Been up for well over a week

>been up for well over a week
>still hasn't been hacked or broken
>devs are still active, working on translations for the website
>chilling comfortably at an all time low

you've got 2 choices, Veeky Forums. buy now, or fomo in on the way up to 1k while the smart money rolls in your dividends

Other urls found in this thread:

Have they made it to chink land yet?

>chilling comfortably at an all time low

Lol so people got fucked

they're working on it i think. french, german, and spanish are all up and running

Not yet, I think they are in need of a more skilled translator

You realize it can go up and down more than once right?

It spiked out of the gate like any ICO would. People who bought at ATH took a hit for sure. Same things happens with any coin. But as people sold and as new people buy, they will recover with dividends.

It's a long term holder's game.

being low is good. selloffs are great for long term holders (because of the 10% dividends on sell, not to mention they get a higher percentage of the dividend as less and less tokens are in the supply), and it is an open invitation for a new wave of hodlers to buy in low. once the smart money gets in, people notice the boom and fomo in. once the price peaks, the weak hands sell off while those who got in low reap the dividends of the buys AND the ensuing selloff. it's working exactly as intended

When my ETH dropped in Value, I made enough in the EPY Dividends to off set the drop. When it turned, I was all real world profit! Thank about that!

Ive literally trippled my money already just in dividends


Idk about that m8

I put in 14 ETH ITS TRUE

fuck off powh 2.0 is coming out this weekend and thats an actual investment;

watch fucking NO ONE put money into that

Veeky Forums:

>Buy internet money, not assets or cash flow-producing companies
>buy high sell low
>just hodl to pay for some rich guy's lambo

The IQ of this board is fucking low.

considering they rewrote the code entirely and took the ponzi out, it's probably going to get some serious buy ins

Tryna get those 2% daily returns m8

Ethpyramid is fucked because it still uses that fucked up algorithm that gives the first people who bought in 80% of dividends.

and ethpy has literally zero memes

Things are not how they used to be mmm no no no .


Plus PowH gauntlet built its smart contract as an actual economic model and not a ponzi scheme. There's going to be so much fomo to join that shit.

Hold off on the ponzi investing for a week guys and buy into PoWH when it drops and don't get ponzied. Ethypramid scales the investments based on a 4x log equation which essentially causes the first 5-10 eth put into the contract to be worth more than the next 400 eth in buy weight. It's a really fucked weighted ponzi.

there was so much disconent when etherpyramid launches because the dev actually fucked over the entire discord when he launched it, and they didn't even manage to get reddit or twitter involved for the normie money.

So uh, just like a fucking pyramid scheme works. How observant.

was realll fuckin shameful the way they scammed even the discord group that supported it.

exactly. They'll lie to you in here and claim they made profit when nobody who buys in because of this thread will make anything.

I mean, I made ~800% off the original one.

Even on this one, I got in a little later, but I'm at ~250% from dividends from holding all week.

unbelievable that powh is still trying. people trusted that brand name and were burned twice in a row. why not rebrand? who the fuck is going to trust you? also solid 10 posts in a row m8 good job shill harder


they literally made a ponzi scheme that ponzied everyone equally, it was fantastic.


come on step it up you guys haven't made a fresh meme in a week.

Not the ethpyr graph but still kek

Yeah I lost some serious eth in POWH. Not because of getting in late or anything, but because the devs are FUCKING RETARDED
I'll never give those faggots another dime.

Lol they fixed the problem. What kind of car do you drive? I'd bet they've made a car with lethal defects in the past.

Just fucking stop, POWH scammed 1600 ETH out of their own userbase, that’s fucking ridiculous. Plus the dev of ethpyr already cashed out and most of the devs have too so they don’t own “80%” of the contract

lel, even the devs got Ponzied on PoWH, priceless

has a car with lethal defects ever killed literally every person driving it? try another metaphor sweaty

lol the normie brainlets think they know what happened but in reality the initial 5 eth(+5 eth at launch) put in was cashed out but they reinvested 10eth after. These “sold” tokens were burned and as a result everybody remaining had an even greater share of the market than before. READ THE FUCKING BLOG FAGGOT

New devs, the old ones are gone after losing everything in the shadowtardation.

They told you they fixed the problem. They also told everyone that there was no problem in the first contract.

At least the EthPy contract is super simple. I may lose some value if the token price tanks, but at least some faggot hacker won't come along and just take ALL my ETH.

nigga your glorious leader divine cashed out 60 eth or something and wasted it all on etherroll.

Lel, ethpy just copied the PoWH contract and all of its home page and code though. It didn't do anything but encase a buy order in safemath strings.

So the ‘new devs’ are using the same shitty branding? Oh and they won’t steal your ETH this time, they promise?

branding is fuckin fab tho

POWH 1 and shadow was borderline performance art that brainlets literally don't understand.

>Retard devs create a joke site to get people to buy into a literal scam and provide some memes for bizraelis.
>Devs get scammed by their own fucking scam
>Literal actual retards and mongoloids unironically see it as a legit investment and take the hodling memes seriously on a pyramid scheme, these retards all baited into buying into ethpyr not realising that their negligible gains are dogshit compared to the devs creating these knock-offs and clones.

The funniest thing about the whole pyramid coin thing is that people ironically don't see them as scams because they're clearly marked as such they think they're clever for investing into a literal scam even after the 4x logarithm was explained to them. EthPyr should have failed to pass 2/3 hundred ETH if Veeky Forums was smart. There's a survivor bias to all of these gay threads and literally the people making them are probably devs of the ETHpyr site.

