Bitcoin is KING. Complaining about transaction times means you have little BTC. You think I care if it takes 2 hours and "costs" $200 to send $250k?
Shut the fuck up about bitcoin transaction times
Bitcoin is a dinosaur coin and hundreds of alts do its job better. It's dragging down the cryptospace with high fees and long transaction times.
You can send a transaction for $1.50 and get it confirmed in 7 minutes.
Bitcoin is for ballers who spend a LOT. Not for a pajeet who sends $4 after losing some video game.
Even better, what I was saying is BTC is for the big boys, not poor pajeets.
nice strawman you have set up there. what is it 6 weeks ago?
The bank doesn't really charge me any fees to send and its instant so why would i use bitcoin over regular money unless i was doing something illegal
I live in australia
Send me $100k see how long it takes and how much it costs
Now I live in North Korea
Try send me money
Oh wait
>It has become infeasible to use for the purpose it was created for
I'd rather use ethereum/nano/xlm
Those bags must be heavy user
Shut the fuck up grandpa, BTC is as old and useless as the condom you still keep in your wallet.
Bitcoin (BCH) is the currency of the Internet. A distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without the need for any central authority whatsoever. There is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank.
i found the nocoiners. hahahaha enjoy your 100 links, turtle or whatever the fuck u think is gonna make it for u.
BTC is controlled by a corporation named blockstream. They artificially limited the blocksize to force the necessity of the Lightning Network.
Nice shitpost, bcash brainlet.
Bitcoin cash is he worst thing that could have happened to bitcoin. The creator himself said so, that is, nick Satoshi szabo
Why name something "cash" when the whole idea of bitcoin and crypto was to be anti gov and cash. BCH will never overtake bitcoin.
not segwit Bitcoin backed by banks, with LN a channel system to force you to use theirs layer not the blockchain itself, fuck bitcoin, ethereum for the first place please
Blockstream receives their funding from AXA Strategic Ventures (owned by Henri de Castries). And from Digital Currency Group - a venture capital firm whose board director is Glenn Hutchins of the Fed Reserve Bank. MasterCard also invested in DCG.
Shortly after Blockstream came active on the scene, every single anti-bitcoin troll on /r/bitcoin disappeared. In the years before that, there were a large number of anti-bitcoin trolls. Up until last year, you could go down to the bottom of pretty much any thread in /r/bitcoin and see many of the usual trolls who were heavily downvoted for saying things like "bitcoin is shit" and "you guys and your tulips" etc. But suddenly last year they all disappeared. Instead, a new type of people appeared - people who said they were fully in support of bitcoin, but they just so happened to support every single thing Blockstream and its employees said and did. They had the exact same tone as the anti-Bitcoin trolls who had disappeared. Their way of talking to people was aggressive, they'd call people names, they had a relatively poor understanding of how bitcoin fundamentally worked.
I once heard the argument that "Bitcoin Cash is like someone making a fake burger stand in front of the Burger King shop and claiming to be Burger King."
THE REALITY is this:
Bitcoin Core / Blockstream is the one who got into Burger King as new management, and faced with the ever growing demand for burgers; they decided to NOT increase the number of burgers being made, due to having only 1 kitchen, and they tell customers ordering burgers to get a salad instead, because its better for them... but they will have to wait for it...
Bitcoin Cash is the new restaurant across the road with all the workers from Burger King who left BK so they can continue making the same classic burgers people want, AND they increase the number of kitchens so they can make more burgers faster to keep up with the demand. Customers get the same classic full-sized burgers and quickly.
Meanwhile, the legacy "Burger King" shop with the new management, there people stand waiting in long lines to get their burgers AND as they finally get them, a janitor eats a huge chunk of the burger before the customer gets to hold it in his hands. People will eventually get tired of all that crap and switch to the other shop across the street.
there is literally no reason for peasants to use bitcoin other than to store their "wealth"
can you give me the lottery numbers please?
Wait 10 mins to get a transaction through on a fucking 2$ coffee.
The future ladies and gentleman!
It's disgusting how the majority of altcoins are still attached to this piece of shit that's bringing the whole market down with it.
bro we have segwit and LN. fees will never be that high again.
>Shut the fuck up about bitcoin
Ftfy faggot kys
you just mad cuz you getting BCH slapped
Bitcoin = coca cola
Bcashhh = faygo
the whole Idea was to create digital cash that isn't inflationary, newfag.
BCH is exactly whats described in the whitepaper, which you never read.
think of bitcoin as the $100 bill, everyone wants it, but most don't carry it because its "useless" sometimes when they don't accept bills over $20.
You may not care, but I do, as does anyone with a functioning brain stem.
And I have alot more than 250k on the line.
worst fucking analogy ive ever fucking heard in my entire life you ape fuck nigger
heres a core dev explaining their vision for bitcoin:
usb is more like 8 gb to 64 gb. even a cd rom is 600 mb
jesus christ bcash really is a scam isn't it?
core dev? isn't that bitcoi ncore?
