So I am holding 6000 REQ, 30 WTC, 1000 LINK, 30 OMG, 70 ARK, 36 ICX, 500 TRX and 20 XRP

So I am holding 6000 REQ, 30 WTC, 1000 LINK, 30 OMG, 70 ARK, 36 ICX, 500 TRX and 20 XRP.

Will that be enough for a nice house away from degeneracy? And when?

nope, replace some of those with neo, qtum, eos, ada, nas, qash, omg

definitely ada

You need to consolidate in to 3-4 coins

and get some RLC ffs

People with this little money do not deserve to make their own threads. Go post your shitfolio in a designated thread.

so much this. im fucking sick of these poorfag kids shitting up this board with their lunchmoney thinking theyre important.

>so much this
this fucking board is infested by reddit

Is this a meme? Why do so many biztards think going all in on a couple coins is smart?

You don't make any money investing your $1000 in 20 coins you fucking brainlet. If you're trying to make real money you go in on no more than 3 strong projects.

please dont teach the idiots. this board is a subreddit now. their money must be lost so that we can succeed.

Or if you're trying to lose real money. Why not just manage your risk like someone with a brain would?

>go all in verge, xrp, tron!!!! moon lambo soon :^)


do you see me shilling those coins you dumb faggot? oh i get it, you need to create fucktarded strawman arguments in order to make yourself feel better for investing in 20 coins. Youre not gonna make it idiot haha

I already made it idiot. 100x my initial investment from july, sold most in dec and jan, in 16 coins

good for you. youre still a fag.

no im NOT

>implying your portfolio isn't you investing your lunch money on the right coins at the right time
fucking elitists man, i swear

who the fuck comes here interested in getting rich and wants to read some faggot talk about his $100 "investment"?

If you're not all in on 1 coin when your portfolio is less than 500k, you're not going to make it.

Because discussion over price has nothing to do with the amount of investment. Unless you're dealing in obscene volume, then your choices for coins go down.

>If you're not all in on 1 coin when your portfolio is less than 500k, you're not going to make it.

If you're not a professional risk manager don't ever think you're managing risk correctly you god damn fucking brainlet. THINK ABOUT IT LIKE THIS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS

If you hold 20 different alts and BTC goes on a tear and alts get slaughtered you get JUST'D Diversification in crypto is to 30-50% portfolio BTC or ETH not fucking 29 alts you brainlets

Yes you are. You need to go back

nice list
also zrx, knc

if youre a newfag you dont know anything about crypto, the projects, the memes, or the markets

youre just trash on this board that we need to filter through

lurk more