>devs get scammed by their own fucking scam
part will never not get me,

also you forgot to mention that the exploit that crashed PoWH took down some other ERC20 currencies as a result of PoWH getting ponzied, it's fucking brilliant.


I mean, just go actually look at the contract and you can see that you're wrong. I'm not trying to trick anyone. The contract is available for anyone to look at.

sorry i was mistaken it looks like the top 4 devs withdrew 30% of the contract.

Don't forget ShadowPyramid, 420PoWH, and DiamondHands. Oh, and all those 20+ clone contracts?

Guess what?

Somebody is utilizing ALL of them, probably put 0.1 ETH in every single contract hoping one day, one of them will moon.

the fuck you talking about if you ctrl+f and remove the // comment lines it's THE SAME CODE rearranged to look like it's not.

Shit someone assembled it up the same way over in shadowpyramid chat and it was like 95% the same.

Honestly i don't know how anyone can be mad at the whole fiasco unless they threw their insulin/drug/chemo money at it.

I don't think there's ever been such a public display of hapless, unwitting and incompetent nerds scammed by their own fucking thing. It's like one of those Tom and Jerry shorts where the cat sets off his own trap and gets rekd by himself. They literally locked up their own cash to get stolen by slavs lmfao

Anyone do a good writeup of the smart contract for this one?
I looked at it a while after POWH crashed, and I thought I saw some bugs. Nobody in the thread seemed to have answers, anyone here know some solidity?

PowH gauntlet is using a new smart contract built from scratch by new devs because they liked the concept.

Etherpy is just a scam with a fucked up algorithm

The powh devs likely put the bug in their on purpose to scam everyone. The logarithm part about ethpyr sucks but is no longer relevant because the dev already cashed out all his tokens, that’s why I’m still holding. It’s basically gambling, I’m just gambling that people will buy the dip (which will likely happen)

It kinda sounds like you can't read the code, and someone told you they are the same. They behave quite differently, and the bugs are fixed. I literally don't give a shit if you can't figure this out though, but just trying to spare others from falling for your retard FUD.

Mind elaborating?
That doesn't really help me understand the code though.

it sounds like you're just really defending etherpy because you figure now that you're the last one holding maybe you'll make something if it goes back up.

Coin scale of original PoWH was logarithmic, every 4x multiplier of total coins, the value of the coin doubled instead of quadrupled. Meant that at 200 eth invested into the contract it had to hit 800 eth to double your investment because 3/4ths of it was going to the early investors.

oh, and etherpy just copied PowH's code and slapped bandaids on a bug or two,Same algo and everything.

Gotcha, what do you think it should be?
Also, do you know anything about solidity? I have some questions about the contract itself.

I doubt it, they just copy pasted the code and removed the escape hatch, i very much doubt they even knew how to put the bug in their, nothing about their code or copy pasta'd site suggests that they were somehow masters of code pretending to be retards, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.

You just sound like a late bagholder to me hoping others will buy in, people weren't memeing about the logorithm, almost everyone in ethpyr was a latecomer who heard/got into POWH too late and wanted "their own" that they could exploit.

what this guy isn't telling you is that that's the point. as ethpy pumps and dumps, you get the chance to BE one of the early investors. the contract is sub 200 now, buying in and riding the pump up to 800 (less than powh was when it died) would double the value of your tokens, plus you dividends from all the fools who fomo'd in. then, if you've got strong hands, hold while people sell for their profit to collect round 2 of dividends on the way back down.

most of the devs have sold already, there's no whale manipulation here. (also no exit scams, but hey, that doens't seem like a big deal to the powhfags)

>>You just sound like a late bagholder to me hoping others will buy in, people weren't memeing about the logorithm, almost everyone in ethpyr was a latecomer who heard/got into POWH too late and wanted "their own" that they could exploit.
Wouldn't you just put in the minimum amount possible if you wanted to exploit it?

this is false, unless the contract drops below 10 you are not going to be an early investor on a 4x log algo.

show your work

He's right. On the OG POWH coin you'd be an early investor under 200 eth but now you're fucked.

It's pretty simple math bro even a brianlet mathlet should be able to figure this shit out.

nigga the fuck it gonna do skyrocket to 80 after dropping to 10 shit nigga fuckin step your shit up and realize what the fuck you thinkin nigga like get real nigga swear to lord oh jesus christ you fuckin stupid nigga

>smart money


As other anons explained already unless you're literally developing a clone or one of the devs friends you're really better off not risking it.

There are two type of "PoWH" participants that i've seen over the past week or so. Those who are making the pyramid scam and making big dollars and those who are unironically being scammed but are too dumb to realise it.

This about sums it up. the "whitepaper" was literally a badly drawn graph that vaguely had promise of cycling infinitely that mongoloids took seriously because it was a joke (take a second to think of how paradoxical it is to trust in something because it is a low quality image on a site that is openly admitting to be a scam). I have no problem with people throwing money at this shit but pretending you're literally anything other than a bagholding retard is just trying to save face.

I had over 300 powh coin. I loved the memes but I prefer security -- and I only care about a pyramid that mirrors the origin idea as much as possible.


>when you do a really shitty job of copying PowH's art and memes.

I doubled my money with ethpyr on the dividends alone. What bagholding are you talking about?