He doesn't have NEO

>He doesn't have NEO
When are you gonna begin to believe Veeky Forums?

fellow neo nazi reporting. I'm leaving it in a wallet and forgeting about it so I have plausible deniability.

Bros I would buy some but it's so god damn expensive... is it worth it to buy like 2 to 3 neo. Will I make it?

have 20 NEO collecting gas on neotracker, I mean its barely anything but I'm leaving it there so I don't sell like an idiot, who knows what it will be EOY but it will be at least 300 yeah?

1k EOY

>not GAS

I have 83 Neo. Will I make it? I can hold for however long it takes.

>it's getting delisted as a security
>trinity white paper is a literal plagiarized copy of the raiden white paper
>it's named after a tranny sci-fi flick about how nothing digital is real

10/10 investment, what could go wrong?

scammiest coin ever
muh gas is the only reason to get it and muh gas isn't worth shit unless the coin itself is

whats it mean if its getting delisted as a security. why the hell was it listed as a security in the first place.

NEO is too boring and not Linky enough for Veeky Forums. That makes it a good buy

It was never listed as a security lol, and its a good thing it isnt, because then taxes get fucked.

trinity does something similar to raiden but for NEO, the papers are completely different even if the tech is similar.

Not an argument for staying poor.

In reality this is the only coin capable of competing with ETH, and as soon as China gets its regulations set, NEO will be the dominate option in the chinese market. Dont be an idiot, user.

This is pretty much copy-pasta
If you need to work higher to make it invest in the ICOs, they've always given a huge return. Keep an eye for NEX and use your gains to get more NEO


>not the same


I once believed an idiot who pretended Chinese people didn't care about NEO. Well, turns out I was an even bigger idiot for listening to that moron back when it was 30 dollars, which was already late in the game. It has stayed surprisingly strong. Another coin/token which was recommended here and with a similar trajectory is ELASTOS.

not really worth it for me to have neo right now because i'm poor

basically my plan is to accumulate off moons from small cap shit coins, then start accumulating neo until it has its breakout.

after that i'll put the neo breakout funds into eth and hodl til the next bull run in 2024 after which i'll retire

>Checked it's whitepaper
>That page isn't there

When they can use a coin designed for China in their own mainland.

I only have 2.57 :(

Buying 3000 dollars worth the secondwe hit the next floor

Is this a bad idea?

>it's impossible to delete something from a document

Brainlet confirmed, you deserve to lose everything.

>is it worth it to buy like 2 to 3 neo
What did he mean by this? If you invest x amount and make y percentage gains then you'll make z amount of money. The price of the coin doesn't affect how much money you make.

NEO is one of the 1% of cryptos where the token (Gas technically) is actually being used and not just bought solely for speculative reasons. More ICOs coming, good team, and backing from legit real world companies.

Stale pasta FUD from the same salty user. If you bought months ago when you started with this crap instead of being retarded you could have made a lot of money, yet you preferred to remain poor.
You are not very smart, are you?

When it stops being a highly centralized shitcoin.

Never trust the chinks

>same tech
>the drawing looks similar!
Yeah, apple and PC computers looks the same! Copied, copied!

NEO will be golden as more ICO's get set up on the platform. The price of NEO keeps away cheap fucks (think AMZN) and GAS is a nice bonus to keep it in a wallet. Look anyone who got rich form crypto has the same story but it and forget about it. Listen, get on with your life. You got crypto ETH NEO BTC maybe VEN or WTC or LINK as a back up, go study C++, or get yoru realtors license or get fit, or start a youtube/ intragram/ online personality or cash in some of your gains and buy a nice camera and learn to take photos and then travel and build a portfolio in Asia. Do not fucking stare at CoinMarketCap all day and let the best years of your life pass you buy while you make a couple bucks.

I'll buy NEO when it stops being Chinese.

Never trust chinks.

There are still people unironically shilling this scamcoin?

Thanks for advice, this is my goal to do but I end up just reading Veeky Forums, articles and white papers all night.

NEO is incredibly centralized, the entire network only has 13 validating nodes.
*Developers whitelist who can run validating nodes.
*NEO’s blockchain disappeared for several hours in October.
*NEO’s GitHub has alarmingly sparse activity.
*NEO only has 6 smart contracts operating on the entire blockchain.
*The East has almost no interest in NEO - 90% of NEO’s volume comes from the West.
*NEO attracts questionable ICOs and dApps.
*NEO makes announcements of announcements.

NEO is a blockchain built purely on promises and rumours. There is no substance.

Dont trust chinks

This thread is for deluded Neo cucks only facts not allowed.

NEO is incredibly centralized, the entire network only has 13 validating nodes.
*Developers whitelist who can run validating nodes.
*NEO’s blockchain disappeared for several hours in October.
*NEO’s GitHub has alarmingly sparse activity.
*NEO only has 6 smart contracts operating on the entire blockchain.
*The East has almost no interest in NEO - 90% of NEO’s volume comes from the West.
*NEO attracts questionable ICOs and dApps.
*NEO makes announcements of announcements.

NEO is a blockchain built purely on promises and rumours. There is no substance.

Dont trust chinks
