
Until now, 20 tx

maybe he's not so rich anymore? you seen those hookers in his PR video ... guessing they were on sale as well ...

To be honest, that's really, really clever

Above and beyond the standard address scams

beautiful, I got to do this one in a few famous people's accounts once everybody forgets about it and a new wave of normies floods in

pajeets think people can't read fake account names. turns out it's true

I hope you're joking.



Oh man. You brainlets really crack me up.

Fuck me dead these are some entry level Runescape scams actually desu i seen way more complex runescape scams

i wasn't literally thought is MC Affee giving away 20 BTC lol ... for nothing in return - but apparently is the olde scammeroo ... holy shit which stupid fucks fall for this? i mean how can one mix up mc affees twatter with a fake one?

Where do we find you people

i see massive opportunity people are truly stupid and i work like idiot

80/20 rule ...

it takes 20% effort to scam 80% of all fuckups

dumb cunts like you are gonna me me rich

people like you do

this scam is blowing up right now

its extremely easy to do, and you can do it to pretty much ANYONE that has a popular twitter account

if you actually want to do this shit now is certainly the time

how? 1 i know what a authentic twitter account looks like

2 seen those scams like 5 times now

3 lacked the imagination to see someone impersonating mcaffe and asking for shitcoin to send shitcoin ...

4 if i were to be sending anything to anyone i'd check 3 times or more

5 thought someone called out his giveaway saying hes a scrooge (tl;dr)

how do you even get access to famous people twitter account

no no NO NO
They need to have funny nicks like VitalickButter

how those people must feel that sent money... too bad there's no way to contact them over the btc blockchain - too costly innit?

enjoy jail time fags

But now there are a bunch of copycats which reduces my chances. I will try to do it in accounts with a lot of followers that have crypto fans but don't have any copycats

legit enough apparently

not illegal

I am unaware
What is this about?

The Fraud Act 2006 makes it an offence to dishonestly make a false representation with the intention of making a gain or causing a loss. It is difficult to see how any kind of impersonation, no matter how odd, cannot have the intention of causing some kind of tangible gain or loss.

and what if the scammer lives in a country where that law has no jurisdiction


depends if it's a developed country with some common sense laws in it. where are you from?

burgerland here.... so basically pajeets from 3rd shitholes can scam with impunity

Pretty much... I'd assume criminal impersonation with the intent to defraud someone else is likely illegal there and nearly everywhere else, although it's the poor countries like India that do not allocate the resources to punish violators of that law, as there is not a large incentive for the state.

Does anybody know how many followers he had ? The account is already gone.


How do these guys get twitter accounts not verified on their own phones?