I am an expert hacker from Anonymous and I stole 100 ETH from moot himself. How can I turn it into cash? I don't mind paying tax but I obviously can't explain to the taxman how I got it. How do the darknet market guys do it? Do they simply not pay tax?
Cashing out illicit ETH
Get some kneepads sonny
>samefagging in your own thread
I posted in the wrong thread
>at Pic
>being this retarded
>why live op kys
audible kek what the fuck is this
Biz at its finest. I'm cashing out everything i have right now. Serious.
bump out of curiosity. How does one cash out crypto they have no explanation for how they acquired? Could you argue you found a flash drive on the street somewere with someone's private keys?
this dumbass thinks American soliders will fire on American citizens.
unlike every other sector, the military is still 95% white males who actually like America.
christcuck rednecks on suicide watch
Crypto markets taking its toll
>that image
>assuming ar15's would be used in a direct military showdown
You're retarded so let me connect the dots for you. What will they do about widespread civil disobedience by heavily-armed citizenry? Is the air force and navy still useful?
OP, a bunch of goatfucking farmers that live on $2 a day was able to defend against "muh fighter jets"
as long as the US military plays by the rules and doesn't just full out genocide a population with carpet bombing, automatic rifles are a huge threat to any occupying force.
"Guns aren't dangerous, that's why we need to ban them"
It's retarded doublethink and there's no logic behind it.
>the military is still 95% white males who actually like America.
Holy fucking shit that delusion. Every branch of the US military has been flooded with spics, blacks and SJWs all under the direct command of the Bogdanoffs. They'd shoot puppies in the street for dem benefits no questions asked.
you're retarded. spics and niggers stay back in supply. 90% of combat positions are occupied by whites.
it's a retarded leftist meme spouted by people who have never been in the military.
>muh spics & niggers on the front lines
op your image is fucking retarded
you can't conquer a people by bombing them, you can only destroy them that way. a tyrannical government wants to RULE not just destroy, they want to CONTROL. and that requires boots on the ground to actually manage, implement, and maintain your rule.
meanwhile look at how much easier it was to destroy iraq with shock and awe then occupy afghanistan
good thread
>US military can't beat towelheads in the mountains with soviet era weaponry
>thinking they can beat the armed American populous
Please keep politics on /pol/ faggot
*in case of audit
"well, I mined it on an old laptop I threw away a long time ago mr taxman"
>Is the air force and navy still useful?
yes, especially air force. If fucking tanks were used against a bunch of psycho cultists, then no doubt you'd see bombing runs over actual militias.
I think mining rewards are your best bet. At least it will let you claim them as long term gains. As far as how you really acquired them...If you really stole or scammed them.. I hope you die in a fire and your children all get brain cancer.
The jet in your pic isn't even shooting off a weapon... it's a chaff. Lame
could this work? do you pay taxes on something you never bought?
>implying everyone in the military would fight their own countrymen
i have a bridge id like to sell you
Total war hasn't been implemented since WWII, which was the last war we considered a complete victory.
Heres a solution... buy a Nissan Skyline GTR R33 from Japan with ETH, import it to the US and then sell the car for cash. You'll likely make even more money on the sale cuz the 33s just became available for importing
These cars are very common and cheap here in Aus. Also no rust because of climate. Maybe a good business idea?
Just having a look at craiglist, people are asking 15,000 for R32's that you'd get for less than 5 here. Anyone interested in setting up an export business with me? haha
The way we bombed vietnam was pretty total my dude. They still rekt the US.
Its literally impossible to conquer a nation whose people would rather die than yield. Its the one thing afghan goatfuckers got going for themselves.
As an American Veeky Forums enthusiast people will pay an arm and a leg for these cars
I'll play along with your larp
Use Tails or Qubes on a USB with zero persistent storage. Connect through VPN then connect through TOR, ensure you have protection again DNS leaks. Random passwords and usernames, no references to anything which can be used to connect you to a geographic location. Connect at random times, always. Tumble money through multiple wallets (at least ten, send fractions of amounts - not whole coins). Shapeshift currency to Monero. Tumble Monero through minimum three wallets. Shapeshift Monero back to desired coin. Send small, fractures amounts to random wallets. Sell locally for bitcoin / bitcoin ATM (super risky given sting operations if you’re from the US) or sell on the deep web
You're welcome 0x76Ea70aDe00037b73085120fb928160a8a42364d
No user, we killed or imprisoned every single german that could give anything other than surrender for the Nazi party.
To do the same with Vietnam we would have detained or killed any families even slightly related to the Cong at the time and done so until the end of the war, instead of the babysitting we did.
Of course these were both in completely different times with completely different political spheres.
Fine ill bite at this shitty bait, the same rednecks that like their ar's are the same rednecks that are in the military. Seriously i challenge you to find a liberal in the infantry or any enlisted mos ever. Everyone in the military is there to serve and protect the country they love, not to commit mass acts of demicide.
Nope . Vietnam wasn't full scale war. They rained fire in the jungle not in the main cities. If you want to know total bombing/decimation Google the Warsaw Ghetto masacre, the bombing of dresden and Lídice.
Little early to be hitting the crack pipe user
It was total war during the battles but the US never genocided any portions of the germans after the war.
Germans are civilized followers, they consciously decided to go along with having lost.
If germans had the afghan goatfucker mentality the war could have gone one for another decade in civil war fashion.
Its the one thing you gotta hand to the sandniggers. Their backwards "culture" gives them an edge in suicidal resistance until death.
based retardbro
Great business idea. There are some companies already doing it, but you could easily undercut them on price. Can you pay crypto for them in AUS? I know some auction companies in Japan take BTC/ETH for them
We just need to nuke that fucking cube.
You have no idea about the militaries psychological power over the dead shit grunts