My friends works on Binance and just texted me.... not looking good man, not looking good

My friends works on Binance and just texted me.... not looking good man, not looking good..

database deleted confirmed

I could login, but my balances are not visible.

Hopefully, it was not much (20$ in Ada/Cardano).

Dude my binance friends also texted me and said to “say goodbye to your Link”. What the fuck?? Did we get exit scameed?

NOW IT IS VISIBLE. Still there.

Stfu, my wallets and balance are visible.

I meant my ADA/Cardano, I dont know about Link. I did not buy into them

yeah it showed up, but I had to try more often. They seem to have backend problems.

Not looking pretty man, not looking pretty...

My binance friends said "bend over"

What does it mean????

Let’s be honest here. 12 hours to sync a database?

Fuck, so the deleted tweet was true?

AKA everyonesgettingchinked lmaobye

Loving every laugh as binance crumbles. If you bought Clif Highs latest report you knew this was coming.

Comfy as fuck.

The world is not anymore the way it used to be. Mm-mm, no no no

...or to 'sink' a database?

ETH and BTC hot wallets are intact
BTC cold wallet is intact

My dad works for Nintendo


Yeah I can’t be the only one who saw it? If youre on binance you’re fucked guys. I’m already deleting my ~$55k worth of coins on there off my blockfolio, shit is toast

How is this even possible? Binance has to be one of the biggest targets on the planet right now and this is their disaster recovery? At least a day of downtime because of a "server issue" so they can manually copy their production database down to a "replica" (read: out of sync, not replica, very fucking bad)? If this can happen to the replica it can happen to prod. Now imagine what their other processes must be like.

Billions of dollars at work. Billions. You cant just fucking "go down". No matter what understand this. With 2018 tech and billions in your pocket your infrastructure can be such shit-tier that it takes you day or more to stand a database server back up. Apparently the new world economy is running on fucking fisher price gear.

Whats the security like? What happens when that "goes down"? And billions in trades "go down". Binance better get there shit together real fucking quick. Because regardless of the outcome or what anyone thinks, best case scenario, they just got fucking exposed.


WTF Binance just saved me 100k in taxes LMAO

This is starting to get really suss. Have heard from an old mate of mine who works in the server room and he says some of the upper level tech guys are on it but they're not saying anything and all look really worried. He says it not like a usual maintenance where they just change some stuff and everyone is scrambling but they're not allowed to talk about because of strict rules.

I would say, be ready for shit to hit the floor hard. I've got my stuff off Binance (luckily) but I'm moving to another exchange now and selling to catch the bottom when this shit gets out

My dad works at nintendo and he says Binance got hacked by the NSA!!! We're doomed!!!!!!!!!!11111one

game over man, game over

Literally this,
>binance: fucking useless, doesn't warn users about security back up, CAN'T TRADE FOR 12 HOURS.
>Vanguard consulting: never any down time, great customer communication, always avaiable for inquires on issues.
shit like this is why I sold at 17k and invested in the stock market with my earnings.

The only important thing in all of this is that every pansy who took refuge in tethers there will get fucked if the whole market rebounds in the next few hours. I hope it does. : )

I have a friend who works at Binance who says the CEO is sitting on the most effective cancer treatment know to man.

What deleted tweet boys??

Ignore them it's FUD

Man, this place is toxic. We are trying to warn people and you fuckers are trying to lie and let people get burned.

Ask yourself, who do you believe? Veeky Forums - who laugh at everyone all the time when shit hits the fan? Or the guys here from Reddit who are trying to warn you!!!

this is what a fleeing Binance CEO would say

If you're larping, which I'm 99.99% you are, get hit by a car tomorrow.


My dad works there. He told me I'm going to have to move out and get a real job.
Hold me.

unironically never listen to anything on this board, just do a google search and weigh your odds.
don't take advice from some shit heads on an image board.



Mine is not showing?

My dad works at Binance and he said they are all chinese

C'mon OP we all know thats not true...

You don't have any friends.

my dads chinese he said you're a nigger

Big if true.

for all the people falling for this obvious FUD

watch the presentation the binance CEO gave in Korea blockchain seminar. I trust him with every penny I own

Hows that working out for you right now?

Insider here. The results of the chainlink testnet at comdex have been outstanding and leaked. First binance upped the transfer fee for LINK to accumulate and now has the site down so as they can trade off their BTC and take LINK positions. Buckle up.


My dad just got home from work at Binance stuck his head in my door said "Penis" and walked out, wtf man?

they literally BANNED ME for asking what was going on!!!!!

fuck i thought this was fud before now is time to panic wtf!!!!

~Wow, monster ate my LINKS

Haha I told everyone to pull out of Binance 2 days ago and you all told me I was a faggot. lol

>~Wow, monster ate my LINKS

Co-hosting datacentre here. We were told NOT to do DR.

Insider here. The results of the chainlink testnet at comdex have been outstanding and leaked. First binance upped the transfer fee for LINK to accumulate and now has the site down so as they can trade off their BTC and take LINK positions. Buckle up.

holy fuck i lost my coins. this is not a fucking joke

Sorry you sold at 6k.