Her: I think we should go ahead and put down a deposit so we can finally go on our honeymoon this summer

>her: I think we should go ahead and put down a deposit so we can finally go on our honeymoon this summer
>me: uhhh... can it wait a month or two? the money is kind of tied up at the moment
>her: with your crypto thing? you said you’d made like three thousand dollars on that already
>me: well... i did... but it’s down at the moment
>her: how down? you didn’t lose it all did you?
>me: no, of course not, but we’re slightly below where we started at the moment.
>her: our family gave us that money for our honeymoon...
>me: i know but if i take it out now we’ll lose money. it’ll be back up again in a month or two.
>her: i think you better just pull it out now.
>me: ...

Why are women so fucking stupid?

Ur the dumb one for not investing a year ago phagg0t

1) you are a beta
2) you shouldn't have used money she's emotionally attached to

>not getting in a year ago
>putting in money you can't afford to lose
>not selling at the peak
>putting in money that's not yours

you're the one who is "fucking stupid", your wife should dump you and get a real man

i thought that this was somewhat of a meme, but even my gf wants me to take out all of her money (*her* money, mind you) that she has in NXS, which was put in at $3
she just wants to spend it

that's all fine and dandy and everything, but seriously, why would anyone do that


Tell her you are not interested in explaining yourself, that she can calm her tits and get rich with you in the next year or she can get the fuck out. No woman, no puss is worth allowing anyone to disrespect you like she did.

Ugh, what kind of normie bought at the top? Maybe you should kys.

Can I fuck your wife for you?

wow advice from a sociopath.I should not have expected anything less from biz

>be gay
>crypto portfolio goes up a lot
>him: Wow! That's great!
>crypto portfolio goes down
>him: Oh well. I guess it goes up and down. Just wait for it to go up again. I want to buy some too.

What is the appeal of shrieking, fish-smelling women anyway? You need to learn to take cocks in your ass like a real man OP.

Put 5k into crypto in December and still took my wife on a high end honeymoon in January. Don’t be a poor fag

you should pull it out. Money is for USING and this is its use. if you didn't really have a use for it then it would make sense to keep it in.

No man on this planet knows for sure if bitcoin will be up for down in a few months time, anything could happen. you have Utility for that money now. Cash it out and use it and stop getting caught up in human loss aversion - a well known common flaw in human thinking - a bias - you think "I really really hate losing money so i don't want to sell" conversely you do just feel normal when it goes up $3000.
So what I am saying here is - she is right, you are wrong, stop being wrong and take the money out to enjoy your honeymoon

by the sounds of it, everything you said was right
where you fucked up was having a gf that doesnt respect you or your intelligence enough to trust your decisions

Sorry that every moment of your life is a compromise.

my girl is pushing to do KYC for me so that technically its all hers



> projection




Alright, guess we are done here if that is all you have to say. Just remember, it's not too late for you to become more than a non-contributing zero in life.

Okay but seriously guys, it’s going to go back up right?

I mean, not Bitcoin. Fuck Bitcoin, it’s obviously dying off. But the rest of the market?

>viscous insecurities leaking conspicuously


H-ha-ha... ha... real funny guys...


Using the money for other then the intended purpose. The HONEYMOON MONEY meant as a BLESSING from her FAMILY and you blew it on crypto!!?!?

You are worthless.....

>dump it.

lol poorcunt

putting what you cant afford on crypto

better leave it there so she cant claim at at your divorce, lol

>able to pass on genes
>gentle and fair aesthetically
>they don’t fuck you in the ass with a penis
>risk of HIV is drastically lowered
>won’t go to hell and burn for my faggotry when I die

Because you are losing money. Buy low sell high. Which one of these two things did you not do? Guess who fucked up.

this whole dynamic is one of the reasons i hate relationships so fucking much

i dated a girl for 4 years who was like this about everything - she was reasonably calm but she had a strong opinion about every little thing, and always wanted "change" in her life, so like a new/different car, new/different furniture, eating wide variety of foods, travel whenever possible, and then even the small shit, like just arranging the furniture in the house, or painting the walls, I dunno if she had OCD or what but it was like she couldn't chill for a month. We'd end up disagreeing/arguing over almost everything, usually a civil/calm argument, more like strong opinions being exchanged, but still it was annoying as fuck.

Now I pretty much only date extremely submissive/quiet/relaxed girls or bimbos who don't have much of an opinion about anything. Would probably drive me to suicide if I had to regularly deal with shit like that again.

You are the dumb one for "investing" money that you can't afford to lose, in crypto

Dump her like TRX. Get a smarter one.

God. I hope I'm never this broke.

> girls who dont like constant change and adventure in their lives

Dude, those fucking exist?

OP you giant faggot
get a real woman, not some bitch that bosses you around, fucking retard

Not that user but I usually go out with girls with severe mental issues. They're usually pretty hot just fucked up, I put a bit of time into it and my current partner and I have been going out for 3 years now. She's going back to Uni, just got a new job and is great. Sometimes takes a little investment but she just wants to relax and let's me play video games in peace. Plus girls like that always fuck like crazy.

eh, ya its rare though for sure, i think one of the biggest problems nowadays is social media, it makes girls feel hyper competitive and compare their lives to all their social media friends lives. So if her girlfriends husband gets a promotion, or a new car, or they go on a cruise vacation or something, it instantly sparks an emotional response where they want to either match or outdo their friend so that they also have cool stuff to show off on social media... shits a plague on mankind as far as im concerned

I'm lucky to be dating a quiet, introverted girl right now who doesn't use much social media, prefers to stay home 99% of the time chilling and watching netflix when she's not working. can't complain, i prefer this really relaxed, low effort dynamic myself

> Used your honeymoon money given to the both of you
> Invested too late in the game so you got fucked from the dip

You're a dumb cunt, OP. And you just showed your new wife how bad you are with handling money. Kys betafag. I can see you getting cucked by a real man soon.

Youre such a dumb fuck. And why are you using the womans money. What kind of shitty husband are you. Youre lucky she isnt literally fucking a pack of niggers because you deserve it.

>her: honey, i saw on the news this bitcoin thing is going down. Are you still investing in that?
>me: n-not so much anymore, only a little..
>her: ok. Just don't touch our savings and the children's college fund
>me: ;_;

What do I tell her bros? Sooner or later she'll check the books

You're the stupid one for losing your money LOL. Your poor wife doesn't deserve a retard that loses her money and complains on the internet that women are stupid.

>he believes in an afterlife
Truly the biggest cuck of all

But you're going to the muslim hell for being an infidel LOL

>mentally ill
Might as well just fuck a tranny

stahp, OP just wanted to hodl...

you had me up until hell. Afterlife cucks are most pathetic of all.

pulling out right now would be a bad idea but you're the idiot for putting that money in to begin with.

While I agree that you shouldn't invest other people's money, I believe it's plain stupid not to hold atleast some crypto long term.

>letting a dumb roastie have any word on your crypto gains
Wow OP this is the pinnacle of beta cuckoldry