Saving for my wife's son's college

What crypto currencies should I buy so that in 15 years he will be set?


fat fuck

I wish I had a dad. I'd even take a cuck

crypto20 is a fund that holds and rebalances the top 20 coins.


Next level JUST

Please tell me this is a after and before pic.

before wedding /fit, after wedding /kids

Unironically this

But i suppose if he is happy wgaf

from chad to soyboy smile with a half breed and fat as fuck

it's the hottest coin in the market and your wife will love it

even worse, its his wife's son. that kid is full blown chinky.


farms farms farms

why do they always make that face? (guy on right)


Did you birth them yourself?

Lol as he got fatter (and thus had higher estrogen levels) his facial expressions got gayer. Lol.

because he's genuinely happy and not dead on the inside?

no need to hunt women anymore, so you will eventually get lazy, so no gym, too much wagecuck waste time and kids screaming at you

from CHAD to DAD lmao amiright bros? lmfao rofl

i don't understand either. i just found out about these bugmen. what timeline is this?
the crypto one, right? this shouldn't happen.
what teh fuck is going on?

He has an Asian offspring.


because we have become so alienated that we don't know how to genuinely smile anymore
he doesn't know what muscles to use to express happiness. if he even knows what happiness is
you are him too, you know. we all are

>spawning elliots
This is why asian tiddies are for PnD only


..this is an exception

with the kid you got def a chink coin

look at him
he's dead inside
do you think he's ever genuinely smiled in his life?
i doubt it


Life has many doors ed boy

I can be your daddy

>my wife's son

Hey champ!

come here son

you're absolutely a jackass unless you setup a trust that just invests in safe things. 15 years is enough to realize good gains.