America first

asking here because /pol/ is a degenerate cesspool

can anarcho-capitalism really work?

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Can you stop posting your
>Can X ideology work
Go back to /pol/ faggot

FK no, are you stupid? It's a 3 year old political meme made by NEETs who are frightened of human contact but think they can design a political system.

Fuck off to I mean

Wild West America was basically Anarcho-Capitalist.

Yes of course, but only cause of internet (free access to all information everywhere) and blockchain (dezentralized secure system).
Anarcho-capitalsm will be the future. There is no way around. Globalisation and open borders are doing this.

I think you misunderstand globalization

>doesn't understand the difference between decentralized and distributed
Meme politics..

Sadly no but it's better that the leftist version i give you that

no it cant, but minarchsim can.
why it cant work: you can only speak justice if both people involved speak the same language and use the same definition for things. therefor, you need a centralized institution that defines things and forces everyone to use those definitions.

We don't think we can design a political system. That's kind of the point of anarcho capitalism.

Minarchism is the answer, constitution of liberty with a state military for defence and police force to uphold constitution.

We tried minarchism before, it was called 1776. It was fun while it lasted.

It requires technology.

Hopefully things go well with French Polynesia.

puppet monarchy with secret deep state is the only ideology that is going to conquer the world at this stage

a top 0.01% that manipulate the masses into thinking they are free and have any influence or knowledge is the endgame

call it what you will, but it's your grave now lie in it

And it wasn't so wild


Red Dead Redemption?

I recommend checking out the machinery of freedom for a great explanation for how justice is dealt with in anarcho capitalism. Economic incentives teach us it's quite viable, specially if we understand that private cities would be the main way of organization.

No because all that would happen is top dog WOLFS will fucking own everything. And you won't be a wolf, neither will I, most of us won't be. Life would suck for pretty much most people under that system. I have no clue why people argue for this meme shit and communism is similar. America is the best of both worlds and we have come a long way.

Anarcho communism is still better.

Enjoy your no roads

For the people, by the people. Not for the deep state, by the deep state. 1913 was revenge for 1776. How do we uncuck ourselves?

Ancaps are the most retarded people on the planet. Just as bad as Marxist communists. Complete faggots with no arguments

Call me a cuck all you like, but I think SOME regulation is necessary for capitalism to work.

I like being able to eat food I've bought from a store knowing they've not put ingredients in it that are gonna give me cancer. For stuff like that, you need regulation.

Too much regulation is arguably as bad as, if not worse, than no regulation tho.

>I like being able to eat food I've bought from a store knowing they've not put ingredients in it that are gonna give me cancer. For stuff like that, you need regulation.

You don't need a centralized mega-state to protect you from cancer in your food. For that you need to insure yourself or live within a private city where killing people of cancer is forbidden.

Anarcho Capitalism relies on the no aggression principle and what you described is indeed aggression.

Anarcho Capitalism doesn't mean no rules, it's absolute decentralization and privatization.

>Anarcho Capitalism relies on the no aggression principle
What stops your neighbouring city from genociding you?

Who's going to prevent mega corporations from putting peoples health at risk to make a few extra bucks? How are these rules going to be upheld? Mob justice?

Sorry dude, I just can't buy into this. I'm a big capitalist but I think limited amounts of regulation can be good for all of us. I also believe regulation laws should be more democratized on what should/shouldn't be regulated.

you ask this as if they have an interest in preventing this. their entire ideology is based around mega corporations dominating and ruling over everybody but they don't want to call it a "state" lmao

Oh I'm aware. Just seeing if I could get our anarcho-capitalist friend to say it.

It's an incredibly dangerous ideology that will take us back to the industrial revolution where the rich are insanely rich and the poor are living off scraps.

Fuck that. I like how things are now.

TL;DR We don't need government to provide goods and services, e.g, police, food safety, roads. HOWEVER we do need government to quell degeneracy, e.g., faggots, whores, dope slingers, (((subversive actors))).

>Capitalism is not right wing just because it's opposite (Communism) is necessarily left wing.

you need to be thinking more about cryptoanarchy.

the systems are too big to just dismantle - they need to be replaced.

pic not related.

How does ancom solve the road problem then?

You'd wind up with a warlord becoming the new government and telling you what to do. However we can swing closer in that direction and still be fine since we still have a moderately sized government.

Ok all you faggots, one simple question:

In anarcho-capitalm all is regulated by the people itself with private property (even security).

Why is a regulation required? Even a minimal regulation, what do you think WHO is making this regulation?
If any government has to make regulations for all other people. Who do you think benefits from this? Even jesus would do regulations where he benefits more and other less, because everyone see it different how the world should be and what id good, what evil, what has to be punished and what not.

How can you even thin, people have to be regulated by others, and this is good for them?

Give me just one REAL argument. What is giving just one person, even jesus, the right to regulate other people?

Every one on the left pic thought he is doing it FOR THE GOOD of the people. And for everyone there were millions of people who loved them, till today. Think about that.

Only in a high-IQ patriarchal white society that has a much much healthier culture than what we have today. Ancap has the right ideals and economic awareness, but that doesn't mean it is possible in our lifetimes. Ethnonationalism and patriarchy come first, then a limited government intellectual culture can take root and evolve into ancapistan.

killing is wrong man