Crafting about to go LIVE!

Hey Biz!

Super excited to announce that Ethercraft's Crafting Contract is about to go live!

Test crafting your corn helmet here!

Crafting is going to play a HUGE part in this. Imagine being able to craft up some exclusive items and be able to sell it for crazy eth. This is the direction this game is going in!

Not to mention the official 0x twitter just tweeted about Ethercraft.
This is about to get interesting!

There has only been 3 releases, more will be followed, giving all of us a chance to still get in on the ground floor. The Devs are handling this extremely well! Check out the medium articles for more info, also join the discord for live updates!

Other urls found in this thread:


neat, I stacked up on corn

Really would like to see some videos of the actual game in action. This whole thing is useless without the game being fun & mainstream.

fuckin SICK. We have some verification that something is actually being done... Lol it might just become a real game.

agreed, this is the best we have atm

testing the corn helmet now

Understandable, right now they’re building the game so when the gameplay comes out, everything meshes into it.

The only fud about Ethercraft is, “there’s no gameplay” which makes sense but then after spending some time in the community, you realize the big scope of things. They are setting out to do something that no other game is doing right now. And they are also building a game economy within that will have its own in-game token.

Even 0x tweeted about it just right now, it’s still early so whoever is reading this. Join the discord for more info! Have a good one

Daily reminder, discord shills are in full force with their ponzi scam.

first to 10000 corn hats gets 10000 corn hats.

lol you're not gonna feel too smart real soon

invest in etherwords

In what ways is this a ponzi? We are promoting CRAFTING you idiot. Nothing in it entails a ponzi. I swear, people are fudding themselves into poverty. Do some research first, please.

Wait, you don’t think this is legit? How come the official 0x twitter just tweeted about Ethercraft? Interesting.....

Thanks for the fud though, helps people see the real truth when we counter

Community wiki here with info on crafting:

daily reminder you're a faggot

Am i going to make it lads?

needs more corn helmets

You faggots made me buy your bullshit and never got my money back, no one is buying items anymore and anyone buying now will lose their money.


Got one now

>buy something purely for speculation when its clearly a game
>buy something knowing you can only get money from it if more people buy after you
>complain when the hype dies and the devs are hunkering down to build new functionality

hUrR dUUrrrr ITS a ScaaMMM

"urr I can't sell game items I bought before the game is released that other people could just buy themselves, u trikked meeh!"

this shit is fucking evil

lol not our fault you were late as fuck. Just wait until the game comes out. Jesus christ

>UFR and BAZINGACOIN all over again!
your track record is abysmal you fucking pajeet, no wonder you bought in late expecting some kind of returns

??? source??? This is just proof that you actually know nothing about the devs, game, or purpose

??? source?? This is just proof you know literally nothing about the devs, game, or anything having to do with it

Here comes some more fud.

This is why you DYOR. If you know anything about Ethercraft you would understand this. The auction house is about to be open in a week or so. So what this means, is you’ll be able to collect dividends on the items and then sell them when the AH is open. If you buy an item early then you obviously will make more dividends. I bought have of my items later on because I know these are limited and will be worth a lot more in the future. Also I plan on using these to mine eth in the game.

You can literally play this game and make eth, sustainably. Other game a you might be able to make eth but for how long?

Take your skinner box the fuck away

oh so you just mad about everything huh. ok lol

(oh so you just mad about everything huh)



>t. butthurt nocorner who is Too Smart to play

This isn't suspicious at all

are you schizophrenic or have you never posted on your phone before because you don't go outside?

it's not suspicious, it was a joke lol.

Guys, please take this to #off-topic

If you are new and want to get in on this. Dont buy from the shop, go on the trading channel. Way cheaper.

Yes this is true. The discord trading section has some good info and leads. But keep in mind if you purchase on a 3rd party site, you will not get dividends. Not necessarily a deal breaker though. A new release is coming out shortly so you’ll be able to get the first items, usually around .01 or so