Am i gonna make it


Probably not.

you had a whole day to sell just now and ya blew it
good goy keep holding those bags

You already did

stop this meme already

cant even buy a used lambo for that

diamond hands no matter what

lol enjoy losing everything

you retards think that is a good thing?
HODL that shit all the way to zero you fucking sucker.

>87 dollars in a top 100 coin

its 87k you fucking retard

dont care. that money aint life changing anyways

It's 87 dollars

id like fries with my burger fellow ameritard burger

>How do I EU

put a stop loss in retard. What's the point of holding through losses consecutively


literal lunch money, sorry op, not gonna make it

God I hope so. If $87 is enough to make it then I'm going to make it twice over.

ICX hahaha wtf you realize it's february right? this shit has been done for over a week pay attention silly faggot

You're actually going to make it

lol retard

>22000 icon
>balance shows $86
yea i think you fucked up your shop, buddy

No, he's from some backward ass country that uses commas for decimals. See this kind of retardation all the time.