Lightning network is off chain
I don't care about it as it doesn't fuck with the integrity of the actual blockchain
Now shit like eth... trusting smart contracts fucking sif lad
Is pic with quote accurate
True, but honestly eth has proven itself great for payments too.
You linked a video of a Blockstream employee.
This is what Bitcoin is:
Anything is a fraud.
Nodes only able to be run by mega corps and government is what's described in the white paper?
>who cares if you can't use it as an all purpose everyday currency lol
how many transactions that go on in our world involve quantities like 250k?
How about I bitch about completely deflationary currencies being shit?
Or that Proof of Work is a giant energy sink that will be succeeded by better methods that we know Bitcoin will never adopt from already seeing the mess Bitcoin Cash caused?
Or maybe even that hard-fork coins are bad because it destroys late adopter's faith about buying into the 'right' coin?
>Nodes only able to be run by mega corps and government
No but its whats decribed in the 51 pages clusterfuck called the lightning pager
>implying a 20k$ node can only be afforded by megacorps
besides we wont need expensive nodes for years to come
Blockstream Coin = floppy disk
Bitcoin = USB flash memory
The first USB sticks were 8mb, or are you too young to remember? As technology progressed, the storage size increased. That's what Bitcoin (BCH) does; it moves /with/ technological development - into the future. Blockstream Coin (BTC) on the other hand, it stays in the past. Hence the floppy disk.
Bill Gates pic = Blockstream shills mentality
Not gonna lie former bcash supporter here. Its fucking glorious watching BCH crash and burn. but in all seriousness we can't let Riger Ver get the nuclear codes.
Be honest with us. You only shill for BCH because you care a hell of a lot more about the Bitcoin brand than the tech behind it, right? You want to get in 'early' on new Bitcoin and this is the easiest way you see to do it
>implying BCH isnt the real bitcoin
>Segwit is coming to coinbase
>lightning network around the corner
>best and most devs around
if your not all in BTC LTC or Eth you are invested in memes
i used to support BCH but that all changed once the fire nation attacked
Bitcoin is bitcoin
Those bch bags ain't getting any lighter sonny
>>lightning network around the corner
Remember good goy, lightning was officially 8 months away since before ETH mainnet launched.
Exactly only peasants complain about this shit.
>t. 2017 newcoiner
that '''''''''''''250k'''''''''''''' is going to be a lot smaller very soon, KEK
watch and learn
Guys I just sent all my BTC to the exchange to sell. How long does it take to get 3 confirmations these days? Thanks.
if you used too few sats it can take between 1-48 hours.
Once you have 1 conf it will take another 20 minutes
I just withdrew it from binance to my home exchange. How many sats do they use?
More and more lightning nodes are added every week, plus atomic swaps will be here soon as well trying to do you a favor user
likely enough for it to be there in 1 hour or so. They probably batch their tx so it will be cheaper for them to send it fast
while the LN devs themselves advise against using it with real money since they are still losing money in their very own tests lmao
The weird thing is it still says processing on Binance but appears on my home exchange as a deposit 0/3 confirmations. Does this mean it's made it off Binance?
Bcashies, so how do the forks work here and in what ways are they different from what was originally planned for Bitcoin?
Since 2011
Bitcoin is bitcoin
Attempted co-opt is a failure
Ver is a scammer
Those chinks destroy everything they touch
Maybe one day you'll make it
i wonder what would happen if you ran a facial recognition algorithm on those sea of faces
then pushed it thru clustering
beep boop does not compute
afaik binance has other tech issues as well right now according to their twitter. In any case your BTC shitcoin transfer will be slow
I shill for the Truth, precisely because I care about the tech behind Bitcoin (which I do because I care about freedom); and because I dislike that it was destroyed by Blockstream. BTC isn't Bitcoin anymore; Blockstream and those who fund Blockstream, they took it over, with goal of making it into the new Banking System. The whole point of existence of Blockstream is the destruction of Bitcoin by changing what Bitcoin is and how it operates.
But /you/ know all that of course, since you work for them.
By the way, are you aware how easy it is to spot you people? Or rather, your handlers, are they aware?
Three of the many reasons are:
>#1: When you accuse people of the very same things you are guilty of.
>#2: When you write completely made up nonsense such as the following and hope ignorant/gullible people will swallow it up:
>#3: When you attempt to "blend in" on sites such as this one, pose as one of us, by for exampling post Pepe pictures and trying to talk like we do. Put simply - you just can't do it without it looking extremely fake and unnatural.
Yeah I see binance is frozen. But if my transaction is appearing on the other exchange with 0/3 confirmations that means it's off binance right?
You'd need hundreds of megabyte blocks to handle widespread BTC adoption. Bitcoin is inherently flawed and neither Core nor Cash care because both parties just want quick money now with no intention of addressing BTC's long term limitations.
