Hey Veeky Forums

hey Veeky Forums

what do you make of these pyramid coins that totally admit they are pyramid schemes? The last couple seem to have got hacked or the owners have run away with the funds but they seem to be evolving?

Obviously its incredibly risky but is there a future for this kind of thing? Like gambling?

Even admitting they are pyramids, some of these have had hundreds of eth funneled into them in a matter of hours?

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Hey. Got an example? Is it bitconect type of deal?

Can you give an example. I'm interested

>just realized lambo logo is a bull, thought it was a horse for some reason

truly the patrician neet gordon gecko roleplayers car

bitconnect pretended to be something it wasn't. These coins are openly pyramid schemes.

the one from the pic is hodlcoin.life

i love the honesty this way u know what u r in for

I'll check it out now. Is it something you really wanna get in on at the beginning? Reckon you'll make some good coin?

Ill give it a 10 for honesty. After reading the way it works its actually brilliant. No referal and the faster in the higher you are in the chain. Im gonna throw some ETH in for shits n giggles ti see if its legit

the first ponzicoin and powh had a chance because it was a new and had opportunities for sustained fomo

all opportunities are gone, only the devs and tights circles will profit from future ones

the dying ethpyr shills are particularly sad, some actually think their dying pyramid will come back

once new money stops moving in at a fast rate(fomo), the pyramid quickly deflates to a base level then slowly bleeds until all remaining bagholders give up

It is a horse. Well, in like 99.99999% of timelines.

there's only roughly 6 eth in this one and it just started like yesterday so I'm fairly tempted to chuck in something and see what happens

EthPyramid is pretty good, has been running for a week, right now if you're investing you're looking at around 1% daily interest. We just need more more volume to increase that to turn it into a cash cow. Best thing is you don't even need the price to go up....You just need volume, and with it comes a lot of dividends. The community is also super good and everyone is working on marketing this and improving the project

so? I bought for 0.25 btc, withdraw 0.35 btc and I still have 3.5m turtle. why is it a shitcoin?

ethpyramid 0.8 eth in already got 0.3 eth in dividends. Price per coin is lower now than when i got in. Its not about the value of the coin its all about the divis.

>you're looking at around 1% daily interest.
haha i think i know where i've heard that one before

wassu wassu wasuu
if we had the first mover advantage that powh fucked up it would be 10%

Eth pyramid looks fucking trash. Hodlcoin.life is still early days and has guaranteed $$$. Only poor pajeets wouldn't put their entire balance in. You're bleeding money now regardless why not grow some balls and make it all back?

im doin ok in ethpyr too...still makin divs, altho they less than when it was super active.

im gonna chuck in for a laugh

How much does it payout? I wanted to get in early on powh shattered there code was shit

Is this one fixed and have I missed the boat?

I just like it cause tho a pyramid it seems to be bulletproof and will be around for a long time. If it rises like a phoenix from the ashes I'll make serious bank.

this code seems to have fixed the problems from the previous ones. hodlcoin.life bro

EthPyramid is the biggest and original

yeah but this just starting so time to jump is now

EthPyramid is legit, I think the most important detail is that the tokens are destroyed when someone sells and the dividends are spread amongst the remaining tokens, so as it get sold down your rate of dividend accrual increases - If it gets down to where the price is very low, the token supply will be very low as well, so your dividend share increases on the way down at exactly the same exponential rate that the early buyers got on the way up initially. This is designed to cause a bounce - We are yet to see if it will truly bounce, but the incentive is there and if it does it will get real interesting very quickly

this does that as well

I use ETHPyramid, so far all my money is still there, lol

best thing about ethpyr is its been around a week and has not been hacked. more than can be said for the rest.

This one looks to be less than 24 hours old. Why go in on eth pyramid when you can get this at the top?

Alot of the new ponzis that come out aren't going anywhere fast since everyone is recovering from the crash and the hack. The Pyramid system works great when you can get at the top but it won't matter if the coin never takes off. The biggest issue atm is trust and eth pyramid is so far the most trustworthy

you can view the smart contract on etherscan. everything with this seems to be pretty legit.

well, 24 hours for a pyr is not early...24 seconds is not bad. after first couple of minutes have to wait for it to dump to get in

It's under 10 eth. It'll be early when it's 100 eth deep.

If you want to join, treat it like that, a game. Don't go with the idea that you're going to make money.

It's like a lottery, you're collectively splitting the total number of tickets sold over a small set of winners.

I've made decent money in ethpyr too. Eth is still there, and I've made divvies too

Thats the key to me...EthPyr is still there and working. I got justed bad in powh fiasco so I dont trust code in new ones

Divs on sells makes it where it doesn't really matter where you get in. Obviously the tokens still cost more if you get in high but, if you hodl long enough you'll still make money

True, and being based on ETH when ETH goes up your value goes up. Activity is the key.

I don't really trust all the small ones, might put some in ethpyramid though, since it's basically the main ponzischeme right now and will probably get the most attention.

All the current powh spinoffs are just a waste of time if you didn't get in early enough to reap the topheavy end of the dividends, and they're going to slowly die off from lack of volume due to complete lack of incentive for new people.

Might as well just wait for Gauntlet at this point, it's actually striving to be less of a scam than the predecessors.

Look who they are partners with... ha ha

Ethpyramid is the only one I trust because of the previous hacks. If the clones can't get any marketing going your eth will be lost.

snek is love, snek is live guis



Glory to snek. Eth pyramid is best pyramid

something tells me thats a joke lol

might be a joke but also has potential utilizing the smart contract, get in early