Where’s my hydrogen boys at?

Is Hypersolar the real deal?

They are working on a 100% contained solar cell that outputs hydrogen. Tldr it’s a silicon microchip that’s submerged in water. Sunlight goes in one side and hydrogen comes out the back. No fuss.

Hydrogen haters need not reply. Stick to your shit coins.


cool idea, how do you invest in it? Is it listed somewhere already, it all sounds like its in development

more about this please, im interested, what does it do? will it be used? can you explain, me brainlet

Oh yeah, sorry about that. Its a penny stock.


does this actually provide any net energy?
Not that it matters for investment.
"green energy" will be the/is the next scam.

somone shilled this to me 5 years ago on Veeky Forums.
i made 100%, then got greedy and bought more. it tanked after the hype died down and i've been bagholding this ever since.

i don't think they'll ever make profitability, but i've always been impressed with how consistent their researcher has been with progress

Tech already exists to turn hydrogen into electricity. It's incredibly efficient.

Problem is, creating hydrogen is inefficient. Need too much electricity, which makes it stupid.

Once they figure out how to make hydrogen using the small amount of electricity you get from solar panels it's gg unlimited* energy.

*not unlimited, but cheap enough to compete with gasoline.

It's years away no doubt.But their progress is (as you said) impressive to say the least.

Wow. You could do a lot of cool stuff with that much hydrogen!

It does, they are just working on a "chip" that is cheap. no one is going to buy a 500k unit that outputs 1 gal of hydrogen a week.

But if it's 10k. That's a different story.

>creating hydrogen

do you think that they can produce hydrogen efficiently with that panel? can they produce more H2 than what it costs in energy to build the panel?

That's the exact thing they are working on.

The started with a platinum chip. (Shit was crazy expensive) Now they are working with cheaper materials.

Just have to watch and see.

This may be stupid but with the worry about water shortages etc if we eventually do go to hydrogen fuelled things wont that tax the water even more?

Imagine if a solar panel mined cryptos with the electricity it produced

Floating solar panels are a real thing

The problem with hydrogen is storage, delivery and transmission, which is a really high bar. How is all that miniaturized. How is the efficiency of the whole system higher than current methods of generation at useful scales?

How far away is hypersolar from realistic implementation?

t. should be on Veeky Forums but is here reading u mongs shitposts while btc dies

>knows incredibly basic concepts and asks even more basic questions like ''how do you store it''
>im a scientist guys iq of over 200

don't be pedantic user, it's unbecoming

You can get hydrogen from any water. It doesn't have to be tap water

when H2 is burned it releases water i think

Water shortages? Do you live on Mars?

well, except for the part where there's no way to store hydrogen

bmw made a 7 series that ran on h2 in 2001 or so

There is some country where some of its buses run on hydrogen I think.

>no way to store hydrogen

1930. The post