Bitcoin started in 2009 newfag. I started being invested in it in 2012.
Once you DYOR you will realize BCH has most of the OG bitcoiners.
There are no tangible arguments in your post by the way
yea it means your tx is in the mempool. It can take an undefined amount of time to get its first conf due to the size of the mempool.
Ok thanks that's a relief.
Just got my BTC and sold. See you fellows on the other side and good luck.
>You'd need hundreds of megabyte blocks to handle widespread BTC adoption.
Thats feasible with current year average desktop nodes:
>So whats the point of your shillpost?
>by for exampling post Pepe pictures
>Posts pepeshit
All the og coiners im still in touch with are still in bitcoin
Roger ver and the chink cartel saw an opportunity to make even more money and took it. I don't care who you see in the media shilling bcash, they only care about their own personal gain
I shill for the Truth, precisely because I care about the tech behind Bitcoin (which I do because I care about freedom); and because I dislike that it was destroyed by Blockstream. BTC isn't Bitcoin anymore; Blockstream and those who fund Blockstream, they took it over, with goal of making it into the new Banking System. The whole point of existence of Blockstream is the destruction of Bitcoin by changing what Bitcoin is and how it operates.
But /you/ know all that of course, since you work for them.
By the way, are you aware how easy it is to spot you people? Or rather, your handlers, are they aware?
Three of the many reasons are:
>#1: When you accuse people of the very same things you are guilty of.
>#2: When you write completely made up nonsense such as the following and hope ignorant/gullible people will swallow it up:
>#3: When you attempt to "blend in" on sites such as this one, try to pose as one of us, by using random Pepe pictures, and trying to talk like we do. Put simply - you just can't do it without it looking extremely fake and unnatural.
Economic incentive is an integral part of the protocol.
The chink miners biggest interest is in having the #1 coin be a sha265 coin, without which their hardware would be useless.
And without scaling, segwitcoin wont be top marketcap for long.
inb4 you claim its always going to be #1. It went from 90 to 30% in one year kiddo.
At some point fundamentals start to matter and a slow shitcoin with high fees has no fundamentals.
inb4 LN is coming hurrrr
LN might get some adoption in 2019 if you're lucky but by then BTC wont be #1. Also LN can be implemented on most coins including BCH. There is not one single reason it would be bound to BTC, corecuck.
Did you seriously just delete your post and repost the exact same thing except changing 'by for exampling post Pepe pictures' to 'by using random Pepe pictures' because I called you out on that? Why the fuck
Litecoin is superior in every way
Don't try to argue with pajeets and summerfags, which is anyone buying altcoins. Who else would fall for the "fast, cheap, decentralized" scam.
>he thinks coinmarketcap "marketcaps" are real
Yes you would, if your shitcoin actually had the fictional demand that you think it has. Not to mention if anyone with resources bothered to kill bcash, they could by spamming the network for a while filling the hard disks and bandwith of whoever was an idiot enough to be running a node on that abortion.
I am all btc, but this is one of the saddest, try hard, unhelpful analogies I have heard in this debate. I hope this is just bait and you are not as handicapped as you appear to be.
Most people are irrelevant. Centralizing Bitcoin so niggers can buy KFC on-chain is what the USG would like, but as we have seen numerous times, will never happen. You can fork it and rehearse it a million times under different names shilled by different scammers, the results are always going to be the same.
>btc is king everyone should use is because its best and also adoption blah currency blah crypto
>but you need to only ever move enormous sums of money around then its good
do you realise how fucking retarded you sound? probably not or else you wouldn't post dumb shit like this. and yeah, I care that it costs me $200 and takes an hour to send $250k, when I could send it in xlm in 5 seconds for $0.000001
nobody ever got rich by throwing away $200 to miners for every transaction they make
>mfw sending a 10k+ BTC transaction
>strongest, longest standing network in crypto
>most resilient to literally everything, even positive changes without unanimous consensus
>decentralized. There is no central authority.
>Nobody owns bitcoin. Nobody can officially speak on bitcoins behalf. There is no Vitalik of bitcoin. There are only vers.
>The inception of bitcoin can never be recreated in cryptocurrency again; there will always be a central, corporate or financial influence behind new coins
hold eth, trade shitcoins, but if you don't know the value of btc you're probably a retarded newfag
The bcash supporters are either ignorant or dishonest. The Blockstream conspiracy is a nice meme. It's actually very simple. Should we scale linearly and continually double the blocksize to increase transaction throughput? Or should we take the transactions off-chain in an effort to scale exponentially?
How much does it cost to send $20 in bitcoin?
How long does it take?
Will costs decrease as bitcoin matures?
1-2 hours
Surely you're kidding
>If you ignore the problem, then it doesn't exist.
Why did Blockstream patent side chains and not the Lightning network? Obviously it's because the Lightning Network is going to be shit while side chains is the real solution.