Why didn't Tulipmania experience dead cat bounces like crypto is now?

Why didn't Tulipmania experience dead cat bounces like crypto is now?

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they didn't have charts back then

because its fucking tulips, who the fuck is going to think a fucking piece of shit vegetation is going to the moon

"they didn't have charts back then"


Tulip mania is a meme. There was never something like a Tulip Mania. Stop believing shit you read on wikipedia

the whole thing happened in 6 months but guys this is exactly what's going on in crypto, don't mind the fact that it's existed for 10 years

literally this, the only reason that even happened is because they ran out of them, and of course you aren't growing fucking tulips in fucking winter, but apparently the dutch were too retarded to figure that was the reason, it's literally one of the most retarded things in history

tulip mania didn't actually happen you retards lol.
it was a social status bubble, not an economic bubble. there are zero accounts of people going bankrupt, and no economic repercussions. speculation was done by a small number of people, mainly upper class, who are actually able to participate. merchants demanded higher and higher prices, and eventually the upper class said.. "no, i can't pay that much". and the prices tumbled.

some breeding stock still gets those prices

>eventually the upper class said.. "no, i can't pay that much". and the prices tumbled
agreed to you up to that point, is no one even reading the dates

also apparently, some sources say the biggest crop producer switch to growing tulips which led to him going bankrupt and a small starvation

I would guess the growing season had something to do with it?

the dutch eat tulips? what the fuck is wrong with these people

That's what bulbs are meant to do, user. Well, they grow towards the sun and you hope they will bloom into a magnifiscent flower.

It probably did, but it looks like they only took note of the price every month or so.

no this is just a shitty simplified image of the overall trend and highest and lowest prices

crypto isn't bouncing you retarded fuck. It's a volatile market but it's still going up.

they made FUTURES contracts OPTIONS

as in, you had a future for $25 of tulips

suddenly, a new law says "You can exit your position by paying 3.5% fee"

so suddenly, your contract becomes an OPTION where you don't have to pay the premium if you exercise it and only pay 3.5% if you let it expire

tell me what the value of this option is now, when the strike price is $25 and the premium (on one side) is $0.88?

if you were willing to pay $25 to gamble on these things, you would be able to put in 30x the initial amount with the same investment and have the same amount of money at risk

but the upside remains the same

2nd highest IQ in Europe mutt

the first step is admitting to yourself that you have a gambling problem

>butthurt dutchie detected
yeah go and shove your IQ up your ass, I doubt very many people have done more retarded things than what the dutch did back then, and what you did right now, by posting this

tulip mania never happened, it was made up as an excuse by CERTAIN PEOPLE to "explain" investment losses with a humerous anecdote so they wouldn't suffer consequences.

"Oh certainly we lost a little bit of money on your investment, Mr. Mann, but don't worry! Have you ever heard of Tulip Mania? No? Now that was a real disaster, not like your small loss! It all began..."

how about the numerous recorded in details bubbles since then?

KEK @ No Coiners who will be the only wage cucks left in 2020

"Oh no we would never engage in such activities. It's all a misunderstanding. It's not like Tulip Mania or anything like that! Oh, you've never heard of Tulip Mania? Ha! It all began..."

Welcome to Veeky Forums, how new are you?

People were smarter and realised the mania was ogre the 1st drop

That's the hard data we have now
Other historical records fill in the gaps (if not the exact prices and dates of specific trades)

Lmao bro this is an Israeli pottery decorating forum. No one does actual research here get with it

It's more like railway mania than tulip mania

Because it never happened. It's literally made up. An urban myth perpetuated by the church.

they planted more tulips, it took a season, but they eventually ruined it for themselves

bubbles are a spook

shoo shoo false conrad

It was the plauge, you know. That thing that killed like half of Europe. Yeah, not the new plauge of Muslims, but an actual plauge that was killing everyone.

Gonna risk the public trading environment of the tulip trade for the plauge? Naw bro. Chad hunkered down and let the plauge dwindle, then sold mad tulips.

>still comparing a fucking plant to blockchain

Is this the secret of their height?

definitely this. the market didn't act any differently, just the recording of it. Also, this is a new trend, not a dcb.


This were fucking flowers.
1.) After a few weeks, they are WITHERED
2.) They sold tulips before they grew. And suddenly they DID NOT GREW (winter, bad luck, whatever).

And then 1.) and 2.) happened together. Ooooooops ...

So how can you even compare this with a fixed 21 Mio Bitcoin decentralized system.

Tulipmania is just a emotional story, born by media autistic screaming selling emotional storys and for people who think they know sooooo much. I laugh at this retards so hard.

>see reddit fag pic on left side, but it is just true

The reason Tulips crashed in price was because of over production.

This. It was created to help poorfags feel good about being poor.