Oh wow looks like my package came today, what do you thinks inside it Veeky Forums?
Oh wow looks like my package came today, what do you thinks inside it Veeky Forums?
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Hmmm I don’t know
sex doll
Rope or bleach?
a lambo
Pepe plush
Plush Pepe.
Oh why it’s out good friend Pepe! Look how smug he looks....wait there’s something else..
Nevermind thats a dragondildo for sure
My man got himseelf a Pepe Plushie. I remember when mine came in the mail..congrats OP.
Take some good meme pictures with shitcoin charts
You better have a low f-stop camera lens to get good bokeh (background blur)
It’s a shirt... pepe bought a shirt of what appears to be the best crypto of 2018.. what coin\token could it be??
inb4 dragon dildo
I am always immediately disappointed if the box opens and the wrapping paper isnt purple.
10/10 purchase
Look at that smug face.
Link or kill ur self
Better not be link
probably pepe
fucking normie
Oh! Pepe you genius! I should have known you were a supporter of OmiseGo!
how many btc to hire a hitman to shot your face off and kidnap this pepe?
FUCKING KNEW IT omisego is going to cause a sea of pink wojaks from anyone who misses out this year
This is my last pepe picture for now
does it say made in china?
Where did you buy this crap
Please dont make more shit pictures like the last batches
Get a good dslr camera, not phone shit, and learn how to fucking expose and get good bokeh.
There is one mongoloid uploading those awful pepes with an iphone camera it makes me sick
amazon you dumb nigger
Now that you've opened the box and your life has no purpose again, this is a good point to kys.
>he didn't also get the nut button to properly celebrate gains
Because I have magic internet money
Typical fucking literal pajeet
I think I'm having a stroke from the cringe holy fuck
Which part, the plushie, the omg shirt, or the thread in general?
everything in here is cancer except omisego its self but that btc pic with the autist hurts the most
What funny scenarios should I put pepe in?
Woah.... so this is the power of bokeh
rip his lips off and put them upside down and make him grab for the camera and put some blue icing around his eyes to make it look like he's crying
Hey just got off the phone with your mom
She wants you to move out already
Why would I do that when I can accumulate more OMG and buy my own house a year from now?
>3.52 MB JPGThis is my last pepe picture for now
Did you find his Easter eggs?
smart boi coming through look out
mfw weathering the dip
link to pepe plushie please
Your Pepe looks kind of Asian
guaranteed 10x good luck charm
Should've ordered a dragon dildo.
delete this fucking thread
This is the comfiest thread today.
This would be a good thread if that shirt had a ChainLink in it, fag.
Shoo shoo stinky LINKY. Only omisegods
I love this thread
Make pepe wear that shirt and i will fap
>mfw my amazon only has this chinese knockoff
haha, where did you find this one?
i really really really like this pepe
Veeky Forums on fire with the threads lately
lets all buy more Pepes. Feels good man
can you buy it with crypto?
buy muh bags
What do you think will happen if I put this on my desk at work?
I work at a software company in Northern Virginia
You say it's a symbol of your financial success and hobby as an investor of decentralized magic internet money
you'll be fine unless you're in commiefornia people can't resist this little guy
>In stock on February 12, 2018
but I want it now :(
he even has a girlfriend
cute pupper
I had to pre-order it too. they just became available on the 4th and are already sold out
giant black dildo for your gay asshole
smart frog.
>all those eye boogers and shit
Groom your dog, Jesus.
Buying the pepe doll and kek statue
Any other things I should pick up?
I'll see your wawa and raise you the ICO announcement
get the nut button - you'll thank me
>rs wiki
Gotta get that slayer level for MM2
I fucking want one now. This is some top tier shilling.
>taking pepe out of the bag
it's going to be worth a lot more sealed you dummy
Can you get a good camera or better filter? And more smug cool scenes.
giant black dildo for your gay asshole