same kind of, I don't really get excited or happy anymore, I'm just moving through life waiting for something to happen but nothing ever does. Maybe you should try and look into spiritual solutions, it's what I'm doing.

God bless you for caring so much about your tutor, I hope he helps you get through these tough times like he did through all those tough questions.

I know this could sound like normie advice, but have you tried any medication? antidepressants? If you're going to kill yourself at least try whatever you can before doing it

Yes. Now go learn something you always wanted to learn. Id like to know how to throw a net. Those things weigh some but you can catch at once.

Op read the Bible before you really do an hero

Go to one of the live classes or buy/download the course.

It will teach you how to drop ALL of your negative emotions. You will feel happiness and joy if you use it consistently. Our true state is bliss. Our egos cover it up like clouds in front of the sun, but it is always there.

If you havent tried it before then please use some of the cash to go travelling.

While I wasnt on the verge of suicide I was still depressed as fuck, I have barely any friends, cant get in a relationship because I cant get close to people for some reason.

anyway I fucked off travelling alone around America out of the blue and it was the best feeling ever. For the first time I felt a sense of freedom and a weight off my shoulders.

Just at least try it, America, south america, thailand, even Europe just go alone. You never know who you might meet and where it might take you. Dont end it all in some dark miserable room in the UK when there is so much beauty out there.

Seeing the sheer scale of the Grand Canyon as the sun rose up almost brought a tear to my eye, nature can be fucking beautiful.

Don’t do it OP

If you turly have that much money. Cash out. Go on a big holiday around the world. Meet new people. You will feel better about yourself. Hell Even maybe visit a 3rd world country and help out.


don't kill yourself money can solve pretty much everything lmao and you have a lot

Mate, before you do anything come take a two week trip in my city. I'm just across the Atlantic from you.
You can take a hotel or stay at mine, I'll show you there's reason to live.

Your just in a dark place right now. Just think about where you'll be in a few years. Let your crypto sit and make bank while you finish school and get into a career. If school is what makes you unhappy for whatever reason- take a term off, go work as a waiter or a bartender and make some friends.

UK here too. Currently unemployed, so besides job hunting I have fuck all to do. If you're close enough I'll buy you a beer.

You have to use a will or you're just fucking him over.
1. Liquidate the coins.
2. Pay your taxes on them.
3. Talk to a lawyer.
4. Have it explicit in your will who your money goes to and who it does not go to.

I don't know your situation, or what is going on. I've struggled myself, and I understand where you're coming from. But please know you will be missed and even though you may be miserable, being alive and helping people could do more good in this world than you going through with this. I love you. 1/800/273/8255

dont be a faggot op

op family can be shit tier but you literally have enough money to get away from them and start your own life
fock em
do some drugs or somet your tutor is loaded anyway
if ur an hero give some poorfags some

Your life is worth more than a million dollars OP
Spend about 200k finding your happiness. Charity, helping others, something.

Shit world inherited from our shit parents.

Try religion. Unironically.

Hey you stupid little bitch. Don't neck yourself just yet. Ya got a lotta life to live. Focus in on what you need to do to become more mentally healthy. Take walks out in the country. Get a dog. Plant some shit in a garden. Do something to make yourself feel accomplished. Baby steps one day at a time. We are here for you even though you're being a little bitch. Much love.

If you're going to make a long term decision, killing yourself shouldn't be one of them. If you feel nothing, go out there and find something that makes you feel anything. Go travel, read ancient history, do volunteer work, just don't give up so easily.
Think of your tutor. Do you think he would want you to die?

Use the money to fix your family problems.

You can hire some very high quality family therapy with that money.

OP tryna pull a short squeeze on the neck. Snap out of it but not in that way. Read some posts here and try to think about what you need to do to feel like you have a purpose. This is my second post so I am really trying. We've all been there homie.

Buy some shrooms and lsd. I hear those are last resorts and can actually cure depression/ suicide by working some weird funky magic in the brain.

You don't need to live a life that makes you want to kill yourself, you don't even need money to want to live. HODL. Irreversible decisions, it's not going to make anything better.

It sounds like you've been going through a lot. Some ppl in tough positions find that calling a hotline helps. What do you think?

firstly: it's okay to kill yourself. it's your life, your decision.

secondly: i heard of digipulse, that's like an inheriting service for crypto but i did never look into it. maybe that's what you're looking for.